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Final Review-20th C.

Final Review Basic 20th Century

Who wrote a book about the unfair treatment of Indians? Helen Hunt Jackson
Who invented the reaper, which helped farmers harvest crops on the Great Plains? Cyrus McCormick
Who was the famous leader of the Seventh Cavalry who met his end at Little Bighorn? George Custer
This gave settlers 160 acres of free land on the Great Plains: Homestead Act
This law abolished Indian tribes and tried to make Indians farmers: Dawes Act
What was discovered in the Black Hills that caused the federal government to break its treaty with the Sioux and take their land in South Dakota? gold
On May 10, 1869, what was finally completed? the first transcontinental railroad
The last battle between the Indians and the U.S. Army happened in 1890 at Wounded Knee
The open range came to an end with the invention of barbed wire in 1873
Who were the first to raise cattle in the American Southwest? early Spanish settlers
Who built the transcontinental railroad? Irish and Chinese immigrants; African Americans; Civil War veterans
Where did the Industrial Revolution start in the U.S.? New England
When did the U.S. become a great industrial nation? after the Civil War
What do you call a company that controls an entire industry? monopoly
Name the acts passed by Congress to regulate big business: Interstate Commerce Act; Sherman Antitrust Act
Who invented the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell
Who invented the electric light bulb? Thomas Edison
Who invented the airplane? Orville & Wilbur Wright
Who used the moving assembly line to mass-produce cars? Henry Ford
Who controlled the oil industry? John D. Rockefeller
Who controlled the railroads? Cornelius Vanderbilt
Who controlled the steel mills? Andrew Carnegie
Who became a millionaire with hair care products? Madam C. J. Walker
What was significant about the fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in 1911? it showed that worker safety was a problem
Name three factors that led to the growth of cities in the late 1800s: (1) the growth of industry; (2) the flow of millions of immigrants after the Civil Wa;r (3) the movement of African Americans from the South to northern cities between 1890 and 1920
Most of the new immigrants were from ________. southern and eastern Europe
Immigrants entering the east coast came through __________ Island, while those coming into the west coast came through ________ Island. Ellis; Angel
Name two acts that limited immigration into the United States: Chinese Exclusion Act; Gentleman’s Agreement of 1907
The first successful labor union was the ___________. Knights of Labor
Who founded the American Federation of Labor? Samuel Gompers
Who worked for laws to end child labor and helped miners join unions? Mary Harris “Mother” Jones
Who was a leader of the American Railway Union and a socialist who ran for president? Eugene V. Debs
Who was the first African American to earn a Ph.D. at Harvard and joined with others to start the NAACP? W.E.B. DuBois
The National Grange was formed to help __________. farmers
Suffrage is the right to __________. vote
Muckrakers were ___________. journalists
President Roosevelt was called a trustbuster because he ________. attacked harmful trusts
Who started the Hull House in Chicago to help the urban poor? Jane Addams
This congressman running for president in 1896 gave the famous “Cross of Gold” speech. William Jennings Bryan
This person wrote The Jungle , which exposed the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry. Upton Sinclair
One of the main reasons the Populist party was formed was to help _________. farmers
She was one of the leaders of the women’s suffrage movement and she was arrested for voting. Susan B. Anthony
This president promised a “Square Deal,” and started conservation programs. Theodore Roosevelt
This president’s program was called the New Freedom and he led from 1913-1921. Woodrow Wilson
The desire of the U.S. and European nations to gain more land and rule colonies was known as _________________. imperialism
Name the main causes of U.S. imperialism: America wanted colonies for raw materials; America wanted more markets for finished products
__________ Folly refers to the United States buying Alaska from ___________ for $7.2 million dollars in 1867. Seward's; Russia
_______________________________ was the leader of Hawaii that the U.S. overthrew in order to set up its own provisional government that was favorable to the U.S Queen Liliuokalani
Three reasons for the Spanish-American War were: (1) wanted to protect American businesses in Cuba; (2) wanted to help Cuba gain its independence from Spain
The name for sensational and often irresponsible news headlines and stories is _____________ journalism. yellow
The U.S.S. __________ was the U.S. ship that mysteriously exploded in Havana. Maine
Who led the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill, Cuba in the Spanish-American War? Teddy Roosevelt
As a result of the Spanish-American War, Spain gave the United States control of Cuba, __________, __________ __ , and the ___________________. Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
The ________ Rebellion was an attempt by Chinese revolutionaries to get rid of foreigners. Boxer
The ______________ policy ended the spheres of influence in China. Open Door
Puerto Ricans became American __________________ in 1917. citizens
Since 1952, Puerto Rico has been a __________________________ of the United States, which means the United States own the islands, but the people rule themselves. commonwealth
The United States helped Panama win its independence from _____________________ , so it could buy the rights from Panama to build the Canal. Colombia
The Panama Canal opened in _______ , connecting the ____________ and __________ Ocean. 1914; Atlantic and Pacific
Originally, the ______________ Doctrine meant that Europe must not start new colonies in Latin America. Monroe
______________________ diplomacy was President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy that said the United States would use _____________________________ to settle problems. Big Stick diplomacy; force
Taft’s Latin American policy in which he encouraged the growth of large American businesses in Latin America became known as ____________________________________. dollar diplomacy
