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SS Chapter 9A


1) Warren G. Harding's presidential campaign centered on which one of the following issues? A) staying out of the League of Nations B) reform of civil rights C) prohibition D) returning to normalcy returning to normalcy
2) What did both Presidents Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge hope to accomplish in world affairs? A) preservation of peace at any cost B) becoming active members of the League of Nations C) restriction of trade with European nations D) recognition of the Soviet Union as a world power preservation of peace at any cost
3) Warren G. Harding's administration supported and passed a great deal of what type of legislation? A) social reform B) foreign aid C) pro-business D) antitrust pro-business
4) During President Warren G. Harding's administration, many news stories revolved around A) his selection of Calvin Coolidge for vice president B) the widespread failure of banks C) the increase in the national debt D) scandals involving government officials scandals involving government officials
5) Who was the corrupt group involved in the Warren G. Harding administration? A) Ohio Gang B) Kitchen Cabinet C) Harding Gang D) New York League Ohio Gang
6) Why did Calvin Coolidge win the presidential election in 1924? A) He was a popular Democrat. B) He seemed to offer honesty and stability. C) He promised to join the League of Nations. D) He promised radical change. He seemed to offer honesty and stability.
7) What issue did Calvin Coolidge focus on during the presidential election of 1924? A) civil rights issues B) dangers of radicalism C) importance of social reform D) regulation of business dangers of radicalism
8) Why did the Progressives criticize President Calvin Coolidge? A) They believed he supported V.I. Lenin's regime in the Soviet Union. B) They believed he encouraged collective bargaining. C) They believed he weakened the federal regulation of business. D) They believed he supported government ownership of railroads. They believed he weakened the federal regulation of business.
9) What political party controlled the White House in the 1920s? A) Republican B) Socialist C) Democratic D) Progressive Republican
10) Which one of the following is an example of an isolationist viewpoint? A) The United States should stay out of other nations' affairs. B) The United States has an obligation to support its friends. C) The United States should stop the spread of dictatorships. D) The United States desperately needs energy resources. The United States should stay out of other nations' affairs.
11) Which one of the following did most Americans favor at the end of World War I? A) joining the League of Nations B) a return to an agricultural society C) heavy regulation of business D) a return to normalcy a return to normalcy
12) What United States foreign policy was illustrated by the American rejection of the League of Nations? A) imperialism B) federalism C) militarism D) isolationism isolationism
13) Many Americans were opposed to the United States joining the League of Nations because they believed that the A) The League of Nations would allow Germany to join. B) The membership fees the United States must pay would be too costly. C) The United States might become involved in another European war. D) The League of Nations would not be based on democratic principles. The United States might become involved in another European war.
14) What was the main purpose of the Kellogg-Briand Pact? A) to encourage migration to cities B) to support collective bargaining C) to preserve world peace by outlawing war D) to limit immigration into the United States to preserve world peace by outlawing war
15) Which one of the following caused the United States to become more involved in the world economy of the 1920s? A) Good Neighbor Policy B) Dawes Plan C) Kellogg-Briand Pact D) League of Nations Dawes Plan
16) What was the theme of United States foreign policy in the 1920s? A) agreements to begin disarmament B) strong support for the League of Nations C) protests against European colonization D) arrangements for loans to foreign countries agreements to begin disarmament
17) Under which treaty did the United States reduce the size of its Navy? A) Kellogg-Brand Pact B) Versailles Treaty C) Five-Power Treaty D) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Five-Power Treaty
18) What did President Calvin Coolidge believe created prosperity for all Americans? A) increased importation of foreign goods B) migration of people from the urban to rural areas C) government control of financial institutions D) successful American businesses successful American businesses
19) Which one of the following systems allowed the American people to buy goods and pay for them with monthly payments? A) renting B) installment buying C) laissez-faire D) rebating installment buying
20) Which quotation most closely refers to the concept of installment buying? A) " Equal work for equal pay!" B) " You can't buy what you can't pay for!" C) " What an easy thing, to buy now and pay later!" D) " Don't buy when you can barter!" " What an easy thing, to buy now and pay later!"
