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Civil Aviation is all non-military aviation – private and commercial → it includes Scheduled air transport and General aviation (GA)
Scheduled air transport includes all passenger and cargo flights operated on regularly scheduled routes
General aviation (GA) includes all other civil flights, private or commercial
Commercial aviation includes most or all flying done for hire, particularly scheduled service on airlines
Private aviation includes pilots flying for their own purposes (recreation, business meetings, etc.) without receiving any kind of remuneration
International Civil Aviation Organization – ICAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) – it codifies the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and development of international air transport to ensure its safe and orderly growth
International Air Transport Association – IATA is an international industry trade group of airlines. IATA's mission is to represent, lead, and serve the airline industry
Trade association Obchodni sdruzeni
Air traffic Letecky provoz
Activity Cinnost
Industry policy and standards Zasady a normy odvetvi
To be headquarted Mit sidlo
Input Vklad, prinost
To reflect Odrazet
International treaty Mezinarodni smlouva
Air transport agreement Letecka dohoda
Benchmark standard Srovnavaci standard
To be charged Byt poveren
Fare structure Tarifni struktura
To avoid Vyloucit, zbavit se
Safety Provozni bezpecnost
Security Bezpecnost
Measures to track aircraft Opatreni ke sledovani letadel
Risk assessment Odhad rizika
Differentiation Odliseni
Simplifying the business Zjednoduseni podnikani
Bar coded boarding pass Palubni vstupenka s carovym kodem
Stakeholder Akcionar
Sequential Nasledujici
Goal Cil
Fuel efficiency Uspora paliva
Cap Strop
Carbon emissions Uhlikove emise
Travel agent accreditation Akreditace cestovnich agentur
To look after Hlidat
Business intelligence Obchodni analyza
Air transport industry Odvetvi letecke dopravy
Location identifier Identifikator polohy
To designate Urcit
Baggage tag Zavazadlovy stitek, visacka
Check-in desk Odbavovaci prepazka
To assign Pridelit
Biannualy 1-krat za 2 roky
Directory Adresar, seznam
Database of taxes Danova databaze
Accreditation Akreditace
Civil aviation Civilni letectvi
Standards and recommended practices (SARPs) Standardy a doporucene postupy
Agency Agentura
Scheduled air transport Pravidelna letecka doprava
General aviation Vseobecne letectvi
Operation Provoz
Regulatory distinction Regulacni rozdil
To fly for hire Letat za penize
Commercial aviation Obchodni letectvi
Private aviation Soukrome letectvi
Operator Provozovatel
To authorize Povolit, schvalit, opravnit
To perform Provadet, vykonavat
Operation certificate Osvedceni provozovatele
To accelerate Urychlit, zrychlit
Airframe Drak (trup) letadla
To convert Prestavet, konvertovat
Glut Nadbytek
Jet airliner Proudove (tryskove) letadlo
Airliner Dopravni letadlo
scheduled services Pravidelne sluzby
Achievement Uspech
Failure Selhani
Shape Tvar
Crack Prasknuti, prasklina
Metal fatigue Unava kovu
Catastrophic failure Katastroficke selhani
Fuselage Trup letadla
Design Konstrikce, projekt, navrh
Civil aviation authorities Organ civilniho letectvi, letecky urad
Convention Umluva
FAA Federal Aviation Adminisstration Letecky urad USA
Personnel licending Licencovani personalu
Flight operations Letovy provoz
Safety oversight Bezpecnostni dozor
Airworthiness Letova zpusobilost
To oversee Dohlizet