Taft sent troops to ____________________ and left them there for more than 20 years to protect American businesses. Nicaragua
Wilson sent troops into ________________ to try to capture ____________________________ who killed some Americans in 1916. Mexico; Pancho Villa
The _____________________________ Policy was the U.S. policy toward Latin America during the 1930s supported by presidents Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt that said the United States would not use military force there. Good Neighbor Policy
__________________________________ held the positions of assistant secretary of the navy, leader of the Rough Riders, governor of New York, Vice-president, and President of the United States throughout his storied political career. Teddy Roosevelt
The four causes of WWI were: militarism; nationalism; imperialism; formation of military alliances
The event that triggered World War I was the assassination of _________________ ____________________ that occurred on ____________________. Archduke Ferdinand; June 28, 1914
Who belonged to the Triple Entente? France, Britain, Russia
Who belonged to the Central Powers? The Ottoman Empire, Germany, Bulgaria, and Austria-Hungary
Who were the Allies? members of the Triple Entente, Italy, Japan, the United States and the 20 other nations who fought against the Central Powers in WWI
Where was the Western Front located? _______________________ Where was the Eastern Front located? France; Russia
What was the name of the British liner sunk by a German U-boat? the Lusitania
Who was president of the U.S. during the WWI? Woodrow Wilson
What was the exact month, day, and time the fighting ended in WWI? November 11, 1918 at 11 AM
Woodrow Wilson’s “__________________________” speech described his plan for peace. Fourteen Points
Who was the leader in the Senate that blocked the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles? Henry Cabot Lodge
The panic surrounding the threat of communism in the early 1920s was called the ______________. Red Scare
The Teapot Dome scandal occurred during _________________ administration and involved the secret leasing of government-owned __________________ for profitable use by private companies. Harding's; oil-rich lands
__________________ was the era after the Eighteenth Amendment went into effect from 1920 to 1933 when the manufacture and sale of alcohol was banned. Prohibition
81. John T. Scopes was a biology teacher put on trial for teaching _______________. evolution
The Nineteenth Amendment was named after _______________> Susan B. Anthony
The _________________________ gave women the right to vote in 1920. 19th Amendment
_________________________ was the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic. Charles Lindbergh
The _______________________________ was an African-American literary and artistic movement started in Harlem in the 1920s to celebrate African heritage and culture. Harlem Renaissance
_____________________________ was the single most important jazz musician of all time who was known for his outstanding trumpet playing as well as his singing voice. Louis Armstrong
List the the Presidents of the 1920s and the years they served in chronological order. a) __________________________________________ b) __________________________________________ c) __________________________________________ Warren G. Harding: 1921- 1923 Calvin Coolidge: 1923- 1929 herbert Hoover: 1929- 1933
____________________________ , a Democrat, defeated _________________ , a Republican, in 1932 and was elected three more times to the office of presidency as he led his nation throughout the Great Depression and World War II. Franklin Roosevelt;
___________________________ was a photographer whose pictures documented American life during the Great Depression. One of her most famous pictures was entitled Migrant Mother . Dorothea Lange
_________________________ an African-American educator, was appointed head of the Office of Minority Affairs. She helped organize a “Black Cabinet” of influential African Americans to advise the Roosevelt administration on racial issues. Mary McLeod Bethune
_______________________ wrote the classic novel Grapes of Wrath which focuses on the difficulties faced by people who, forced off the Great Plains during the Dust Bowl, move to California. John Steinbeck
_____________________________ helped to create prosperity in a poverty-stricken region by providing funds to build and repair dams, flood-control projects, and power plants Tennessee Valley Authority
_____________________________ put almost 3 million young men to work building roads, developing parks, and helping in soil-erosion and flood-control projects. Civilian Conservation Corps
_____________________________ created an administration that set fair prices on many products and established labor standards, with the greater goal of ensuring fair business practices and promoting industrial growth. NIRA
_____________________________ is also known as the National Labor Relations Act and was enacted in 1935 to protect workers’ rights as it established the National Labor Relations Board to settle disputes between employers and employees. Wagner Act
_____________________________ established a minimum wage and a maximum workweek and prohibited children under 16 from working in factories Fair Labor & Standards Act
_____________________________ provided a pension for retired workers and their spouses and aided people with disabilities. Social Security Act
Roosevelt lost support when he tried to pack the _______________________with justices who supported his New Deal policies. Supreme Court
President Roosevelt boosted confidence through his ______________________ which were radio talks that he gave occasionally about issues of public concern, explaining in clear, simple language his New Deal measures fireside chats
The Great Depression began with the stock market crash in ________________ and ended with the U.S. entry into WWII in _______. 1929; 1941
Created by: david.frost
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