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Social Language

The study of conversation and gayspeak

What is an idiolect? An individually distinctive style of speaking
Define "Familect" A style of language used within a family
What is a sociolect? The dialect of a particular social class
Define "Speech Community" A group of people who share a set of norms and expectations regarding the use of language
What's the difference between active and passive speech in a speech community? Active speech shapes the community, but passive speech goes along with the community
Define "Dyadic" Relating to the number two; of a pair
What does density refer to? Whether people in a network know each other
Define "Social Network" A complex web of individuals who participate in social interaction with each other
What is an open network? A network where lots of members have ties to members of other social networks
Define "Closed Network" A network where most of the members are isolated from other social networks
What is multiplexity? The complexity of the ties between individuals
Define "First/ Second/ Third Order Zones" Subsequent zones consist of friends of friends
What do strong/weak ties refer to? Whether people are close friends or acquaintances
Define "Diverging Conversations" A conversation that's spreading apart
What are converging conversations? A conversation that forms close relationship
Define "Prosodic" Pertaining to the inflection in speech, often associated with emotion
What five things does paralinguistics deal with? Tone, pitch, rhythm, loudness and inflection of voice
Define "Cant" A private language of criminals
What is an argot? A specialized set of vocabulary used by a group
Define "Gender Performativity" The idea that gender, rather than a coherent component of identity incorporated through socialization, is in fact a bodily performance of discourse that exists only because people believe it is significant
What is Polari and what radio show popularised it? A language variety used by some homosexuals in the twentieth century, originally used by showmen and criminals. It was popularised by "Round The Horne"
Define "Anti Society" A resistant or alternative community within a larger society
What is a secret code? Part of gay speak to give the homosexuals a way of protecting oneself against exposure
Define "Code Enabling" Part of gay speak to give the homosexuals a way of performing multiple gay roles, such as camp speech or wide range of sexualised lexical terms
What is a standard gay identity? The belief that there is only one gay identity
Define "Queer Theory" A study of language and sexuality post 1990, focusing on diversity of identity
What is paradox? The act of using incongruent concepts and meanings in tandem and explicit language
Define "Inversion" The act of inverting a norm
What is ludicrism? Characterised as "linguistic playfulness"
Define "Parody" The act of amplifying aspects of identity
What is heteronormativity? The belief that heterosexuality is the norm
Describe what the 1967 Sexual Offences Act did It decriminalised homosexuality, provided those involved were at least 21 years of age and acts were done in private
Created by: 13hored
Popular Linguistics sets




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