Maintenance Udrzba
Aerodrome Letiste
Aerodrome facilities Letistni zarizeni
Air traffic services Letove provozni sluzby
Airspace Vzdusny prostor
Constitution Ustava
To draw up Sepsat, navrhnout
To be a party Byt stranou (clenem)
Contracting state Smluvni stat
According to the terms Podle podminek
To be made up Skladat se
Assembly Shromazdeni
Council Rada
Subordinate Podrizeny
Chief officer Vedouci predstavitel
President of the council Predseda rady
Secretary general Generalni tajemnik
Sovereign body Vrcholovy organ
To review Posuzovat
To set policy Nastavit zasady
Triennial Trilety
Budget Rozpocet
Governing body Vykonny (ridici) organ
Under three headings Na zaklade tri cilu
Contribution Prispevek
Provision of facilities Poskytovani zarizeni
To adopt Prijimat
To incorporate Zaclenit, zahrnout, zaradit
Annex Priloha
Air navigation bureau Urad pro let. navigaci
Air transport bureau Urad pro let. dopravu
Legal bureau Pravni kancelar
Administration and services Sprava a sluzby
Approach Pristup, priblizeni
Contracting party Smluvni strana
Non-governmental organization Nevladni organizace
Prevention of economic vaste Predchazeni hospodarske krizi
Fair competition Poctiva soutez
Aviation law Letecky zakon
Particular subject area Konkretni isciplina (oblast)
To be subject to Podlehat
In respect of S ohledem na
To give notification Oznamit
To notify Oznamit
Supplement Dodatek
To preclude Vyloucit, zabranit, zamezit
Stringent Prisny, durazny, striktni
Rules of the airt Pravidla letani
Aeronautical charts Letecke mapy
Units of mesurement Jednotky mereni
Operation of aircraft Provozovani letadla
Facilitation Usnadneni, zjednoduseni
Air traffic services Letove provozni sluzby
Search and rescue Patrani a zachrana
Aircraft incident and accident investigation Vysetrovani leteckych nehod a udalosti
Aerodrome Letiste
Environmental protection Ochrana zivotniho prostredi
Dangerous goods Nebezpecne zbozi
Safety management Rizeni bezpecnosti
Bernoulli Principle Bernouliho zakon
Principle of conservation of energy Zakon o zachovani energie
Pressure differantial Rozdil tlaku
Force of gravity Gravitacni sila
To counter Celit
Static lift Staticky vztlak
Airfoil Aeroodynamicky profil
Propulsion Pohon, hnaci
Unpowered aircraft Bezmotorove letadlo
Powered airplane Motorove letadlo
Engine Motor
Piston engine, reciprocating engine Pistovy motor
Propeller Vrtule
Thrust Tah
Turboprop Turbovrtulovy
Jet aircraft Proudove (tryskove) letadlo
Combustion chamber Spalovaci komora
Exhaust Vyfuk, vyfukove plyny
To accelerate Urychlit
To designe Konstruovat, navrhovat
Demand Pozadavek, poptavka
Safety protocol Pozadavky bezpecnosti
Constraint Omezeni
Structure of an aircraft Slozeni letadla
Fuselage Trup letadla
Airframe Drak letadla
Propulsion system Pohonny system
Power unit Pohonna jednotka
Power source Zroj pohonu
Avionics Avionika
Control Rizeni
Flight envelope Letova obalka (vlastnosti)
Performance envelope Vykonova obalka
Cockpit Pilotni kabina
Range Dolet
Airborne Ve vzduchu
Impact Dopad, vliv
General aviation Vseobecne letectvi
Scheduled air transprtation Pravidelna letecka doprava
Charter flight Chartrovy let (na objednavku)
Wide-body aircraft Sirokotrupe letadlo
Narrow-body aircraft Uzkotrupe letadlo
Twin aisle Se dvema ulickami
Single aisle S jednou ulickou
Silhouette, outline Tvar
Feature Rys, prvek
Shape of the wing Tvar kridla
tapered Zuzeny
Control wheel Ridici paka
Leading edge Nabezna hrana
Rectangular Obdelnikovy
Trailing edge Odtokova hrana
Swept Sipovy
Monoplane Jednoplosnik