21) What economic term defines a period of increasing stock prices? A) bull market B) bear market C) deflation D) inflation bull market
22) Why was the 1920s often referred to as "roaring" or "booming?" A) Prohibition limited the growth of the alcohol industry. B) New industries led to increased economic growth. C) Most women campaigned for equal rights amendment. D) Immigration was restricted. New industries led to increased economic growth.
23) Which one of the following occurred during the business boom in the 1920s? A) Industry produced more goods than ever before. B) Unemployment increased. C) Installment buying lost popularity. D) Incomes decreased. Industry produced more goods than ever before.
24) What was one result of the increased use of the assembly line in the 1920s? A) increased workers participation in managing companies B) increased amount of time workers spent making each product C) decreased prices in order to make products more affordable D) increased government ownership of methods of production decreased prices in order to make products more affordable
25) What characterized the prosperity of the 1920s? A) a growth in government regulation of business B) a decrease in farmers' economic problems C) very few technological advances D) an increase in consumer investment and spending an increase in consumer investment and spending
26) How was the average American affected by the economic boom of the 1920s? A) The standard of living went down slightly for most Americans. B) The average American was harmed by the price increases and wage freezes. C) The boom affected only the very rich and not the average American. D) Most Americans had more cash to spend on luxury and convenience items. Most Americans had more cash to spend on luxury and convenience items.
27) In the early 1920s, which form of transportation had the biggest impact on American families? A) airplanes B) automobiles C) subways D) railroads automobiles
ccording to the graph, when did automobile sales increase the most? A) 1921 to 1923 B) 1925 to 1927 C) 1927 to 1929 D) 1919 to 1921 1921 to 1923
29) What contributed to the growth of suburbs during the 1920s? A) restrictive government rules B) rises in gas prices C) increased car ownership D) restricted immigration increased car ownership
30) Why did suburbs begin to grow during the 1920s? A) jobs were more readily available in rural areas B) more people owned cars and commuted to work C) unemployment began to increase D) people wanted to return to a simpler life of farming more people owned cars and commuted to work
31) When soldiers returned home immediately after World War I, there was no longer a need for the production of war materials. What effect did this have on the United States economy? A) a promising economic outlook B) stock prices rose rapidly C) unemployment declined sharply D) a sharp recession a sharp recession
32) The largest number of Americans were employed in what occupation in 1920? A) government employee B) industrial worker C) stockbroker D) farmer industrial worker
33) Which one of the following occupations showed the smallest increase during the 1920s? A) retail sales personnel B) service industry workers C) industrial workers D) farmers farmers
34) Why did the number of labor strikes increase after World War I? A) government drastically increased income taxes B) women refused to leave their wartime jobs to returning soldiers C) managers refused to hire new immigrants D) pay was lower than the increased cost of living pay was lower than the increased cost of living
35) What happened to stock prices between 1926 and "Black Thursday?" A) They went down. B) They went up. C) They remained the same. D) They were regulated by the government. They went up.
36) Which one of the following was true of the 1920s before the stock market crash? A) the upper class received a huge share of the nation's income B) wages of industrial workers went up rapidly C) farm income went up rapidly D) profits fell steadily the upper class received a huge share of the nation's income
37) Which one of the following was one of the main causes of the Great Depression? A) increased investments in banking B) overproduction of goods flooding the market C) overabundance of investment capital D) decline in service industries overproduction of goods flooding the market
38) How were farmers affected by the economic boom of the 1920s? A) Many farmers did not enjoy the same prosperity that urban workers enjoyed. B) Many farmers became prosperous as agricultural prices rose. C) Many farmers experienced prosperity by applying the new ideas of efficiency and automation to agriculture. D) Many farmers became wealthy by becoming involved in urban industry. Many farmers did not enjoy the same prosperity that urban workers enjoyed.
