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6. International Ex

Review Vocabulary from Passing the South Carolina End of Course Exam for United

Imperialism belief that a nation needs to acquire overseas colonies and territories
National Security degree to which a country is safe from outside threats.
Nationalism pride in one’s country, involves placing the needs of a nation’s people over the needs of the global population. An alternate definition refers to an ethnic group that wants a country of its own.
The White Man’s Burden famous poem written by British author, Rudyard Kipling, which many took to be an endorsement of white imperialism and US expansion.
Isolationism the ideology that it is not in the best interest of the US to acquire and exercise control over foreign territories.
“Seward’s Folly” Sec of State Seward’s negotiation of the US purchase of Alaska. purchase was made both to protect access to the Pacific by getting the Russians away from the North American coast & to obtain territory as rich in natural resources.
Hawaii/Annexation In the 1850s American business leaders invested in plantations in the Hawaiian islands. In 1893 wealthy plantation owners overthrew the Hawaiian queen. It was annexed as a US territory in 1898.
Cuba island under Spanish rule until the late 1800s. Reported atrocities and the explosion of the USS Maine in a Cuban harbor led to the Spanish American War and eventual Cuban independence.
Spanish-American War 1898, brief war between US and Spain that was won by the US and resulted in the US annexation of Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam as well as the independence of Cuba.
The Philippines Southeast Asian island territory won by the US from Spain. It was a subject of much debate and division after the Spanish-American war as many wanted to annex it, and others wanted it declared an independent nation.
Teller Amendment amendment attached to Congress’ 1898 war resolution with Spain which promised that the US would allow for Cuban independence by not annexing the territory.
Platt Amendment amendment attached to the first Cuban constitution which put limits on what the Cuban government could do, gave the US two naval bases in Cuba, and allowed for US intervention in the region whenever the US believed it was necessary.
Anti-Imperialist League isolationist organization financed by Andrew Carnegie and joined by many who opposed annexation of foreign territories.
Open Door Policy foreign policy that China was to be kept open to foreign trade and commerce.
Panama Canal man-made waterway across the isthmus of Panama which allows ships to travel back and forth between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans without having to go around South America. It was built by the US and completed in 1914.
Roosevelt Corollary addition to the Monroe Doctrine: US could intervene in Western Hemisphere nation’s affairs if a nation didn't pay its debts. Roosevelt wanted to ensure imperialist nations did not use debt collection as an excuse to occupy territories in the Americas
Big Stick Diplomacy "speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far." Refers to Roosevelt's attitude towards foreign policy. The US would not be threatening to Western Hemisphere countries, but it was willing to forcefully protect its own interests.
Dollar Diplomacy President Taft’s foreign policy that promoted “substituting money for bullets”. Taft believed that the US could best maintain order in nations abroad by increasing US foreign investments.
Missionary /Moral Diplomacy President Wilson’s foreign policy based on the idealistic view that it was the role of the US to promote democracy and moral progress in the world.
World War I 1914-1918 worldwide conflict that began in Europe with the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. The causes of World War I include militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism.
Militarism the process of building up military strength in order to exert influence or deter potential enemies.
Alliances agreements between countries to come to one another’s aid if one is attacked.
U-Boats German submarines that reeked havoc in the Atlantic during WWI.
The Lusitania commercial liner that was sunk by German U-boats and which also secretly carried arms from the US.
Zimmerman Telegram intercepted German telegram. German ambassador to Mexico to asked Mexico to attack the US if it declared war on Germany in return for Germany’s promise to help Mexico win back land the US had acquired as a result of the Mexican-American War.
Trench Warfare warfare where armies entrench themselves in long ditches where soldiers take cover while they fire on the enemy.
Selective Service Act Congress passed this act authorizing a draft of young men for military services.
Harlem Hell Fighters nickname given an all African-American unit that served in combat that was given France’s highest medal for bravery and distinguished service during the war.
Russian Revolution revolution that resulted in the fall of the Czar and the brief establishment of a republic before the Bolsheviks eventually came to power and established communism.
Armistice cease-fire agreement to stop fighting
Fourteen Points President Wilson’s peace plan after WWI which included the League of Nations, the right of self-determination for ethnic groups within certain countries and a reduction in armaments.
League of Nations international body proposed by Woodrow Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference. Its aim was to give nations a means of settling their disputes through diplomacy rather than war.
“Peace without Victory” President Wilson in a speech to the US Senate in which he argued that a peace imposed by a victor upon a loser wuld only give birth to resentment that leads to conflict. The only lasting peace, Wilson believed, would be a peace agreed upon by “equals.”
Treaty of Versailles peace treaty ending WWI which imposed harsh conditions on Germany, established the League of Nations and which the US Senate refused to ratify.
War Industries Board established to regulate the nation’s economy as it sought to obtain supplies for the US military and its allies.
Committee on Public Information committee formed for the purpose of encouraging public support ofr the US war effort through various forms of propaganda.
Food Administration headed by Herbert Hoover, it was established to encourage citizens to conserve food so that there would be enough to supply the armed forces.
Espionage and Sedition Acts These acts made it illegal to interfere with the draft, obstruct the sale of Liberty Bonds, or make statements considered disloyal to, or critical of, the government, the Constitution, or the US military.
Warren G. Harding president elected in 1920 who advocated a “return to normalcy”
“Return to Normalcy” phrase describing the popular sentiment in the United States following WWI that people wanted to return to the sense of security they’d felt and the way life was before the war.
Created by: amygilstrap7
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