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The Nature of Energy

Energy that is stored Potential energy
Energy stored in stretched or compressed objects Elastic potential energy
Energy of a moving object Kinetic energy
Energy and object possesses due to its position above earth’s surface Gravitational potential energy
The ability to cause change Energy
Energy stored in chemical bonds Chemical potential energy
States that energy can change forms but can never be created or destroyed Law of conservation of energy
The total kinetic energy and potential energy of an object Mechanical energy
Energy is the ability to cause________ Change
Energy cannot be created or_________, But it is constantly changing forms. Destroyed
An object falling to earth has both________ Energy and potential energy. Kinetic
As object gets closer to the ground, it’s potential energy becomes______ its kinetic energy_________. Less and increases
Plants can also absorb light energy and turn it into_______energy Chemical
This energy is stored in chemical________. Bonds
When you were active, your muscles change the chemical energy from the food you ate into_______energy. Mechanical
Your body also changes some of the food you ate into_______. Heat
Your body needs to generate heat. However, heat produced by a machine is often considered______energy. Wasted
Changes are occurring all around you, and every change requires____________. Energy
Energy is measured in units called____________. Joules
When you turn on your radio,________energy changes to sound energy. Electrical
The sun generates _____And wait, both of which are used by living things Heat
A moving object has________. Kinetic energy
The_______ and object is moving, the more kinetic energy it has. Faster
Stored energy with the potential to cause change is called___________. Potential energy
A roller coaster at the top of the hill has _________ potential energy and_______ kinetic energy. The greatest and low
The energy stored in the chemical bonds between Adams is called______________. Chemical potential energy
Chemical potential energy is stored in food and ______, such as gasoline in wood. Fuels
Springs and rubber bands both have ______________. Elastic potential energy
Restored energy of a roller coaster at the top of a hill is called________________. Gravitational potential energy
Reactions in a battery change chemical potential energy into __________energy. Electrical
As a car moves, it’s engine changes the chemical energy of your into _______ energy. Heat
According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be ________or destroyed. Created
Adams are split during______________, and a tremendous amount of energy is released. Nuclear fission
He is sometimes an unwanted____________. Waste product
Friction creates heat and lowers the_______of machines. Efficiency
When energy changes_____or causes change, Waste heat is often produced. Form
Follow the chain of energy from a plant to a person riding a skateboard. Explain what type of energy is being used at each step Potential energy, kinetic energy, mechanical energy
Created by: scampo2
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