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Unit 7 Vocabulary

U.S. History

Communism A type of government in which workers share the means of production and distribution (no private ownership; led by dictator)
Socialism An economic system where means of production are controlled by the people as a whole
Red Scare Fear of the spread of communism in the United States after WWI
18th amendment prohibited "the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors" = NO ALCOHOL
19th amendment universal suffrage; women get to vote
Henry Ford Developed first mass produced automobile by improving the assembly line. creator of the Model-T
Mass Production Allowed for making many identical products very quickly
Advertising the act of promoting ones goods or services by word of mouth, on paper, or on radio or movies.
Mass Media a big movement where radio and movies become a huge part of American culture; first media stars are born
Radio Created common cultural experience; used for marketing of consumer goods
Movies Began silent; movies with sound available in the late 1920s; facilitated common culture
Jazz First true “American” music; combines different styles of music & uses improvisation
Harlem Renaissance An artistic movement celebrating African-American culture
Langston Hughes Harlem Renaissance poet
Louis Armstrong Famous jazz musician; played trumpet
Overproduction Producing more goods than people could afford to buy
Underconsumption the lack of purchasing goods when supply is high
Buying on Margin buying a product on credit with the intention of pay for it later in smaller payments.
Stock Market Crash of 1929 Black Tuesday; Stock market prices fell dramatically; wiping out many Americans’ life savings and putting companies out of business
Great Depression Occurred during the 1930s; high unemployment & poverty
Dust Bowl An extreme drought in the Great Plains, made worse by over-farming of land
Hoovervilles Temporary encampments where homeless families built homes out of cardboard & packing crates during the Great Depression
Franklin D. Roosevelt 1932 Landslide election against Hoover, New Deal Programs and the Court Packing Bill. elected 4 times.
New Deal First set of legislation meant to help Americans; passed during FDR's first term
Social Security Provided old age pensions, unemployment insurance, aid to people with disabilities
Second New Deal Second set of legislation meant to help more Americans; passed during FDR’s second term
Eleanor Roosevelt FDR’s wife, changed the role of first lady; advocate for social progress & women’s rights-was a Boss
Court-Packing Bill FDR’s plan to add an additional judge to the Supreme Court for every justice over the age of 70
Created by: karenbarajas
Popular U.S. History sets




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