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Beef Quiz Bowl
Ag class beef quiz bowl
Term | Question |
Henry Clay | What famous Statesman Brought Herefords to America? |
Angus, Hereford, Santa Gertrudis, and Afgander | What Breeds make up the Barzona? |
Tom Lassiter | Who started the beefmaster breed? |
Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) | What does BVD stand for? |
Magnesium | What injection does a cow with grass tetany get? |
Fat in Scrotum | What is cod fat? |
Belgium Blue, Romagnola, Piedmotese | Name two double muscle breeds |
Temper | What is disposition? |
Shorthorn | Name one dual purpose breed of cattle? |
Bacteria | Blackleg causes a swelling in the legs, is it caused by a bacteria or a virus? |
Height related to age | How is frame size determined? |
Taste | What is Palatability as it concerns in livestock production? |
Chuck | Ground chuck comes from what wholesome beef cut? |
Vitamin D | What vitamin comes from the sun? |
210 days | After how many days of pregnancy can the fetus actually be felt during palpation? |
homozygous:same heterozygous: different | How is Homozygous and Heterozygous different? |
Ruman, reticulum, omasum, abomasum | Name the four stomachs of a bovine animal? |
Roan | What is the ideal color for a milking shorthorn? |
life span | What does longevity mean? |
Horn Tissue | What is scur? |
Transfer one egg from one female to another. | Define Embryo Transfer |
Chiania | What is the largest breed of cattle? |
Angus | What is the most popular beef breed of cattle? |
Broman | What breed of cattle has drooping ears, a loose dewlap and sheath, is raised in the southern US, and is very heat tolerant? |
Animal Born Dead | Define stillbirth? |
Crossbreeding | Define hybrid Vigor |
Polled | If an animal is scurred, is it horned or polled? |
Brangus | What was the first breed of cattle to be cloned? |
Polled Hereford, Red Angus, Santa Gertrudis, Brangus | Name 4 breeds of American Cattle |
Quarantine | What should be done with new animals for a minimum of 30 days before entering the herd? |
Carbs and lipids | What are the two major sources of energy in diets? |
Italy | The Romagnola beef breed came from what country? |
Aberdeen | What northeastern Scotland County did Black Angus come from? |
Swelling of the female parts | Define dilation as it refers to the birthing process. |
12 | Ovulation occurs how many hours after standing heat? |
Scrotum | The bag that the testicles are housed in? |
Salt and Sugar | What are two types of meat preservation? |
Does not | A pregnant cow does or does not come into heat? |
Liquid Nitrogen ~ -320 degrees | What is semen stored in and at what temperature? |
Angus | Which breed of beef cattle is the most populated? |
Feeding Cattle from 400 lbs to 700lbs | What is backgrounding? |
Yield and Quality | What are two grading systems for beef? |
Meat and Milk | What is a dual purpose breed? |
Bos Indicus and Bos Taurus | Two main types of beef |
Black Baldy | What is Hereford X Angus cross called? |
Fertilized egg | What is a zygote? |
Dry | What is a non-lactating cow called? |
Sperm Cells | Where are 2 heads or 2 tails and other abnormalities found? |
Age at Puberty | Testicular size is correlated with? |
18-21 days | Average days between heat Cycle |
Sterile heifer born twin to a bull | What is a Freemartin? |
Cholostrum | The first milk of a cow is called what? |
Murray Grey | What breed of cattle used in the United States came from Australia? Shorthorn and Angus mixture. |
Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) | What does EPD stand for? |
To select animals | How do we use EPD's? |
Prime, Choice, and Select | Name 3 quality grades. |
libido | A bulls sex drive is called what? |
283 days | What is the gestation period in cattle? |
MGA | What is the feed additive used to synchronize heifers? |
Male Carcass | Where is the pizzle eye found? |
Limousin | What breed originated in France and is |
Male born with one or no testicles | What is a cryptorchid animal? |
Brahman | What breed of cattle has the muscle layer with the ability to shake off flies? |
Warron Gammon | Who founded the Polled Hereford breed? |
Switch Grass | What is the native warm season grass? |
Fat cover | A condition score indicates what? |
MBIC | The check off is ran by what organization? |
Bovine | Beef belongs to what scientific class? |
Castrated | What does neutered mean? |
62% | Expected dressing percentage of choice 1200 lbs steer? |
Calving Difficulty | What does distorcia mean? |
12 and 13th | Between what two ribs is the loin eve measurement taken? |
Oxytocin | What hormone causes milk letdown? |
Fat thickness | What factors go into figuring yield grade? |
Gelbvieh | This breed is known for the golden cow? |
Centimeters | Scrotal circumference is measured in what units? |
X and Y | A male calf will have what chromosomes? |
Behind the ear | Where are implants placed? |
3 lbs | Steers will gain how many lbs per day in a feedlot? |
height and Width | What measurement are taken on the pelvic? |
Santa Gertrudis | The breed of cattle that was developed on the King Ranch in Texas? |
Average Daily Gain | What does ADG stand for? |
Fungus | Ringworn is caused by what? |
30 pairs | Beef animals have how many pair of chromosomes? |
low | Reproductive traits are low or high habitability traits? |
AI | What is synchromate B used for? |
missing one permanent scisor | What is broken mouth cow? |
3rd stage of pregnancy | What does the term preg 3 mean? |
2 | How many permanent scisors does a cow have? |
Belgium Blue | Name a double muscled breed of cattle. |
Bangs | What is the common name of brucellosis |
genotype | The genetic make up of the animal is called? |
phenotype | The physical characteristics of the animal are called? |
Same Father AND Mother | What does the term full sibs mean? |
terminal | Sires where progeny marketed for slaughter? |
barbed wire | The invention in 1873 that helped beef production? |
Lungs | In what organ does pneumonia occur in? |
Chuck | The shoulder meat area is called what? |
calving interval | The birth date between calves is called? |
Under the Skin | What does the term Sub Q mean? |
Haylage | Another name for low moisture silage? |
45 degrees | The angle of the shoulder in bulls and females? |
30% | The highest percent of fat put in ground beef? |
Select | In 1987 the quality grade good was changed to what? |