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AT Legislation
Term | Definition |
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) | If an IEP calls for assistive devices or services, the LEA or state must provide them as related services. |
National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) | As required by the IDEIA, NIMAC receives source files in NIMAS format from textbook publishers, and makes these files available for download to an online database. |
Elementary and Secondary Education Act | Requires all students to participate in academic assessments and requires reasonable adaptations and accommodations for students with disabilities |
Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 | Employers must make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities; persons with disabilities must have equal access to all local and state programs, services, and activities; places of public accommodation must be accessible |
Assistive Technology Act 2004 | Created national website on assistive technology; provides funding to the 50 states and six territories to develop permanent, comprehensive, statewide programs of technology-related assistance |
Section 504 | Student must receive FAPE; an appropriate education may include regular or special education and related aids and services to accommodate the unique needs of individuals with disabilities |
508 of the Voc Rehab Act | 1992 Amendment requires Federal agencies to make electronic information technology accessible to persons with disabilities |
Gaskin v. Pennsylvania | Ensures that IEP teams consider the regular classroom with supplementary aids and services before considering a more restrictive placement |