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Age of Exploration
Question | Answer |
Where did the Vikings originate? | Norway, Sweden and Denmark |
What does the word Viking mean? | Pirate |
What Viking was credited as the first European to set down upon North America? | Leif Erikson |
What type of ship did the Vikings utilize? | Longship |
Why did the European wish to explore the world? | Gold, Glory and God |
How did Prince Henry encourage international exploration? | School of Navigation |
Which explorer created the trade route around Africa to India? | Vasco Da Gama |
What explorer is credited with discovering the New World? | Christopher Columbus |
What country financed Christopher Columbus' journey? | Spain |
What was Christopher Columbus looking for on his expedition? | All water route to the Asia from the west |
What three ships were on the original Columbus expedition? | Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria |
Where did those three ships first land? | San Salvador |
When did those three ships land in the Americas? | October 12, 1492 |
How did Spain and Portugal solve their issue over the New World? | The Pope issued the Line of Demarcation |
How was the Line of Demarcation adjusted? | Treaty of Tordesillas moved Line of Demarcation over 800 miles |
For whom was the New World named? | Amerigo Vespucci |
Whom did Hernan Cortes defeat? | Aztecs |
Whom did Francisco Pizzaro defeat? | Incas |
What extensive road system linked New Spain? | El Camino |
What were the three types of settlements in New Spain? | Pueblo, Mission, Presidio |
How did the Spanish treat Native Americans? | Like slaves or second class citizens |
What was the encomienda system? | System to tax the Native Americans |
Who was credited with being the first to circumnavigate the world? | Ferdinand Magellan |
What Spanish explorer searched Florida for the Fountain of Youth? | Juan Ponce de Leon |
How did the French treatment of Native Americans differ from that of the English and Spanish? | French treated the Natives as equals, learned their languages and customs and married their women. The Spanish enslaved the Native Americans. |
Which French explorer claimed the land around the St. Lawrence River and named Canada? | Jacques Cartier |
What was the basis of the New France economy? | Fur trapping and Trading |
Where was the only Dutch settlement in the New World? | New York area near Hudson Bay |
Who claimed that land for the Dutch? | Henry Hudson |
Why did the European powers have to leave the Americas for a new source of cheap labor? | Native Americans killed by European diseases |
From where were African slaves first brought to America? | West Africa |
When did the Spanish government legalize the slave trade? | 1510 |
What was the slave ship voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to Americas known as? | Middle Passage |
What was the death rate of the slaves on these ships? | 1 in 6 died |
How did slave culture develop in the New World? | Blend of various African cultures highlighting family, religion and art/dance |
Which explorer claimed land along the east coast near New England in the name of England? | John Cabot |
What three items were exchanged in the Triangular Trade? | Molasses, rum, and slaves |
What two modern roads were originally created under Peter Syvesant's leadership in New Amsterdam? | Wall Street and Broadway |
Why did the Dutch surrender New Amsterdam without a fight? | It was NOT profitable |
Who is considered the Father of New France? | Samuel de Champlain |
The Father of New France fouded what city? | Quebec |