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SS Chapter 9B


1) Which one of the following would not characterize an economic depression? A) increased numbers of poor citizens B) increased numbers of bankruptcies C) rising prices D) rising unemployment rising prices
2) What usually happens during an economic depression? A) Prices of goods increase. B) Fewer goods are purchased by consumers. C) The unemployment rate decreases. D) More money is borrowed to begin new businesses. Fewer goods are purchased by consumers.
3) Which group of people faced serious economic problems even before the Great Depression began? A) agricultural workers B) stock investors C) city workers D) bankers agricultural workers
4) Which one of the following items would be the most valuable item to have during an economic depression? A) a telephone B) a car C) a mortgage D) money money
5) "Dust Bowl," "Hoovervilles," and "bread lines" refer to what era in American history? A) Great Depression B) Roaring 20s C) Reconstruction D) Progressive Movement Great Depression
6) According to the graph, when was unemployment the lowest? A) 1929 B) 1935 C) 1931 D) 1939 1929
7) What most likely caused the trend in unemployment between 1939 and 1941 to decrease? A) consumer purchasing of automobiles B) business spending on imported equipment C) government spending on goods and services D) family spending on luxury items government spending on goods and services
8) Who defeated Alfred E. Smith in the presidential election of 1928? A) Franklin D. Roosevelt B) Calvin Coolidge C) Warren G. Harding D) Herbert Hoover Herbert Hoover
9) Who was blamed for being unable to solve the problems of the Great Depression? A) Calvin Coolidge B) Herbert Hoover C) Warren Harding D) Franklin Roosevelt Herbert Hoover
10) At the beginning of the Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover assured the people that the A) wages of most workers were not high enough B) leaders of the business and industry would solve the problem C) government would earn money by selling savings bonds D) business cycle would correct itself business cycle would correct itself
11) Which one of the following was an immediate result of the Great Depression of the 1930s in the United States? A) Many careers and businesses were ruined. B) Many farmers were able to sell their land for high prices. C) The faith of the people in free enterprise economics was significantly increased. D) United States trade with foreign nations improved greatly. Many careers and businesses were ruined.
12) What was a major effect of the Great Depression? A) President Herbert Hoover vetoed the formation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. B) Banks gave more loans to businesses. C) Many Americans lost jobs. D) The government refused to interfere with the changes in the economy. Many Americans lost jobs.
13) What was first major effect of the Great Depression? A) appointment of the Brain Trust B) failure of banks C) drought in the West D) creation of the New Deal failure of banks
14) Why was the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) established in 1932? A) to prevent government interference in the economy B) to provide soup kitchens and homeless shelters C) to provide loans to unemployed individuals D) to lend money to railroads, banks, and insurance companies to lend money to railroads, banks, and insurance companies
15) Who were the people who joined the Bonus Army? A) factory workers who wanted a bonus from management B) business owners who wanted loans to keep their factories open C) veterans of World War I who needed a promised income from the government D) elderly people who wanted an improved retirement system veterans of World War I who needed a promised income from the government
These two photographs were most likely taken during what period in American history? A) Great Depression B) Reconstruction Era C) Harlem Ranaissance D) Roaring Twenties Great Depression
17) What were called "Hoovervilles" during the Great Depression? A) low income housing B) shacks of homeless people C) logger camps D) high rise buildings shacks of homeless people
8) Why did people move to "Hooverville?" A) The housing was subsidized by the government. B) They were trying to improve their standard of living. C) The housing developed by President Herbert Hoover offered relief during the Depression. D) They were forced to leave their homes for economic reasons. They were forced to leave their homes for economic reasons.