39) Why did farmers have a particularly difficult time after World War I? A) new business practices made farming obsolete B) farm cooperatives had lowered seed prices C) farm prices dropped as the war market ended D) availability of farm laborers were scarce farm prices dropped as the war market ended
40) Why did many farmers experience economic difficulties in the 1920s? A) The small number of farms could not keep up with the increased demand for goods. B) Severe droughts and insects swarms destroyed a majority of farm crops. C) It was becoming cheaper to import farm products from other countries. D) Farm products flooded the market and drove down prices. Farm products flooded the market and drove down prices.
41) According to the law of supply and demand, farmers will obtain the highest price for their products when A) both supply and demand are low B) supply is low and demand is high C) both supply and demand are high D) supply is high and demand is low supply is low and demand is high
42) Which one of the following statements best describes the United States' immigration policy following World War I? A) The United States wanted to continue its policy of unrestricted immigration. B) The United States followed immigration guidelines established by the League of Nations. C) The United States tried to limit immigration from certain countries. D) The United States increased immigration quotas to meet increased demands for labor in manufacturing. The United States tried to limit immigration from certain countries.
43) " Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." These words written at the base of the Statue of Liberty would not generally apply to United States immigration policy during A) the Civil War period B) the period between World War I and World War II C) President George Washington's administration D) President Andrew Jackson's administration the period between World War I and World War II
44) Which situation was most likely responsible for the decrease in the number of immigrants entering the United States between 1910 and 1930? A) passage of laws by the United States Congress restricting immigration B) development of dictatorships in many European countries C) restrictions of European governments on immigration to the United States D) existence of economic depression in Europe passage of laws by the United States Congress restricting immigration
45) How did the Immigration Act of 1924 affect immigration? A) It restricted immigration from southern and eastern Europe. B) It opened the door for immigrants from Asian nations. C) It abolished the quota system. D) It only allowed for the immigration of skilled laborers. It restricted immigration from southern and eastern Europe.
46) What group of immigrants were favored by the Emergency Quota Act? A) South and Central Americans B) Eastern Europeans C) Northern Europeans D) Asians Northern Europeans
47) What method was used by the United States to slow down immigration after World War I? A) required military service B) quota system C) increased taxes D) required sponsorship by a United States citizen quota system
48) What was the quota system designed to accomplish? A) to totally suspend all immigration B) to grant all immigrants the right to vote C) to restrict new immigration from Asia and Eastern Europe D) to allow only migrant workers to enter the United States to restrict new immigration from Asia and Eastern Europe
49) Upon what was immigration quota system based? A) an immigrant's political beliefs B) an immigrant's religion C) an immigrant's country of origin D) an immigrant's wealth an immigrant's country of origin
50) Which one of the following events caused a demand for limits on immigration? A) Palmer raids B) Scopes trial C) Harlem Renaissance D) Red Scare Red Scare
51) The Palmer raids were a part of the A) Harlem Renaissance B) Prohibition C) Red Scare D) Teapot Dome Scandal Red Scare
52) What event in American history was illustrated by the cartoon? A) America's entry into the League of Nations in 1919 B) Prohibition in the 1920s C) ratification of the Versailles Treaty in 1920 D) Red Scare of 1919 Red Scare of 1919
53) In the cartoon, what way of thinking does the words "put them out and keep them out" illustrate? A) nativism B) acculturation C) isolationism D) imperialism nativism
54) What event in American history did the cartoon most closely represent? A) Harlem Renaissance B) Red Scare C) Progressive reform D) Zimmermann Telegram Red Scare
55) Which one of the following best describes the theme of the cartoon? A) The United States refused to take in refuges from warring nations. B) America's economic woes were bankrupting smaller nations. C) Radicals from Europe were a threat to liberty in the United States. D) European immigrants were afraid of being harassed in the United States. Radicals from Europe were a threat to liberty in the United States.
Which one of the following best represents the theme of the cartoon? A) The United States has a policy of completely open immigration. B) Potentially dangerous immigrants should be prevented from entering the United States. C) The United States has been ejecting United States citizens who are criminal or violent. D) The military should be responsible for halting the flow of immigration. Potentially dangerous immigrants should be prevented from entering the United States.