Biplane Dvouplosnik
Low-wing Dolnoplosnik
Mid-wing Stredoplosnik
High-wing Hornoplosnik
Single-engined Jednomotorovy
Two (twin)-engined Dvoumotorovy
Three (triple)-engined Trimotorovy
Flight deck Pilotni kabina
Flight compartment Pilotni kabina
Windscreen Celni sklo
Nose wheel Predni kolo podvozku
Tail unit, empennage Ocasni plochy
Cargo hold Nakladovy prostor
Cylinder Valec
Passenger deck Paluba s kabinou pro cestujici
Pressurized cabin Pretlakova kabina
Designated Urceny
To designate Urcit
Access Pristup
Fin Kyl
Vertical stabilizer, rudder Smerovka
Horizontal stabilizer, elevator Vyskovka
Pitch Pohyb nahoru a dolu
Yaw Otaceni doprava-doleva
Roll Naklon, naklaneni
Centre of gravity Teziste
Ballance point Rovnovazny bod
Perpendicular Kolmy
Drag Aerodynamicky odpor
Pylon Nosnik
Flap Klapka
Slat Slot
Movable part Pohybliva cast
Extended flaps Vysunute klapky
Retracted flaps Zatazene klapky
Take-off Vzlet
Touch-down Dosednuti
Ailerons Kridelka
Banking Naklon
Starboard wing Prave kridlo
Port wing Leve kridlo
Side-stick controller Bocni ridici paka
Spoiler Spoiler
To spoil Kazit, pokazit
Power plant Hnaci jednotka
Glider Kluzak
Hang glider Zavesny kluzak
Paraglider Padakovy kluzak
Tow plane Tazne letadlo
Winch Navijak
Commuter airline Pripojova let.spolecnost
Noise pollusion Hlukova zatez
Supersonic Nadzvukovy
Subsonic speed Podzvukova rychlost
Population density Hustota osidleni
Solar powered aircraft Letadlo na solarni pohon
Solar cell Solarni panel
Unmanned aircraft Bezpilotni letadlo
Remote control Dalkove rizeni
Device Zarizeni, pristroj, agregat
Landing gear, undercarriage Podvozek
Shock Tlumic
Axle Naprava
Gear Rychlost, vybava, vystroj
Gearbox Prevodovka
Tire Pneumatika
Nitrogen Dusik
Inert Netecny
Blowout Prasknuti pneumatiky
Airliner Dopravni letadlo
Long-haul flight Dalkovy let
Hub Stredisko, centrum, uzel
Hub airport Uzlove letiste
Spoke Paprsek kola
Medium-distance flight Let na stredni vzdalenost
Pod Gondola
Aircrew Letova posadka
Captain Kapitan
Pilot-in-command Velitel letadla
First officer Druhy pilot, co-pilot
Flight engineer Palubni inzenyr
Air mechanic Palubni mechanik
Purser Vedouci kabiny
Flight attendant Palubni pruvodci
Stewardess Stevardka
Loadmaster Loadmaster
Weight and balance Vyvazeni
Standing Stani
Pushback Vytlacovani
Towing Tazeni
Tow vehicle Tahac
Elevation Nadmorska vyska
Altitude Vyska
Takeoff power Vzletovy vykon
Cruising altitude Cestovni vyska
Cruising speed Cestovni rychlost
Headwind Protivitr
Tailwind Vitr do zad
To steer Ridit, kormidlovat
Instrument approach Pristrojove priblizeni
Glide slope Sestupova rovina
Throttle Plynova paka
Thrust reverser Obracec tahu
Phases of the flight Faze letu
Push-back Vytlacovani
Taxi-out Vyjezd ze stojanky
To taxi Pojizdet
Taxiway Pojezdova draha
To secure Zajistit
Jetway, airbridge, passenger boarding bridge Nastupni most
Runway Vzletova a pristavaci draha
Motorized vehicle Motorizovane vozidlo
Tug Tahac
To power back Provest zpevny chod, vycouvat
Thrust reverser Obracec tahu
To back Vycouvat
Clearance Povoleni
Air Traffic Control Rizeni Letoveho Provozu
Takeoff Vzlet
Climb Stoupani
To proceed Pokracovat
To advance the throttle Posouvat plynovou pakou
To align Vyrovnat, zarovnat
Steering Rizeni
To accomplish Vykonat, provest
Foot pedal Pedal
Nose wheel Predni podvozkove kolo
Lift Vztlak
Predertmined Predem urceny
Rotation speed Rotacni rychlost
In excess of Nad
Angle of attack Uhel nabehu
Severe Tezky, drsny, narocny
To disrupt Narusit, prerusit
To retract Zatahnout