19) Which one of the following contributed to the Dust Bowl? A) overgrazing B) crop rotation C) fallow fields D) irrigation overgrazing
20) What was the immediate cause of the Dust Bowl? A) years of overgrazing B) a severe drought C) the Great Depression D) extensive mining a severe drought
21) What was a major cause of the 1930s Dust Bowl? A) deforestation of the Plains B) air and water pollution C) increased population in the Midwest D) too little rainfall too little rainfall
22) What occupation did Dust Bowl farmers turn to when they left their farms to find new work? A) mining B) military C) migrant farming D) factory jobs migrant farming
23) What novel portrayed the plight of the Okies during the dustbowl era? A) The Great Gatsby B) The Grapes of Wrath C) An American Exodus D) Native Son The Grapes of Wrath
24) What two presidents served in office during the Great Depression? A) Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt B) Harry Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower C) Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft D) Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt
25) Franklin D. Roosevelt was a member of what political party? A) Liberal B) Republican C) Democratic D) Conservative Democratic
26) Why was Franklin Roosevelt able to defeat Herbert Hoover in the 1932 presidential election? A) public expectation that Roosevelt would improve the economy B) former policies of Hoover were already effective C) scandals in Harding's administration D) the hard times of the Republican presidencies public expectation that Roosevelt would improve the economy
27) What led the federal government to pass the New Deal legislation? A) economic decline following World War II B) election of Herbert Hoover as president C) stock market crash of 1929 D) repeal of the prohibition legislation stock market crash of 1929
28) "I pledge myself to a new deal for the American people" was a famous quote of A) Calvin Coolidge B) Franklin D. Roosevelt C) Al Smith D) Herbert Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt
29) What name was given to Franklin D. Roosevelt's program to help the country recover from the economic depression? A) Fair Deal B) New Frontier C) New Deal D) Square Deal New Deal
30) What name was given to President Franklin D. Roosevelt's economic programs created during the Depression of the 1930s? A) New Deal B) New Frontier C) Great Crusade D) Great Society New Deal
31) What program of Franklin D. Roosevelt's was aimed at relief, recovery, and reform? A) Gilded Age B) New Deal C) New Frontier D) Roaring 20s New Deal
What era in United States history was represented by the cartoon? A) World War I B) Progressive Era C) Reconstruction D) New Deal New Deal
33) The cartoon was most likely drawn during what period in American history? A) Roaring 20s B) Progressive Era C) Great Depression D) World War I Great Depression
34) Who was represented by the figure tossing the cards in the left section of the cartoon? A) Franklin D. Roosevelt B) Woodrow Wilson C) Huey Long D) Herbert Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt
35) What was represented by the figure on the right side of the cartoon? A) Congress B) the United States C) the United Nations D) the Supreme Court the United States
36) Which one of the following best describes the theme of the cartoon? A) The president attempted to take over the Supreme Court. B) The Supreme Court had been granted increased power to make decisions. C) Congress took steps to end corruption in politics. D) The president took action to end the economic depression. The president took action to end the economic depression.
37) How did the New Deal programs affect the United States government? A) State governments gained more control over business and industry. B) The federal government's control over the nation's economy increased. C) The size of the federal government was reduced. D) The federal government followed a hands-off business policy. The federal government's control over the nation's economy increased.
38) Which one of the following statements about the New Deal is accurate? A) The government was not concerned about the economic well-being of its people. B) Government control over the economy increased. C) The government followed a policy of laissez-faire. D) Government control over the economy decreased. Government control over the economy increased.
39) The New Deal period in American history is associated with the idea that A) churches and charities do the best job of helping the poor B) local governments are best equipped to take care of their own citizens C) government must take responsibility for helping those in need D) people are responsible for their own success or failure government must take responsibility for helping those in need
40) What technique did President Franklin Roosevelt used to explain his New Deal programs to the American public? A) press conferences B) newspaper interviews C) State of the Union addresses D) fireside chats fireside chats
41) What nickname was given to Franklin D. Roosevelt's radio address to the nation? A) Eleanor's Hour B) National Public Radio C) Fireside Chats D) Roosevelt Report Fireside Chats
42) What were the talented advisors who helped shape Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal commonly called? A) Fair Deal B) Kitchen Cabinet C) Great Society D) Brain Trust Brain Trust
43) Why was Franklin Roosevelt accused of "packing" the Supreme Court? A) He included more than white men to serve on the Supreme Court. B) He elected the judges instead of appointing them. C) He fired the existing judges and replaced them with his choice of judges. D) He increased the number of judges from 9 to 15. He increased the number of judges from 9 to 15.