57) What did the Sacco and Vanzetti trial reveal about the feelings of many Americans during 1919? A) A strong fear of foreigners existed in the United States. B) Americans still blamed Germany for the war. C) Many Americans were unable to accept women in the workplace. D) Resentment surfaced over the flood of African Americans into Northern cities. A strong fear of foreigners existed in the United States.
58) Which one of the following trials exhibited a violation of due process of law? A) Charles R. Forbes B) Albert B. Fall C) John Scopes D) Sacco and Vanzetti Sacco and Vanzetti
What social and political problem is referred to by the headline? A) illegal lynching mobs B) nativism or fear of different national groups C) Cold War fears of Soviet aggression D) racial prejudice nativism or fear of different national groups
Sacco and Vanzetti were accused of murder and theft and sentenced to death on April 9, 1927. The following is Vanzetti's response to the sentence. " ...I have had to suffer for things that I am not guilty of. But my conviction [belief] is that I have s 60) According to the quote, what did Vanzetti believe was the basis of his conviction? A) new immigration laws B) evidence presented in his trial C) nationality and beliefs D) murder and theft nationality and beliefs
61) According to the quote, what was Vanzetti's attitude toward his trial? A) He admitted he was a danger to society. B) He wished he had never come to the United States. C) He felt he should be given a new trial. D) He felt he had acted properly. He felt he had acted properly.
62) Why did many African American men migrate to Northern cities after World War I? A) inexpensive housing was more widely available B) discrimination did not exist in the North C) free education was offered African Americans D) many industrial jobs were available many industrial jobs were available
63) What action did African Americans take in the 1920s to escape Southern segregation and poverty? A) They moved to Northern cities. B) They emigrated to Africa. C) They became sharecroppers. D) They joined labor unions. They moved to Northern cities.
64) What was the major cause of the migration of African Americans to Northern cities during and after World War I (1915-1940)? A) government relocation policies B) lack of industrialization C) increased job opportunities D) government resettlement programs increased job opportunities
65) Which one of the following was a problem faced by black Americans during the 1920s? A) restriction of migrant labor opportunities B) a drop in membership of the Ku Klux Klan C) the renewal of the plantation system in the South D) increased discrimination in Northern cities increased discrimination in Northern cities
66) Which one of the following best explains the increased growth of hotels, restaurants, and gas stations in the 1920s? A) The cultural revival in Harlem brought new waves of European immigration to the United States. B) The invention of the automobile gave the American people greater mobility. C) Many Americans were disillusioned with city life and moved back to the country. D) People frequently moved around to find places to obtain illegal liquor. The invention of the automobile gave the American people greater mobility.
