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SS Chapter 8A


1) How was the state of Alaska acquired? A) annexation B) gifted by another nation C) military action D) purchased purchased
How did the United States acquire the Alaskan territory? A) It was a settlement from the Spanish-American War. B) They purchased it from Russia. C) They overthrew the reign of Queen Liliuokalani. D) They traded Great Britain the Samoan Islands for Alaska. They purchased it from Russia.
What area was purchased by Secretary of State William Seward immediately following the Civil War? A) the Philippines B) Hawaii C) Alaska D) Guam Alaska
What action of territorial expansion was nicknamed Seward's Folly? A) Louisiana Purchase B) purchase of Alaska C) Gadsden Purchase D) Mexican Cession purchase of Alaska
Which American politician was known for the purchase of the "Icebox" (Alaska)? A) Martin Van Buren B) Thomas Jefferson C) Theodore Roosevelt D) William Seward William Seward
Who was responsible for the purchase of Alaska by the United States? A) William Seward B) Henry Clay C) John Astor D) John C. Calhoun William Seward
What was the last area of land to be acquired by the United States? A) Hawaii B) Texas C) Louisiana D) Florida Hawaii
How was the state of Hawaii acquired? A) purchased B) diplomatic negotiation C) gifted by another nation D) annexation annexation
Which one of the following groups encouraged the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands? A) New England shipping companies B) factory workers in Hawaii C) American sugar plantation owners in Hawaii D) cattle ranchers in the American West American sugar plantation owners in Hawaii
10) Why did the United States want to acquire the Hawaiian Islands in 1898? A) Americans wanted to invest in the sugar plantations. B) The United States wanted to eliminate Chinese control of the islands. C) Vast deposits of gold and silver had been discovered. D) Japanese immigrants were trying to gain political control. Americans wanted to invest in the sugar plantations.
1) What leader tried to preserve the independence of Hawaii in 1893? A) Theodore Roosevelt B) Queen Liliuokalani C) Emilio Aguinaldo D) Matthew Perry Queen Liliuokalani
How was American Samoa acquired? A) purchased B) military action C) gifted by another nation D) diplomatic negotiation diplomatic negotiation
What was the result of an agreement with Samoa and the United States in 1899? A) The United States could no longer trade with Pacific Islands. B) The right to build a canal was granted to the United States. C) The Samoan Islands were annexed by the United States. D) Samoa became an independent nation. The Samoan Islands were annexed by the United States.
What was a basic cause of United States interests in overseas expansion at the end of the 1800s? A) overpopulation in the United States B) desire for alliances with European nations C) growth of American industry D) fear of invasion of the United States by Mexico growth of American industry
This political cartoon best illustrates the concept of A) Prohibition B) imperialism C) communism D) secession imperialism
What term is best described by a nation's policy of increasing its power by gaining political, economic, or territorial control of other areas? A) internationalism B) democracy C) communism D) imperialism imperialism
The policy of taking control of land, businesses, and governments in Africa and Asia in the late 1800s is an example of A) isolationism B) socialism C) imperialism D) Marxism imperialism
18) " American factories are making more than the American people can use; American soil is producing more than they can consume. Fate has written our policy for us; the trade of the world must and shall be ours." —U.S. Senator Albert Beveridge, 1897 What foreign policy of the late nineteenth century was Senator Beveridge encouraging? A) neutrality B) imperialism C) isolationism D) nativism imperialism
" I wanted the American eagle to go screaming into the Pacific.... Why not spread its wings over the Philippines, I asked myself?... We can make them [Philippine people] as free as ourselves, give them a government and country of their own, put a miniature American constitution afloat in the Pacific, start a brand new republic to take it expresses a policy of A) freedom based on United States expansion B) neutrality in the Pacific C) non-intervention in world affairs D) containment of communism freedom based on United States expansion
20) " First, we were a nation that was bordered along the Atlantic, then, the gulf of Mexico, and now, we have expanded to the Pacific Ocean. We must now look beyond our borders to new lands for conquest and annexation." What belief does this statement best describe? A) isolationism B) imperialism C) neutrality D) sectionalism imperialism
" President McKinley Announces the United States Occupation of the Philippines" The newspaper headline shows the United States foreign policy of A) imperialism B) neutrality C) consumerism D) sectionalism imperialism
What term best defines the act of assembling the armed forces in preparation for war? A) nationalism B) isolationism C) imperialism D) militarism militarism
23) What foreign policy did the United States follow regarding Latin America in the early 1900s? A) militarism B) expansionism C) colonialism D) isolationism militarism
24) How does a country behave when it has become more militaristic? A) peaceful B) urbanized C) isolated D) aggressive aggressive
25) Why did industrial nations easily form new colonies in the late 19th century? A) Most colonies were anxious to become Christian. B) Advanced weapon technology made it easy to conquer less advanced nations. C) Most colonies wanted to be ruled by European kings. D) Most colonies wanted to have democracies. Advanced weapon technology made it easy to conquer less advanced nations.