Cavity Dutina, dira, otvor
To be airborne Byt ve vzduchu
Wind resistance Odolnost proti vetru
Cruise Let cestovni rychlosti
Consistent Stejny, nemenny
Designated airway Urcena letova cesta
Flight map Letova mapa
Radio navigation beacon Radio navigacni majak
Inertial navigation system Inercni navigacni system
Heading Smer letu, kurz
Constallation of satellites Postaveni druzic
To pinpoint Presne urcit
Capability Schopnost
Descent Sestup, klesani
Landing Pristani
Kite Papirovy drak
Supersonic Nadzvukovy
Heavier-than-air Tezsi nez vzduch
Man-made flight Clovekem provedeny let
Hydrogen Vodik
Hot-air balloon Horkovzdusny balon
Manned flight Rizeny let
Free-flying Volne letajici
Tethered Upevneny na lane
Tether Provaz, lano
To tether Privazat, pripevnit
Airship Vzducholod
Rigid dirigible ballon Rizeny vystuzeny balon
Long-distance flight Dalkovy let
Flying boat Letajici clun
Military aviation Vojenske letectvo
Digital electronics Digitalni elektronika
Aerodynamic lift Aerodynamicky vztlak
Lift Vztlak
To generate Vytvaret
Airflow Proudeni vzduchu
Thrust Tah motoru
Aeronautics Letectvi
Unpowered aerostat Bezmotorovy aerostat
Buoyancy Schopnost vznaset se
Capsule Kabina, kapsle
Envelope Obal
Directional control Smerove rizeni
To rise Stoupat
To sink Klesat
Flammability Horlavost
Blimp Lehka vzducholod
To hover Vznaset se na miste
Hull Trup lodi
Tail fin Ocasni ploutev
To displace Vytlacit, nahradit
To support Podporovat
Swept wing Sipove kridlo
Lifting surface Nosne plochy
Motor-glider Motorovy kluzak
Gliding Bezmotorove letani
Skid Lizina
Canopy Platena sriska
Retractable Zatazitelny
Fixes-wing aircraft Letadlo s pevnymi kridly
Airspeed Vzdusna rychlost
Rotary-wing aircraft Letadlo s rotujicimi nosnymi plochy
Ornithopter Ornitoptera
Seaplane Hydloplan
Lifting force Sila zvedani
Tilk Naklon
Linkage Propojeni
Operating mechanism Ovladaci mechanismus
Control yoke Ridici paka, knipl
Lever Paka
To alter Merit
Air brakes Aerodynamicka brzdy
Cyclocopter Cyklokoptera
Autogyro Virnik
Gyrodyne Gyrodyn
Mast Stezen
Landing skids Podvozkove liziny
To exert Vyvijet
Inversely proportional Neprimo umerny
To decrease Snizovat
To increase Zvysovat
Vice versa Obracene
Underside Spodni strana
Flat Plochy
Curved Zaobleny
Slanted Nakloneny
To bunch Shlukovat
Bunch Chomac
Pressure differential Rozdil tlaku
Force of gravity Gravitacni sila
Tail assembly Ocasni plochy
Tapered Zuzeny
Off limits Mimo prostor
Galley Palubni bufet
Lavatory Toaleta
Closet Skrinka
Overhead bin Ulozny prostor nad hlavou
Pressurized Pretlakovy
Alloy panel Slitinovy panel
Point of attachment Misto pripojeni
Balance point Bod vyvazeni
Hollow Duty
Depth Hloubka
Empennage Ocasni plochy
Equilibrium Rovnovaha
Straight Rovny, primy
Hydraulic lines Hydraulicke vedeni
Automatic yaw dampers Automaticke klapky
Deflect Vychylit, odklonit
To spoil Narusit
To deploy Nastavit
Final approach Konecne priblizeni
Extention Vysunuti
Structural integrity Konstrukcni integrita
Undercarriage assembly Podvozkova sestava
Shocks Tlumice
Axles Napravy
Support structures Podpurne konstrukce
Gasoline engine Benzinovy motor
Widespread use Siroke vyuziti
Compressor blades Lopatky kompresoru
To ignite Zapalit
Exhaust thrust Vytlacny tah (sila)
Turbojet enine Proudovy motor
Turbofan Dvouproudovy motor
Fan Ventilator, vetrnik
Turboprop Turbovrtulovy
Short rage aircraft Letadlo s kratkym doletem
Commuter airline Pripojova letecka spolecnost
Created by: PolinaUmerenkova
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