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DWR Section 7

Rebuilding the Country After 1945

When was the Beveridge Report published? 1st December 1942
Who published the Beveridge Report? Sir William Beveridge
What were the Five Giants? Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor, Idleness
Which Acts were introduced by the Labour government to combat Want? 1945 Family Allowances Act, 1946 National Insurance Act, 1948 National Assistance Act
Which Acts were introduced by the Labour government to combat Disease? 1946 National Health Service Act which came into operation in 1948
Which Acts were introduced by the Labour government to combat Ignorance? 1944 Education Act
Which Acts were introduced by the Labour government to combat Squalor? 1946 Housing Production Executive, 1946 New Towns Act, 1947 Towns and Country Planning Act
Which Acts were introduced by the Labour government to combat Idleness? Nothing really lol
How many copies of the Beveridge Report were sold within two weeks? 635,000 copies sold
According to a public opinion poll taken two weeks after the publication of the Beveridge Report, how many people had heard of the report? 95%
According to a public opinion poll taken two weeks after the publication of the Beveridge Report, how many people wanted the report implemented? 90%
In January 1948, did BMA (British Medical Association) doctors vote for or against joining the new NHS? Against
By 5th July 1948, what percentage of the population had signed up with the NHS? 75%
During the first year, how much had the NHS cost? £248 million
How much more than expected did the NHS cost in the first year? £140 million
For what was a charge introduced by the Labour government in 1951? Some dental treatment and medicine
In response to the medical charge introduced by the Labour government in 1951, who resigned in protest? Aneurin Bevan, the Minister of Health and the person responsible for the introduction of the NHS
What was the school leaving age increased to in 1947? 15 years of age
What change was also made to the education system in 1947? Education became free
What was the exam called that determined which school a child would go to? The 11 plus exam
What school would a child go to as a result of the 11 plus exam? Pass; Grammar school, Fail: Technical or Modern school
How many prefab homes did the government intend to build over the next 10 years? 500,000 prefab homes
How many homes were built between 1945-1951? 1.2 million homes
Approximately, how many prefab houses were built between 1945-1951? 150,000
£2700 million compensation was paid out for what? Nationalisation of industries
Which industries were nationalised and when? Coal in 1947, Electricity in 1947, Gas in 1948, Railways in 1948, Road Haulage
Who won the 1951 General Election? The Conservatives
Who became Prime Minister in 1951? Winston Churchill
Until when were Labour's post-war changes kept in place? The 1970s
Did unemployment rise or fall between 1946 and 1950? Unemployment fell
By 1951, what percentage of men and women worked in nationalised industries? 10% of men and women
By 1951, what percentage of the economy was owned by the state? 20% of the economy
Created by: DylDZ-GCSE
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