Which one of the following was not a cause of European imperialism in the late 1800s? A) fear of war with other nations B) belief that European culture was superior C) desire for overseas markets D) need for new sources of raw materials fear of war with other nations
Which one of the following has been a cause of imperialism? A) ending military dictatorships B) abolition of slavery C) need for raw materials D) containment of communism need for raw materials
) Which one of the following statements show the attitude of European nations toward Africa and Asia in the nineteenth century? A) " We should find new markets for our products and new sources of natural resources." " We should find new markets for our products and new sources of natural resources."
29) Why did industrial Europeans nations want to obtain new colonies in the late 1800s? A) Europeans were fighting World War I. B) Europeans needed more slaves. C) Europeans wanted new markets and new natural resources. D) Europeans needed a new place to settle. Europeans wanted new markets and new natural resources.
30) What did the United States fear during the Age of Imperialism? A) increased power and trade by European countries in the Western Hemisphere B) increased struggles for independence in Latin American countries C) loss of control of Panama to Mexico D) increased resistance to colonizing Cuban lands increased power and trade by European countries in the Western Hemisphere
31) What group of Americans wanted to establish overseas colonies during the late 19th century? A) farmers B) factory workers C) Native Americans D) big businessmen and factory owners big businessmen and factory owners
32) What was the reason Commodore Perry visited Japan in 1853? A) to stop Russian expansion in the Pacific B) to open Japan to American trade C) to acquire Japan D) to start the Open Door Policy to open Japan to American trade
33) With what country did Commodore Perry's visit open trade between the United States? A) Mexico B) China C) Philippines D) Japan Japan
34) Why was the Open Door Policy developed? A) Americans wished to stop European nations from interfering in the Western Hemisphere. B) Americans hoped to protect the Chinese from militaristic foreigners. C) The Japanese desired more contact with the West. D) Americans wanted to compete for trade in China. Americans wanted to compete for trade in China.
35) What nation was involved in the Open Door Policy with the United States? A) Brazil B) India C) China D) the Philippines China
36) Why did the United States encourage an Open Door Policy toward China? A) to allow all nations to have equal opportunity to trade in China B) to support the leaders of the Boxer Rebellion C) to expel Japan and Russia from China territories D) to limit foreign trade within its sphere of influence to allow all nations to have equal opportunity to trade in China
37) Which one of the following was a major goal of American foreign policy in the late 1800s? A) to create an empire of new colonies from Asia to Africa B) to create spheres of influence in China C) to be victorious in World Wars D) to enslave the Europeans to create spheres of influence in China
38) What term refers to Chinese port areas where trading rights were given to foreign powers? A) colonies B) territory C) spheres of influence D) cession spheres of influence
39) Why did the United States object to the "spheres of influence" in China? A) It gave too much power to American industrialists. B) It prevented the other Asian nations from obtaining raw materials. C) It decreased the influence of Chinese nationalists. D) It restricted United States participation in the Chinese trade. It restricted United States participation in the Chinese trade.
