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The Grange A farmers’ association organized in 1867 that sponsored social activities, community services and political lobbying.
Exodusters African Americans who migrated from states along the Mississippi River to Kansas in the late 19th century.
Andrew Carnegie A Scottish-American industrialist that led the expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century.
John D. Rockefeller An American oil industry business magnate who created the leading oil company in America during the late 19th century.
Terence Powderly An American labor union leader who was the head of the Knights of Labor in the late 1880s.
Samuel Gompers An American Labor union leader who founded the American Federation of Labor and served as the organization’s president.
Eugene Debs An American socialist, political activist and one of the founding members of the Industrial Workers of the World.
Knights of Labor An American labor federation that was meant to protect its members from employer retaliation.
American Federation of Labor A national federation of labor unions that was founded by an alliance of craft unions disaffected from the Knights of Labor.
Populist Party A political movement by farmers in the South and Midwest against Democratic and Republican parties for ignoring their interests and difficulties.
Boss Tweed An American politician who was the “boss” of Tammany Hall.
Upton Sinclair A well-known American author who wrote books that criticized capitalism and labor conditions.
Ida B. Wells An African American investigative journalist who was an early leader in the civil rights movement.
Susan B. Anthony An American social reformer who was an important part of the women’s sufferage movement.
WEB DuBois An African American sociologist who was the first African American to graduate with a doctorate. One the first leaders of the civil rights movement.
William Jennings Bryan An American politician who was nominated to run for US President three times. Named the “Great Commoner” for his faith in the common people.
Theodore Roosevelt 26th American President who was a Rough Rider. He was an environmentalist.
Robert LaFollette An American politician and lawyer who was governor of Wisconsin.
Jacob Riis An American-Danish social reformer and “muckraker.” Published “How the Other Half Lives.”
Booker T. Washington American educator who was a dominant leader in the African American community.
Jane Addams A pioneer American settlement activist and leader in women’s sufferage.
Frances Willard An American women’s suffergist who became president of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union.
Henry Cabot Lodge An American Republican senator from Massachusetts.
Alfred Thayer Mahan A U.S. naval officer who was called “the most important American strategist of the 19th century.”
Sanford B. Dole A lawyer in the Hawaiian islands. He was President of the Rupublic of Hawaii until it’s annexation into the U.S.
NAACP A civil rights organization to advance justice for African Americans.
William Taft He was the 27th president during 1910s and served in the Supreme Court after his term ended.
Woodrow Wilson The 28th president of the United States from 1913 to 1921.
John J. Pershing A senior United States Army officer and was commander of the AEF.
American Expeditionary Forces An American army force sent to Europe to launch an offensive on Germany.
Tuskegee Airmen A group of African American military pilots who fought in WWII.
Flying Tigers An American and Chinese Air Force recruited by President Roosevelt.
Navajo Code Talkers People who were to speak in an obscure language to tell military secrets without risk of being intercepted by enemy forces.
Franklin Roosevelt The 32nd president of the United States during WWII.
League of Nations An international organization whose goal was to maintain world peace.
Clarence Darrow An American lawyer and a leading member of the American Civil Liberties Union.
KKK An American white supremacist group that supports the superiority of white people.
Vernon Baker An American Army first lieutenant and infantry platoon leader during WWII.
Douglas MacArthur An American five-star general and was Chief of Staff during WWII.
Dwight Eisenhower The 34th president of the United States and supreme commander of the AEF during WWII.
Harry Truman The 33rd president of the United States who implement a Marshall Plan to rebuild the economy of Western Europe.
HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) An investigative committee of the House of Representatives that investigated any person in the US that allegedly had communist ties.
Black Panthers A political group that combated police brutality against the African American community.
Martin Luther King Jr. An African American Baptist minister and activist who was a public face and leader of the civil rights movement that promoted non violent protests.
Malcolm X An African American Muslim minister that challenged the non violent civil rights movement by telling African Americans to defend themselves against white aggression “by any means necessary.”
SNCC (“Snick” Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee) One of the most popular civil rights organizations led by Martin Luther King Jr. that gave African American kids more of a voice.
CORE (Congress on Racial Equality) One of the leading activist organizations that provided non violence training to African American people.
AIM (American Indian Movement) A Native American movement meant to address Native American affirmation.
UFW (United Farm Workers) An activist formation that redefined farm labor activism.
Cesar Chavez The leader of the UFW farmer activist organization.
NATO An alliance between countries in North America and Europe to defend each other, mainly against the possibility of the control by the Soviet Union. (North American Treaty Organization)
NOW (National Organization for Women) An American feminist organization that promoted feminist ideals to people.
Sandra Day O’Connor The first woman to serve in the Supreme Court.
Created by: KacenG
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