44) What was Franklin D. Roosevelt's purpose in "packing the courts?" A) to allow the Supreme Court to more accurately represent the citizens B) to minimize the Supreme Court's opposition to his New Deal programs C) to attempt to racially balance the Supreme Court D) to give the Supreme Court more power to make immediate decisions to minimize the Supreme Court's opposition to his New Deal programs
45) What president was represented in the cartoon? A) Franklin D. Roosevelt B) Woodrow Wilson C) Herbert Hoover D) Harry S. Truman Franklin D. Roosevelt
46) Who does the symphony in the cartoon represent? A) the president B) Congress C) the judicial branch D) United States citizens Congress
47) Which one of the following best describes the theme of the cartoon? A) The president's court-packing plan was not approved by Congress. B) The Supreme Court rejected most of the president's New Deal plans. C) The three branches of the federal government were not working together to solve the nation's domestic problems. D) The president and the Supreme Court severely restricted the powers of Congress. The president's court-packing plan was not approved by Congress.
Why was Franklin D. Roosevelt shoving people into the building in the cartoon? A) He was trying to ignore the economic problems of the Great Depression. B) He was attempting to pack the Supreme Court. C) He was implementing a plan to halt all immigration into the United States. D) He was hiding evidence of excessive government spending. He was attempting to pack the Supreme Court.
49) What president was portrayed in the cartoon? A) Woodrow Wilson B) Harry S. Truman C) Franklin D. Roosevelt D) Dwight D. Eisenhower Franklin D. Roosevelt
50) Which one of the following best described the theme of the cartoon? A) The president's plan to increase his power could lead to a future dictatorship. B) The president had become a risk to the United States' policy of neutrality. C) The nation could be invaded by foreign nations because of the weakened executive branch. D) The citizens of the United States were demanding a return to an English monarchy system. The president's plan to increase his power could lead to a future dictatorship.
51) Which aspect of American life and business was not reformed by the New Deal programs? A) size of the Supreme Court B) banking problems C) stock market risks D) farming overproduction size of the Supreme Court
52) What idea did President Franklin Roosevelt propose to provide jobs to the unemployed? A) private business partnerships B) installment buying C) social security D) public works programs public works programs
53) What were the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), Works Progress Administration (WPA), and Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) primarily designed to accomplish? A) economic recovery B) improve conditions for elderly citizens C) trust busting D) increase the government's economic responsibilities economic recovery
In the cartoon, what problem was Franklin Roosevelt attempting to remedy? A) business monopolies B) Progressivism C) Great Depression D) World War I Great Depression
55) During the first hundred days of the New Deal in 1933, what act did Congress pass to help relieve the problems of unemployment? A) Fair Labor Standards Act B) Emergency Relief Appropriations Act C) Social Security Act D) Federal Reserve Act Emergency Relief Appropriations Act
56) Which was a program of the New Deal designed to employ the jobless? A) Tennessee Valley Authority B) Works Progress Administration C) Packing the Supreme Court D) Civilian Conservation Corps Civilian Conservation Corps
57) Why was the Civilian Conservation Corps established? A) to protect factory workers B) to aid farmers C) to create new jobs D) to secure the safety of banks to create new jobs
58) What segment of the population did the Wagner Act benefit? A) agricultural B) elderly C) small businessmen D) labor unions labor unions
59) The Wagner Act was also called the A) Congress of Industrial Organizations B) Agricultural Adjustment Act C) National Labor Relations Act D) Emergency Relief Appropriations Act National Labor Relations Act
60) What law was created to protect workers who are negotiating work agreements? A) Sherman Act B) Wagner Act C) Clayton Act D) Hatch Act Wagner Act
61) What did the Wagner Act require employers to do? A) pay at least the state minimum wage B) restrict the hiring age to sixteen C) only hire members of unions D) take part in collective bargaining take part in collective bargaining
62) Which one of the following illustrates the use of collective bargaining to settle a dispute? A) a session of the Supreme Court justices to reach a decision on a case B) the president addressing a joint session of Congress C) a meeting of business and government over economic issues D) meetings of union officers and workers with business owners to settle on contracts and wages meetings of union officers and workers with business owners to settle on contracts and wages
63) What method was used by workers to have labor unions recognized during the Great Depression? A) boycotts B) blacklists C) sit-down strikes D) yellow dog contract sit-down strikes
64) What was a result of the sit-down strikes of the 1930s? A) The Wagner Act was declared unconstitutional. B) Automobile and steel companies were forced to recognize labor unions. C) Child labor was eliminated. D) The government took control of several major industries. Automobile and steel companies were forced to recognize labor unions.