40) What was the famous uprising against Western foreigners in China in 1900? A) Shays Rebellion B) Boxer Rebellion C) Turner's Rebellion D) Whiskey Rebellion Boxer Rebellion
41) What name was given to the revolt of the conservative Chinese against foreigners in 1900? A) Opium Wars B) Boxer Rebellion C) Cultural Revolution D) Open Door Policy Boxer Rebellion
42) How did the Chinese react to foreigners invading their spheres of influence? A) The Chinese openly accepted the economic prosperity. B) Western European culture and traditions were readily adopted by the Chinese people. C) The Boxer Rebellion attempted to drive out all foreigners from China. D) The United States was forced to abandon the Monroe Doctrine. The Boxer Rebellion attempted to drive out all foreigners from China.
43) Spanish atrocities in Cuba, yellow journalism, and the sinking of the battleship Maine are all part of a study of what war? A) Russo-Japanese War B) Civil War C) World War I D) Spanish American War Spanish American War
44) Which one of the following people was most closely associated with yellow journalism? A) John Peter Zenger B) Horace Greeley C) Joseph Pulitzer D) Ben Bradlee Joseph Pulitzer
45) William Randolph Hearst was a publisher best known for promoting A) yellow journalism B) women's magazines C) educational research D) dime novels yellow journalism
46) During the Spanish-American War, a newspaper editor said "you furnish (make) the pictures and I will furnish the war." Of what concept was this an example? A) isolationism B) system of judicial review C) yellow journalism D) Open Door Policy yellow journalism
47) During the Spanish-American War, who was the president of the United States? A) William McKinley B) Franklin Roosevelt C) Woodrow Wilson D) Theodore Roosevelt William McKinley
48) What was the immediate cause of the Spanish-American War? A) the sinking of the Maine B) the opening of the Panama Canal C) the sinking of the Lusitania D) the violence of General Weyler the sinking of the Maine
49) Who led the United States forces to victory in the Battle of Manila Bay? A) John Hay B) George Dewey C) William Jennings Bryan D) Theodore Roosevelt George Dewey
50) What name was given to the infantry led by Theodore Roosevelt during the Spanish-American War? A) Patriot Platoon B) Light Brigade C) Chargers D) Rough Riders Rough Riders
51) What was the major cause for casualties of American soldiers during the Spanish-American War? A) Spanish navy bombardments B) yellow fever and other tropical diseases C) hand-to-hand combat in unfamiliar Cuban lands D) guerilla warfare in the Philippines yellow fever and other tropical diseases
52) The United States became an imperialistic world power as a result of what war with Spain? A) World War II B) World War I C) Spanish-American War D) Mexican War Spanish-American War
53) Why were some Americans opposed to the treaty ending the Spanish-American War? A) It made the United States into an imperialist power. B) It granted Cubans their independence. C) It relinquished control of Panama to Colombia. D) It gave the Spanish complete control of Mexico. It made the United States into an imperialist power.
