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Economics Ekonomie
Economy Ekonomika, hospodarstvi
Industries Prumyslova odvetvi, odbor
Command ekonomy Prikazova ekonomika
Traditional ekonomy Tradicni ekonomika
Planned economy Planovane hospodarstvi
(free) market ekonomy Trzni ekonomika
Mixed economy Smisena ekonomika
Transition economy Prechodova ekonomika
Tax proposals Danove navrhy
Available resources Dosazitelne zdroje
Scarcity Vzacnost
Key phenomenon Klicovy, hlavni jev
Needs Potreby
to endorse Podepsat, schvalit
Expoitation of resources Vyuziti zdroju
To deal with an issue Vyresit problem
Valuable commodities Cenne komodity, zbozi
Aggregate Agregat, souhrn
Stable Stabilni
Recession Recese
Household Domacnost
Consumer Spotrebitel
Supply Nabidka
Demand Poptavka
Goal Cil
Laissez-faire Liberalni styl rizeni, nezasahovani do cinnosti
Output Vytezek, vyroba
Directives Narizeni
To pursue a goal Sledovat cil
Perfect competition Volna konkurence
Welfare Blahobyt
Consumption Spotreba
Intervention Zasahy, intervence
Free market Volny trh
Industry Prumysl
Branch Odvetvi
Trade Obchod
To process raw materials Zpracovavat suroviny
Semi-products Polotovary
To turn out Vyrabet
Mining Tezba
Primary industry Primarni odvetvi
To manufature Vyrabet
Manufacturing industry Zpracovatelsky prumysl
Enterprise Podnik
Mill, plant, works Tovarna
Secondary industry Sekundarni odvetvi
Tertiary sphere Tercialni sfera
To cease to exist Zaniknout
Economic order Ekonomicky rad
To distinguish Rozlisit, rozeznat
Goods Zbozi, statky
Commodity Komodity, zbozi
To intervene in the economy Zasahovat do ekonomiky
Traditional, custom economy Tradicni, zvykova ekonomika
To subsist Zit, existovat
Division of labour Delba prace
Stick to Drzet se
Survive Prezit
Custom Obycej, zvyk
Shortage Nedostatek
Abundant supplies Hojne zasoby
Saleable commodities Prodejne zbozi
Unsaleable commodities Neprodejne zbozi
Suppressed initiative Potlacena iniciativa
Free enterprise Svobodne podnikani
Profitability Ziskovost, rentabilita
Interaction Vyajemne pusobeni
Fiscal instruments Nastroje fiskalni politiky
Monetary instruments Nastroje monetarni politiky
Intervene in sth. Zasahovat do neceho
Restitution Restituce
Private ownership Soukrome vlastnictvi
Measures Opatreni
Revision of laws Revize zakonu
Codes Zakoniky
Regulations Narizeni, regulace
GNP - gross national product Hruby narodni produkt
Salary Plat
National income Narodni duchod
joint stock company, corporation (AM) Akciova spolecnost
Subsidiary Dcerinny podnik
General meeting Valna hromada
Board of directors Spravni rada
National budget Statni rozpocet
Exchange rate Menovy kurz
Shareholder Akcionar
Stock exchange Burza
Rate of inflation Mira inflace
Enterpreneur Podnikatel
Devaluation Devalvace
Business cycle Hospodarsky cyklus
National budget deficit Rozpoctovy deficit
Balance of payments Platebni bilance
Depreciation Amortizace, odpisy, znehodnoceni
Appreciation of a currency Zhodnocovani meny
Merger Fuze
Takeover Prevzeti firmy
Import Vyvoz
Export Dovoz
Heavy debt Velky dluh
Bankruptcy Bankrot
Boom Konjuktura
Revaluation Revalvace
Up market Trh s drazsim zbozi
Economic Hospodarsky, ekonomicky
Economical Hospodarny, usporny
Economist Ekonom
Economies of scale Uspory z rozsahu produkce
Political economy Politicka ekonomie
Private property Soukromy majetek
Subsidies Dotace
To write off a debt Odepsat dluh
Balanced budget Vyrovnany rozpocet
Stable currency Stabilni mena
Capital inflow Priliv kapitalu
Invisible balance Bilance sluzeb
Uncollectible debt Nedobytny dluh
To collect debt Vymahat dluh
Undertaking Podnikani
Financial means Financni prostredky
Foreign debt Zahranicni dluh
Standard of living Zivotni uroven
Economies of scope Uspory ze sortimentu
To penetrate the market Proniknout na trh
Rate of investment Mira investic
Law of Supply and Demand Zakon nabidky a poptavky
Market price Trzni cena
Competition Konkurence
Supply and demand curves Krivky nabidky a poptavky
Elasticity of supply/demand Pruznost nabidky/poptavky
Utility Uzitecnost, uzitek
Savings Uspory
Public goods Verejne statky