65) In the 1930s, the rapid growth of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) was most closely related to the A) growth of the automobile and steel industries B) immigration of large numbers of skilled workers C) personal contact between employers and employees D) creation of the Department of Labor growth of the automobile and steel industries
Local labor unions in the United States began to grow in importance in the late 1700s and early 1800s. These early organizations were craft unions. Employers were mostly against unions. The courts ruled that unions were illegal. 66) According to the author of the reading passage, when did early craft unions first begin? A) before the French and Indian War B) shortly after the United States adopted the Constitution C) in the l930's D) during the Civil War shortly after the United States adopted the Constitution
7) Which title best expresses the main idea of the reading passage? A) " Labor and the Supreme Court" B) " Labor Leaders" C) " Unskilled Workers" D) " Growth of Labor Unions" " Growth of Labor Unions"
68) According to the reading passage, national unions began around the same time as the A) War of 1812 B) beginning of World War I C) Civil War D) Great Depression of the 1930s Civil War
69) Which conclusion about the CIO is supported by the reading passage? A) It succeeded in unionizing workers in many mass production industries. B) It was organized after World War II. C) It was created by state laws. D) It was the first attempt to organize craftsmen. It succeeded in unionizing workers in many mass production industries.
70) What term best describes the form of government spending used to stimulate the economy during the Great Depression? A) dividends B) rebating C) deficit spending D) installment buying deficit spending
71) What was the intent of recovery measures during the 1930s? A) to prevent the government from becoming involved in the economy B) to stop bank panics C) to establish a public education system D) to provide jobs and get money into circulation to provide jobs and get money into circulation
72) Which one of the following did Franklin D. Roosevelt attempt in order to help the economy recover? A) cut government borrowing B) increase the amount of money in circulation C) decrease the number of people working for the government D) decrease the United States' dependence on foreign markets increase the amount of money in circulation
73) What was the purpose of Franklin D. Roosevelt's "bank holiday?" A) to stop the banks from failing B) to start New Deal programs C) for the government to audit each bank D) to relieve stress on bank tellers to stop the banks from failing
74) In the 1930s, what was President Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan for economic recovery in the United States? A) to declare the formation of labor unions illegal B) to increase government control over business C) to seize all exports leaving the United States D) to forbid the private ownership of business to increase government control over business
75) Why were many business leaders opposed to the New Deal? A) They believed that banks were not well-controlled. B) They felt that the Supreme Court had assumed too much power. C) They were afraid that workers rights would become limited. D) They felt there was too much government intervention in the economy. They felt there was too much government intervention in the economy.
76) What was the intent of New Deal programs such as Social Security, unemployment insurance, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation? A) efforts to reform the United States economy B) temporary measures to solve immediate economic problems C) efforts to create jobs D) benefits to big business efforts to reform the United States economy
77) The creation of the FDIC, Social Security, and unemployment insurance during the New Deal indicates that A) Franklin D. Roosevelt believed change should take place as slowly as possible B) capitalism had failed as an economic system C) the federal government took additional responsibility for the economic welfare of the individual D) laissez-faire was the basis for Franklin D. Roosevelt's economic policies the federal government took additional responsibility for the economic welfare of the individual
78) What was the purpose of New Deal programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Works Progress Administration, and Public Works Administration? A) to provide employment and income B) to reduce the role of the government in the economy C) to limit the power of big business D) to provide a retirement plan for the elderly to provide employment and income
79) New Deal programs such as the Agricultural Adjustment Act, Works Progress Administration, and National Recovery Act were designed to A) help the economy recover from the depression B) increase the power of monopolies C) provide a retirement plan for the elderly D) reduce the role of the government in the economy help the economy recover from the depression
80) Which one of the following statements about the New Deal measures is correct? A) The Federal Emergency Relief Act allowed the reopening of the stock market. B) The Social Security Act provided education for the elderly. C) The Fair Labor Standards Act established a system of unemployment insurance. D) The National Industrial Recovery Act allowed trade associations to write codes regulating prices and production. The National Industrial Recovery Act allowed trade associations to write codes regulating prices and production.