54) The United States took control of Puerto Rico after the Spanish-American War. This action went against the American belief in A) freedom of religion B) freedom of the seas C) right of self-government D) ownership of private property right of self-government
55) How was Puerto Rico acquired? A) military action B) purchase C) gifted by another nation D) popular vote by the native people military action
56) Which areas did the United States acquire as a result of the Spanish-American War? A) Florida and Louisiana B) Hawaii and Alaska C) Puerto Rico and the Philippines D) Texas and Oregon Puerto Rico and the Philippines
57) As a result of the Spanish-American War, the United States gained control of A) Louisiana B) Hawaii C) Alaska D) Puerto Rico and the Philippines Puerto Rico and the Philippines
58) After the Spanish-American War, what territories did the United States gain from Spain? A) Hawaii and Panama B) Haiti and the Dominican Republic C) the Philippines and Cuba D) Puerto Rico and Guam Puerto Rico and Guam
59) What territory was not acquired as a result of the Spanish-American War? A) Guam B) Hawaiian Islands C) Philippine Islands D) Puerto Rico Hawaiian Islands
60) The Philippines were turned over to the United States by Spain as a result of A) a $20 million payment to Spain B) total military control of the islands C) democratic voting on the islands D) Spanish generosity a $20 million payment to Spain
61) What was a direct result of the Spanish-American War? A) The United States lost control of the Hawaiian Islands and Samoa. B) Cuba was annexed by the United States. C) The United States gained Spanish-held islands in the Pacific and the Caribbean as colonies. D) Cuba bought San Salvador from the United States. The United States gained Spanish-held islands in the Pacific and the Caribbean as colonies.
62) How did the Philippine Islands react toward the United States following the Spanish-American War? A) The Filipinos freely welcomed American rule. B) Filipino rebels began a revolt against American rule. C) Severe trade restrictions were placed against the United States. D) Many Filipinos emigrated to the United States. Filipino rebels began a revolt against American rule.
63) What Filipino led the fight for independence in the Philippines at the turn of the 20th century? A) Emilio Aguinaldo B) William Gorgas C) Matthew Perry D) Pancho Villa Emilio Aguinaldo
64) After the Civil War, why did the United States become more involved in the affairs of Latin America? A) Politicians wanted to expand the ideals of democracy. B) The United States wanted more land for Indian reservations. C) Industrialists were looking for raw materials and new markets. D) Latin America became the target of the United State's Manifest Destiny. Industrialists were looking for raw materials and new markets.
65) Which one of the following statements best reflects United States foreign policy toward Latin America between 1900 and 1960? A) non-interference and neutrality toward Latin American nations B) protection of American business interests in Latin American C) support of "left wing" revolutionary groups in Latin America D) encouragement of Latin American dependence upon European nations protection of American business interests in Latin American
66) Which one of the following best described Theodore Roosevelt's leadership style? A) isolationist B) aggressive world leader C) strict constitutionalist D) quiet and efficient bureaucrat aggressive world leader
67) Why did the United States intervene in the British-Venezuela boundary dispute of 1895? A) to strengthen British power in Latin America B) to create an American colony in Latin America C) to decrease Spanish influence in Latin American D) to enforce the Monroe Doctrine to enforce the Monroe Doctrine
68) Intervention in Venezuela and the Dominican Republic was used by President Theodore Roosevelt as a means to A) prevent European interference in affairs of the Western Hemisphere B) limit the role of the United States in world affairs C) stop revolutions in those nations D) annex those two nations to the United States prevent European interference in affairs of the Western Hemisphere
69) What nation owned Panama before it became independent in 1903? A) Honduras B) United States C) Colombia D) Spain Colombia
70) What president was influential in building the Panama Canal? A) Grover Cleveland B) William McKinley C) Franklin D. Roosevelt D) Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt
71) What waterway was built by the United States to connect the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean? A) Barge Canal B) Erie Canal C) Panama Canal D) Welland Canal Panama Canal
72) Which one of the following areas was controlled by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903? A) Philippines B) Hawaii C) Guam D) Panama Canal Zon Panama Canal Zone
73) Which was the major reason that the Panama Canal was built? A) to shorten the sea route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean B) to decrease the unemployment rate in Central America C) to obtain a new colony for the United States D) to stimulate the shipping industry in the United States to shorten the sea route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean
