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Korean War PP Questi

From 1910-1945,Korea was ruled by _____. Japan
Korea became separated at the 38th parallel. The north was a _________ government and the south had a __________ government. -North backed by ______ _____(country), South backed by ______ ______(country) Communist, Democratic, Soviet Union, United States
The ______ _______ called for elections to unify the country under one government, but the Soviets refused elections in the north. United Nations
List the leaders(including title and country) here: Syngman Rhee elected president of the South
Kim Il Sung Prime minister of North Korea
Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway 8th division Army Leader
Dan Acheson Secretary of State
Van Fleet Took over for Ridgway
Douglas MacArthur Governor of Japan
Maxwell D. Taylor Took over for Van Fleet
Lt. Gen. Walton H. Walker UN commander of ground forces
U.S. leaders were more concerned about _______ ______ than east Asia at this time. Western Europe
Why did the U.S. make sure to give the south "only enough military support to protect themselves" AND what was the Soviet response in the north? We didn't have the ability to give them a lot. The soviets trained the North Koreans
Secretary of State ____ _______ basically ignored Korea in his speeches addressing the spread of communism. Dean Acheson
Why did the North Koreans attack the south? And why was Stalin "ok with it"? Because Dean Acheson ignored them, which caused the North Koreans to think they could attack, and Stalin was ok with it because he thought American involvement in the Korean war would weaken China.
On ____ __, ____ (date), the North invaded the South. By June 28, _____ (the capital of the south) had fallen to the north. June 25, 1950,Seoul
How did the U.S. respond? America helped by sending supplies to Korea as well as carrying out air raids. The main air raids targeted railways and supply lines, which cut off reinforcements. MacArthur was given permission on June 30th to stop invasion no matter what
_______ _______ _. _____ was given the responsibility of slowing the North Korean advance until reinforcements could arrive Colonel Charles B. Smith
What happened to William F. Dean during the Battle of Taejon?(whole story) Dean was separated from his men after the attempt to hold Taejon, he fell off a cliff and broke his shoulder. He survived the wilderness/mountains of Korea for 36 days until he was captured by the North. He remained prisoner for the remainder of the war
The U.S. goal was to maintain a line at the _____ perimeter early in the war Puson
We hold the line, and begin our own advance because we have weakened their ______ _____ with air raids Supply lines
After we held at Pusan, our next major step was to invade at Inchon. It was an amphibious assault called _________ ________ Operation Chromite
What was the goal of the invasion at Inchon? Did it succeed? The goal was to cut off North Korean supply lines to the South and take back capital city of Seoul. Yes they succeeded
How did we "test" the Chinese? We moved closer to the Yalu river to see how close we could get before the Chinese responded
The Chinese showed how committed they were to helping the North Koreans sending their ___-__ jets and sending large force to fight at the _______ ________ MIG-15, Changjin Resivoir
By January 4,1951,the Chinese had pushed all the way back to _____, which was evacuated before they arrived. Seoul
The U.S. and South set up a defensive line just south of the 38th parallel, in an attempt to ___ ___ ______ _____ Cut off supply lines
Task Force _____ became a part of the Chinese advance. They were asked to hold the line at the,____ river. This led MacArthur to tell his bosses that if we didn't get more troops and attack _____, we might as well leave Faith, Yalu, China
Operations ______ and ______ allowed us to re-take Seoul, leading Truman to push for negotiations to end the war. Killer, Ripper
Soon after _________ was fired for trying to push an invasion into China. He was replaced as a UN commander by _______. James A. Van Fleet then took over the U.S. 8th Army MacArthur, Ridgway
The South/U.S. lead negotiator was ____ _______ __ ______ ___, and the North's lead negotiator was _______ ___ __ Vice Admiral C. Turner Joy, General Nam Il
What was odd about the negotiations between the North and South, and where did they decide to make the "demarcation line" during talks? The fighting continued during the negotiations, which is unusual because they usually call for a cease fire. The dividing line kept changing which depended on the advancing side
The last series of battles was called the _____ ____ Punch bowl
____ ____ ____ was a battle in which the hill changed hands 4 times before the UN forces finally left (knowing peace was coming). Started when Syngman Thee released __, ___ _____ ______ _________(even though they didn't want to return) Pork chop hill, 30,000 North Korean prisoners
The armistice was signed ____ __, ____. What were the terms July 27,1953 -A 25 mile buffer zone along the 38th parallel -U.S. keeps 30,000 troops along the border -North ended up losing 1,500 square miles of territory
List the number of casualties for each side during the Korean War
-U.S.-->37,000 dead, 100,000 wounded -South Korea-->250,000 dead, 400,000 wounded -Civilians-->1,000,000 -North Korea and China-->1.3 million dead
Our air raids were carried out by _-___ B-29s
The battle of ______ _____ was a part of the punch bowl that became an American victory that allowed us to maintain supply lines North of Seoul Bloody Ridge
North Korean capital that was often hit by US and UN bombs Piang Yang
The port city that the UN invaded on their way onto South Korea to take back the capital city Inchon
Created by: Kalico2019
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