81) Why was the Tennessee Valley Authority created? A) to make money for the government B) to improve the economic life of an entire region C) to discover new sources of oil D) to promote civil rights legislation to improve the economic life of an entire region
82) What was one reason that Congress established the Tennessee Valley Authority? A) to limit the use of rivers for transportation B) to increase the power of the Republican Party in the South C) to conserve the region's natural resources D) to gain government control over private power companies to conserve the region's natural resources
83) What New Deal program created dams for flood control and for electricity production? A) Agricultural Adjustment Act B) Public Works Administration C) Civilian Conservation Corps D) Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee Valley Authority
84) Which New Deal reform was directed at solving problems in investment and stocks? A) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation B) National Recovery Act C) Federal Emergency Relief Act D) Truth-in-Securities Act Truth-in-Securities Act
85) What New Deal organization gave loans to railroads and banks in order to keep them in business? A) Reconstruction Finance Corporation B) National Recovery Administration C) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation D) Works Progress Administration Reconstruction Finance Corporation
86) Social security is best defined as a A) type of mortgage B) health care system C) retirement plan D) investment plan retirement plan
87) What was the New Deal program that established a pension plan for senior citizens? A) Social Security System B) National Recovery Administration C) Public Works Administration D) Works Progress Administration Social Security System
88) Which federal act established a payment plan for retired people? A) Taft-Hartley Act B) Social Security Act C) National Labor Relations Act D) Workmen's Compensation Act Social Security Act
89) Why was the Social Security System established? A) to raise tax money to pay for government expenses B) to provide a source of income for retired workers C) to provide jobs for workers during the Great Depression D) to acquire funding for education programs to provide a source of income for retired workers
90) In what year was the Social Security legislation passed? A) 1935 B) 1941 C) 1963 D) 1929 1935
91) Which one of the following was a lasting reform of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal Program? A) the elimination of the national debt B) the reduction in federal taxes C) the Social Security System D) the end of ups and downs in the business cycle the Social Security System
92) Which one of the following events ultimately resulted in an increase in overall farm income during the 1930s? A) a drought in the Central Plains states B) Franklin Roosevelt's Agricultural Adjustment Act C) the farmers' agreement to reduce agricultual production D) the work of the Civilian Conservation Corps Franklin Roosevelt's Agricultural Adjustment Act
93) What was the purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933? A) to resettle farmers who lost their farms as a result of the Dust Bowl B) to improve farm efficiency C) to raise the standard of living for tenant farmers D) to reduce crop production to reduce crop production
94) Which New Deal program was explicitly intended to help sharecroppers and tenant farmers? A) Wagner Act B) National Recovery Act C) National Labor Relations Board D) Agricultural Adjustment Act Agricultural Adjustment Act
95) Who protested that Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal did not do enough to assist the average person? A) John L. Lewis B) Frances Perkins C) Huey Long D) Harold Ickes Huey Long
96) Who opposed the New Deal and instead suggested a plan to tax the rich? A) Frances Perkins B) Herbert Hoover C) Franklin Roosevelt D) Huey Long Huey Long
97) What government action resulted in the economic recession of 1937? A) cuts in spending B) elimination of Social Security taxes C) use of deficit spending D) reduction of interest rates cuts in spending
Carmen Carter Remembers Turkey Farming In 1929, Orlo and I had been married two years and had a year old son, Douglas. We were just nicely getting started in the turkey raising business on his parents' farm.... We had about a thousand young turkeys that spring and we bought feed on credit during the growing season and paid for it when we sold the turkeys at Thanksgiving time. 98) A) Grit Grant B) Carmen Carter C) Douglas Carter D) Orlo Carter Carmen Carter
99) According to the passage, what problems were reported in the news during 1929? A) pollution problems B) spreading diseases C) failing businesses D) threats of war failing businesses
100) Why would this family be considered lucky compared to other families at that time? A) They raised their own food. B) They had no debts. C) They sold many turkeys. D) They sold cut wood. They raised their own food.
