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Civil War

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When was the Civil War? 1861-1865
Confederacy the South; pro slavery; anti tariffs; anti federal power
Union the North; anti slavery; pro tariffs; pro federal power
Main Causes slavery, tariffs, and power of the federal government
Why is it important? ends slavery; established superiority of federal government; bloodiest war in US history
Sectionalism loyalty to a state or region instead of the nation
Tariffs taxes on goods from other nations; makes products from other countries more expensive
Impacts of Tariffs on North helped business; made European goods more expensive than Northern goods
Impacts of Tariffs on South did not benefit the South; had trouble exporting cotton; had to pay extra for goods
Impacts of Tariffs on West money went to building railroads, bridges, roads, dams, and canals
Impact of Slavery on North felt violated by slave catchers; against expansion of slavery to the West
Impact of Slavery on South 75% of crops were made in plantations with 20 or more slaves; King Cotton
Uncle Toms's Cabin written by Harriet Beecher Stowe; the Bible of the abolitionist movement
Dred Scott V. Sanford Dred Scott sued for his freedom; Supreme Court said African Americans were not citizens and the only way to end slavery was an amendment
Compromise of 1850 California made a free state; ends Missouri Compromise; allows popular sovereignty; resulted in a stronger fugitive slave act
Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854; proposed by Stephen Douglass; allowed citizens in those states to decide if they wanted slavery or not; resulted in abolitionists and slavery supporters fought for control (Bleeding Kansas)
Abraham Lincoln president of the Union; refused to recognize the secession
Jefferson Davis president of the Confederate State
Fort Sumter 1861; the 1st battle; Union for in South Carolina; Confederacy forced fire on the fort; Union surrenders
Union Strengths large population; railroads; money; factories
Confederacy Strengths strong military leaders; experience with weapons; strong belief of protecting the land
Ulysses S Grant Union military leader
Grant's Plan Anaconda plan; 1. blockade Southern ports 2. attack along Mississippi River 3. capture Richmond, Virginia
Robert E Lee Confederacy military leader
Lee's Plan 1. hold onto Southern land 2. attack often 3. wait for North to get tired and quit
Emancipation Proclamation 1863; President Lincoln freed slaves only in areas controlled by the Confederacy
Battle of Gettysburg 1863; major turning point; Union victory with 23,000 Union deaths; Lee would never attack North again; 28,000 Confederate casualties and lost most top leaders
Created by: Angelinayoung
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