67) Which one of the following demonstrates a clash between new scientific discoveries and traditional religious beliefs in the 1920s? A) Scopes trial B) Palmer raids C) speakeasies D) use of electricity Scopes trial
68) What issue was argued in the famous Scopes trial? A) civil rights B) the right to counsel C) teaching of evolution D) prayer in schools teaching of evolution
69) " It was time of change... Model A roadsters, Lindbergh, prohibition, and women's suffrage, but the voters also demanded return to normalcy and isolation." This quotation reflects the culture of what time period? A) 1940s B) immediately after World War I C) 1930s D) 1920s 1920s
70) What group of people contributed to the achievements in art and literature during the Harlem Renaissance? A) African Americans B) Hispanics C) Native Americans D) Latin Americans African Americans
71) What term describes the period of significant African-American contribution to art, music, and culture in the 1920s and early 1930s? A) Harlem Renaissance B) Speakeasy C) Coolidge Prosperity D) Age of Blues Harlem Renaissance
72) What topic did the Harlem Renaissance writers commonly write about? A) development of new inventions B) experiences of black Americans C) fashions and fads of the 1920s D) Americanization of European immigrants experiences of black Americans
73) Who was a writer during the Harlem Renaissance? A) Langston Hughes B) Mark Twain C) Charles Lindbergh D) Louis Armstrong Langston Hughes
74) One-Way Ticket I am fed up With Jim Crow laws People who are cruel And afraid, Who lynch and run, Who are scared of me And me of them. I pick up my life And take it away On a one-way ticket Gone up North Gone out West Gone! —Langston Hughes What was the theme of the poem? A) poverty B) unemployment C) racism D) growth of farms racism
75) What African American created a "back to Africa" movement? A) Martin Luther King B) Marcus Garvey C) George Washington Carver D) Nat Turner Marcus Garvey
76) The new generation of American writers in the 1920s believed that Americans A) permitted too much dissent B) did not encourage national economic growth C) did not enjoy enough material progress D) had become overly concerned with wealth and leisure had become overly concerned with wealth and leisure
77) Who wrote about a soldier's experiences during World War I in A Farewell to Arms? A) Eugene O'Neill B) Ernest Hemingway C) T.S. Eliot D) Sinclair Lewis Ernest Hemingway
78) What author wrote Main Street? A) Henry David Thoreau B) Walt Whitman C) Sinclair Lewis D) Nathaniel Hawthorne Sinclair Lewis
79) In the 1920s, which one of the following influenced change in the American lifestyle? A) movies B) television C) invention of electricity D) computers movies
80) What type of music became popular during the 1920s? A) bluegrass country B) rock and roll C) classical overtures D) jazz jazz
81) Which one of the following best describes the Jazz Age? A) a return to old-fashioned roles of women B) a stricter adherence to religion C) a freer, fast-paced American lifestyle D) an increased dependence of industry and science a freer, fast-paced American lifestyle
82) Which one of the following was a dance that became popular during the Jazz Age? A) Waltz B) Salsa C) Polka D) Lindy Lindy
83) In the 1920s, the trendy young women with bobbed hair and flashy shortened skirts were called A) flappers B) Gibson girls C) hippies D) prohibitionists flappers
84) What did the "flappers" symbolize about the 1920s culture? A) women rebelling against traditional values B) public outcry against Prohibition C) growing fear of the dependence on the stock market D) renewed interest in traditional values women rebelling against traditional values
85) " The Charleston Dance Sweeps the Country" " Bobbed Hair and Shorter Skirts" " Silent Moving Pictures Fill Theatres" During which decade did the trends in the headlines characterize American society? A) 1910s B) 1920s C) 1890s D) 1930s 1920s
86) Who was the pilot, nicknamed the "Lone Eagle", who made a non-stop airplane flight from New York to Paris in 1927? A) Orville Wright B) Amelia Earhart C) Howard Hughes D) Charles Lindbergh Charles Lindbergh
87) Who was the most famous American baseball player during the 1920s? A) Cy Young B) Babe Ruth C) Joe DiMaggio D) Mickey Mantle Babe Ruth
88) What term best describes an activity or style that is popular for a short period of time? A) bull market B) vaudeville C) fad D) margin fad
89) What was the first "talkie" movie? A) Birth of a Nation B) The Sheik C) The Jazz Singer D) City Lights The Jazz Singer
90) Which one of the following is an example of a 1920s fad? A) flagpole sitting B) yo-yo contests C) hula hoop endurance competitions D) stuffing teens in phone booths flagpole sitting
91) Which one of the following is an example of a 1920s fad? A) cross-country car races B) skipping rope C) dance marathons D) rollerskates dance marathons
92) What term is best described as the time period during which the making and selling of liquor was banned in the United States? A) Prohibition B) Roaring 20s C) Reconstruction D) Industrial Revolution Prohibition
93) What was the objective of the Women's Christian Temperance Union? A) to advocate voting rights for women B) to achieve new education opportunities for women C) to reform the civil service system D) to eliminate the manufacture and sale of alcohol to eliminate the manufacture and sale of alcohol
94) Which one of the following mottoes could have been the rallying cry of the Prohibitionists? A) " Get Boss Tweed!" B) " Eliminate alcohol!" C) " Abolish slavery!" D) " Say 'No' to tariffs." " Eliminate alcohol!"