101) According to the passage, why was the depression over for the Carters? A) Carmen increasingly wrote and sold more of her poetry to the Grit. B) Orlo was hired on a job that earned him $15 a week. C) Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president. D) Turkey sales increased. Orlo was hired on a job that earned him $15 a week.
102) What made movies popular during the Great Depression? A) Children often had to work during the day so movies replaced schools as a form of education. B) Many jobless people had nothing better to do. C) People used movies to escape the stresses of the Great Depression. D) Theaters gave out free tickets and popcorn. People used movies to escape the stresses of the Great Depression.
103) During the Great Depression, what nickname was given the movie theaters because admission only cost a nickel? A) arcades B) centennials C) cineplexes D) nickelodeons nickelodeons
104) " Once I built a railroad, made it run, Made it race against time. Once I built a railroad, now it's done. Brother can you spare a dime?" What decade did these song lyrics reference? A) War-torn 40s B) Depression 30s C) Roaring 20s D) Radical 60s Depression 30s
105) What was the overriding concern of the United States in the period 1930 to 1935? A) the rapid increase in stock prices B) the depression of the United States economy C) the military threat posed by Adolf Hitler D) Japanese aggression in the Pacific the depression of the United States economy
106) The United States' tariff policy in the late 1920s led to A) the strengthening of democracies in Europe B) increased European prosperity C) a lowering of European tariffs D) a decline in world trade a decline in world trade
107) How did the collapse of the United States' stock market and economy in 1929 affect Europe? A) It led to a depression in Europe. B) It restored the European prosperity that was lost after World War I. C) It created additional factory jobs in Britain. D) It generally went unnoticed in Europe. It led to a depression in Europe.
108) What did President Herbert Hoover demand from European nations in order to ease the financial burdens of the Great Depression on the United States? A) to abandon all trade tariffs B) to provide overseas jobs for unemployed Americans C) to repay their World War I debts D) to make Germany produce and send food to the United States to repay their World War I debts
109) The terms "Big Stick" and "Good Neighbor" were generally used in reference to United States policies toward A) Eastern Europe B) the Middle East C) Africa D) Latin America Latin America
110) Which United States president began the Good Neighbor Policy? A) Dwight D. Eisenhower B) Franklin D. Roosevelt C) Warren G. Harding D) Calvin Coolidge Franklin D. Roosevelt
111) What United States foreign policy tried to improve relations with Latin America? A) Truman Doctrine B) Open Door Policy C) Good Neighbor Policy D) Monroe Doctrine Good Neighbor Policy
112) What did the United States do as a result of Franklin Roosevelt's policy toward Latin America? A) revoked the Platt Amendment B) refused to defend the Panama Canal C) sent troops to the Dominican Republic D) refused to go to the Pan-American Conference revoked the Platt Amendment
113) The European economic chaos caused by the Great Depression of the 1930s led to the rise to power of A) Adolf Hitler B) Vladimir Lenin C) Calvin Coolidge D) Winston Churchill Adolf Hitler
114) What was the effect of the Great Depression on European fascists? A) They were blamed for the 1929 stock market crash. B) It helped to increase their power. C) It made them very unpopular with the common people. D) They lost supporters. It helped to increase their power.
115) To what event did the Stimson Doctrine relate? A) Japanese aggression in China B) British control of India C) German invasion of the Rhineland D) Italian invasion of Ethiopia Japanese aggression in China
116) Franklin Roosevelt's "Quarantine the Aggressors" speech was a reaction to what nation's actions? A) Britain B) France C) Japan D) Russia Japan
Created by: creek23
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