74) What was the United States' purpose in building the Panama Canal? A) to enforce the Monroe Doctrine in Latin America B) to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans C) to raise the standard of living in South America D) to create income for the United States by charging tolls to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
75) Who developed locks to help build the Panama Canal? A) William Gorgas B) Ferdinand de Lesseps C) Phillippe Bunau-Varilla D) George Goethals George Goethals
76) What was a serious difficulty encountered during the building of the Panama Canal? A) Panamanian rebels B) lack of materials C) illness and disease D) disagreements with Spain illness and disease
77) Whose developments in medicine helped to end yellow fever during the building of the Panama Canal? A) Marie Curie B) Jonas Salk C) Joseph Harvey D) Walter Reed Walter Reed
78) Early in the 20th century, United States wanted the Virgin Islands to establish a A) source of rubber B) base for defending the Panama Canal C) site for atomic bomb experiments D) regular supply of coffee base for defending the Panama Canal
79) The Platt Amendment was part of our foreign policy with what nation? A) Mexico B) France C) China D) Cuba Cuba
80) What did Cuba give the United States the right to do in the Platt Amendment? A) build naval bases on the island B) establish an exclusive trade agreement with Cuba C) establish a colonial government D) ignore the Monroe Doctrine build naval bases on the island
81) Which one of the following allowed for the United States to establish naval bases in Cuba? A) Teller Amendment B) Platt Amendment C) Open Door policy D) Spheres of Influence Platt Amendment
82) Which one of the following guaranteed our right to intervene in Cuban affairs for the purpose of maintaining order? A) Open Door Policy B) Marshall Plan C) Teller Amendment D) Platt Amendment Platt Amendment
83) What foreign policy allowed the American government to intervene in Latin American if law and order was threatened? A) Truman Doctrine B) Marshall Plan C) Roosevelt Corollary D) Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary
What is the main objective of the Roosevelt Corollary? A) to freely send American troops into Latin American nations B) to establish a Marine base in the Philippines C) to withdraw its troops from the Canal Zone D) to increase military control in the Pacific to freely send American troops into Latin American nations
85) What was the purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary of the Monroe Doctrine? A) to make the United States the police of the Western Hemisphere B) to create an Open Door Policy in China C) to keep the United States neutral D) to heal the economy during the depression to make the United States the police of the Western Hemisphere
86) What American president was associated with the statement "Speak softly and carry a big stick, and you will go far?" A) Franklin D. Roosevelt B) Theodore Roosevelt C) William McKinley D) Woodrow Wilson Theodore Roosevelt
87) What did Theodore Roosevelt mean when he said "speak softly and carry a big stick?" A) Do not threaten other nations, but show the strength of your military power. B) Participate in the wars and invasions by other nations. C) Follow George Washington's policy of isolationism. D) Watch other nations fight, and then, fight the winner. Do not threaten other nations, but show the strength of your military power.
88) Which example best represents the concept of dollar diplomacy? A) A treaty between Panama and the United States working out the control of the Panama Canal. B) The United States army collecting import and export taxes in Cuba. C) The United States capitalists financing the building of railroads in South America. D) Joint efforts of Americans and Cubans in improving living conditions. The United States capitalists financing the building of railroads in South America.
89) What was the nickname of President William Howard Taft's plan for expanding economic ties between the United States and Latin America? A) "big stick" B) Monroe Doctrine C) free trade D) dollar diplomacy dollar diplomacy
90) What was one result of William Howard Taft's dollar diplomacy? A) Communism spread to Latin America. B) Increased tension between some Latin American nations and the United States. C) The United States bought all of South America. D) Latin American banks opened in the United States. Increased tension between some Latin American nations and the United States.
91) Which one of the following best describes the goal of the Pan-American movement? A) It united the nations of North America. B) It encouraged cooperation between the republics of the Western Hemisphere. C) It created free trade among the nations of North and South America. D) It protected United States industries from foreign competition. It encouraged cooperation between the republics of the Western Hemisphere.
92) Which one of the following is the opposite of spirit of Pan-Americanism? A) imperialism B) neutrality C) emancipation D) industrialization imperialism
Created by: creek23
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