95) What Prohibition groups' motto was "Now for an era of clear thinking and clean living?" A) Society of Speakeasies B) Anti-Saloon League C) Harlem Renaissance League D) Bootlegger Society Anti-Saloon League
96) What was the goal of the 18th Amendment? A) direct election of senators B) creation of a progressive income tax C) right to vote for women D) ban on the manufacture, sale, and transport of alcohol ban on the manufacture, sale, and transport of alcohol
97) Which one of the following was achieved by a constitutional amendment? A) formation of the national postal service B) ban on the manufacture and sale of alcohol C) limit on the size of the military D) limit on immigration ban on the manufacture and sale of alcohol
98) What term best describes the criminals who smuggled illegal liquor from Canada and the Caribbean? A) bootleggers B) muckrakers C) carpetbaggers D) sharecroppers bootleggers
99) What were the illegal bars that operated during Prohibition frequently called? A) night clubs B) saloons C) rancheros D) speakeasies speakeasies
100) Which one of the following was a result of Prohibition? A) Women became more active in the workplace. B) Organized crime decreased. C) Immigration to the United States slowed. D) Americans frequently disobeyed the law to buy alcohol. Americans frequently disobeyed the law to buy alcohol.
101) The illegality of alcohol during the 1920s Prohibition contributed to a rise in A) voting rights for women B) immigration from Asia C) gangsters and organized crime D) births in the United States gangsters and organized crime
102) What issue in an constitutional amendment was repealed (taken away) by the passage of the 21st Amendment? A) election of senators B) prohibition C) woman's suffrage D) slavery prohibition
103) What is the only amendment to the federal Constitution that has been repealed? A) prohibition B) slavery C) taxation D) suffrage prohibition
104) What is the only constitutional amendment to be repealed? A) the amendment authorizing the income tax B) the amendment granting voting rights to blacks C) the amendment banning the sale of liquor the amendment banning the sale of liquor
105) During the 1920s, many Americans "bought on margin". What is the meaning of this term? A) to buy stock on credit B) to buy up farm surpluses C) to charge consumer purchases D) to lower stock prices to buy stock on credit
106) What term best defines an item that is offered up for security on a loan? A) collateral B) co-signer C) stock D) margin collateral
107) Which one of the following contributed to the stock market crash of 1929? A) heavy government regulation of the New York Stock Exchange B) low interest rates C) the collapse of the German Stock Market D) panic selling of stock panic selling of stock
108) What 1929 event was commonly called Black Tuesday? A) day Herbert Hoover became president B) beginning of Prohibition C) day the stock market crashed D) beginning of the Dust Bowl day the stock market crashed
109) What event happened on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929? A) New Deal programs began B) Versailles Treaty was signed C) Herbert Hoover was elected president D) stock market crashed stock market crashed
110) What was the direct result of the stock market crash of 1929? A) Reconstruction Period B) Roaring Twenties C) Great Depression D) California Gold Rush Great Depression
111) What event is often associated with the start of the Great Depression? A) adoption of the New Deal B) stock market crash C) the Senate's failure to ratify the Versailles Treaty D) presidential election of Franklin D. Roosevelt stock market crash
112) The newspaper headline is most closely associated with what event? A) election of Calvin Coolidge B) start of World War II C) growing confidence in the economy D) start of the Great Depression start of the Great Depression
113) What business professional would have had the greatest immediate interest in the headline? A) a geographer B) an economist C) a sociologist D) an anthropologist an economist
114) How did the stock market crash of 1929 hurt the average American? A) Due to new trade restrictions, food had become scarce. B) The price of farm products dramatically fell with no prior warning. C) Many found that the stocks they had purchased had become worthless. D) The sudden increase in stock prices made it too expensive to buy. Many found that the stocks they had purchased had become worthless.
Created by: creek23
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