Purchasing power Kupn9 s9la
Notes, coins Bankovky, mince
Interest Urok
Foreign exchange Deviza
Exchange rate Devizovy kurz
Means of payment Platidlo
Medium of exchange Prostredek smeny
Store of value Uchovatel hodnoty
Financial assest Financni aktiva
Measure of value Mira hpdnoty
Securities Cenne papiry
Shares Akcie
Bonds Dluhopisy, obligace
Unit of account Zuctovaci jednotka
Commodity money Komoditni penize
Precious metal Cenny kov
Note issue Emise bankovek
Fiat money Nekryte bankovky
Legal tender Zakonne platidlo
Money in circulation Penize v obehu
Current account Bezny ucet
Assets Aktiva
Bill of exchange Smenka
Mortgage Hypoteka
Deposit account Vkladovy ucet
Interest rate Urokova sazba/mira
To lend Pujcit
To borrow Vypujcit
Loan Uver, pujcka
To bear, earn, pay interest Vynaset urok
Foreign exchange market Trh zahranicnich men
Floating exchange rate Flexibilni menovy kurz
Fixed exchange rate Pevny menovy kurz
Creditor Veritel
Debtor Dluznik
Liability Zavazky
Filing taxes Podani dani
File a tax return podat daňové přiznání
Sole Proprietorship Zivnostnik
Loss Ztrata, ubytek
Accountable Zodpovedny
Business entity Podnikatelsky subjekt
Bill Ucet, faktura
Partnerships Verejna obchodni spolecnost
Pool resources Sdileni zdroju
Funding Financni zdroje, financovani
Obtain a business licence Ziskat licence
Internal Revenue Services Financni urad USA
Raise capital Ziskat kapital
Personal liability Osobni ruceni
Corporation Korporace, akciova spol
Limited partnership Komanditni spol
Single legal entity Pravnicka osoba, subjekt
Property Majetek
Sue Zalovat
Sharehold Akcionar
Stock Akcie
Business operation Provoz businessu
Contractor Dodavatel
Full board/half board Plna/polopenze
Executive summary Podnikatelsky zamer
Funding request Financni pozadavek
Appendix Priloha, dodatek
Assets = Revenues+Property Aktiva= Vynosy+Majetek
Assets/Liabilities Aktiva/Passiva
Fee Honorar
Budget Rozpocet
Overheads Provozni naklady
Rate Sazba
Revenue Vynosy
Balance sheet Rozvaha
Overdraft Precerpani
To negotiate a better deal, price Vyjednavat lepsi obchod, cenu
Next season´s rates Sazby pristi sezony
To view self-catering properties Prohlidka ubytovani s vlastnim stravovanim
To inspect quality Zkontrolovat kvalitu
A handling agent Manipulacni agent ?
To agree to contributions for advertising Sohlasit s prispevky za reklamu
To barter for room rates Vymenit ceny za pokoj
To increase room allocations Zvyseni alokace pokoju
To brter for upgrades Vymenit za vylepseni
To sign up a deal Podepsat obchod
A bargaining tool Nastroj vyjednavani
To give out rewards Rozdavat odmeny
To cater for business traffic Poskytovat sluzby business-klientele
Supplier Poskytovatel, dodavatel
Ongoing analysis Prubezna analyza
Related to the environment Související s zivotnim prostredi
Impacts Dopady
Facilities Zarizeni
Awareness Budovani povedomi
Environmental pollution Znecisteni zivotni prostredi
Contribute Prispet
Misuse of natural resources Zneuziti prirodnich zdroju
Resulted in Za nasledek
Viable Zivotoschopnost
Lead Vest
Threat Hrozba
Distrust Neduvera
Responsibility Odpovednost
Avoiding Predchazet
To refer to Oznacovat, znamenat
To make up = to create Vytvorit
To include Zahrnout, obsahovat
Trade Obchod, trh
To differentiate a product Odlisit
To enhance quality Zvysit kvalitu
To deliver dodavat
A retailer Obchodnik
Retail business Maloobchod
Wholesale business Velkoobchod
By word of mouth Ustnim podanim
Press report Tiskova zprava
Incentives Pobidky motivacni
Consumer scheme Zakaznicky program
Awards, prizes Oceneni
Contest Soutez
Recover Uzdravit se
Marketing research Marketingovy vyzkum
Satisfy the needs Uspokojit potreby
Intangible/tangible Nehmotny/hmotny
Ensure Zajistit
decline Pokles
Competitor Konkurent
Establish Zalozit
Freedom of movement Svobodny presun
Evolve Vyvinut se
Adopted Osvojeny
Launched Vypustit
Abolition Zruseny
Retire Odejit do duchodu
Treat Zachazet
directly elected primo zvoleny
Govern Vladnout, ridit
Committed Verny, oddany
Created by: PolinaUmerenkova
Popular Czech sets




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