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Civil Rights

Civil Rights Movement The struggle of African Americans for equal rights in the 1950's and 1060's
Plessy v. Ferguson The Supreme Court ruled that the "separate-but-equal" standard was constitutional
Brown v. Board of Education The Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were "inherently unequal"
Thurgood Marshall The first Africa American on the Supreme Court; he was an NAACP attorney
Martin Luther King Jr. A leader of the Civil Rights Movement who believed in non-violence and passive resistance to unjust laws as a way to bring change
Rosa Parks Began a bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955 by refusing to surrender her seat on the bus to a white passenger
Orval Faubus Governor of Arkansas who favored segregation and delayed the implementation of Brown v. Board of Education
Lester Maddox A restaurant owner in Georgia who threatened violence to African Americans seeking to enter his white only restaurant.
George Wallace Alabama Governor who in 1963 stood and the entrance and blocked two African American students from entering
Civil Rights Act (1964) prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, or ethnic origin in hotels, restaurants, and all places of employment doing business with the federal government or across state lines
Affirmative Action President Johnson signed an Executive Order requiring employers with federal contracts to take positive steps to raise the number of their minority employees to correct past imbalances
Billy Graham A famous Christian preacher and spiritual advisor to several U.S. Presidents who became an outspoken opponent of segregation
Twenty-Fourth Amendment (1964) eliminated poll taxes in federal elections
Selma Marches A march in Alabama to demand the vote for African Americans; the demonstrators were attacked, prompting President Johnson to introduce a voting rights bill.
Voting Right Act of 1965 Ended poll taxes, suspended literacy tests required to vote, led to a substantial increase in the number of African American voters
Created by: The9tailedFox
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