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The American Rev

In the Declaration of Independence, it states: "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." What are unalienable rights? rights that cannot be taken away by the government
At the First Continental Congress, which of the following did the Congress demand of England? that the Intolerable Acts be repealed
The Magna Carta required the king (as executive) to be bound by law. Which of these statements best reflects how this idea applies to the U.S. Bill of Rights? The government is not above the law and the will of the people.
According to the Declaration of Independence, how did the Americans justify their separation from Britain? King George III had violated the rights of the Americans; therefore, they had the right to overthrow the government.
Which of the following best describes the role of the Daughters of Liberty in the years leading up to the Revolutionary War? They made clothing and other goods that colonists could not get due to the boycott of British goods.
Which battle marked the first military clash in the American Revolution? Battle of Lexington
Which of the following famous American writers published a pamphlet, Common Sense, that led many to conclude that an American Revolution was necessary? Thomas Paine
The basic principles in the English Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence have roots in which of the following documents? Magna Carta
In 1767, Charles Townshend proposed a series of taxes known as the Townshend Acts. These taxes were different from the Stamp Act because they were external taxes.
What was the result of the Treaty of Paris of 1763, signed by Great Britain and France? Great Britain expanded its territories in North America.
The Battle of Concord led directly to which of the following events? the siege against British troops at Boston
In January 1776, Thomas Paine published the pamphlet Common Sense. What was Paine's main argument in this pamphlet? Paine argued that the colonies should become independent of Great Britain.
During the French and Indian War, France and Great Britain fought for control of North American territory. What was one of the effects of this war on the American colonists? Great Britain imposed new taxes on the colonists in order to pay war debts.
Which was the first battle of the Revolutionary War? Battle of Lexington
The Proclamation of 1763 was established to prevent any settlers from moving _______ of the Appalachian Mountains. west
Which of the following revolutionary leaders led his forces to a victory in the Battle of Saratoga? Benedict Arnold
Following the Treaty of Paris in 1763, what event left the vast interior of the continent open for Americans to colonize? France being removed from North America
In the Declaration of Independence, the right of the people to revolt against a tyrannical government was inspired most by John Locke's Second Treatise.
Patrick Henry was a leading Anti-Federalist who was against the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. He believed the new federal government would be too powerful. Patrick Henry was influential in the adoption of which of these pieces of legislation? the Bill of Rights
Which of these statements best explain why the British made the decision to end the war with the American colonies? Continuing the war was becoming too expensive.
Which of the following was an advantage the American colonists utilized during the American Revolution? The Americans were familiar with the land.
The signing of which document ended the American Revolutionary War? Treaty of Paris
Which of the following was the final major battle of the Revolutionary War? Battle of Yorktown
The colonists' victory in the Battle of Yorktown was due in large part to naval support from which of the following countries? France
The First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia on September 5, 1774. In an attempt to get the best representation of a united colony, how did the Congress allocate votes between the colonies? Each of the 13 colonies got one vote.
The Intolerable Acts were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament in response to which event? the Boston Tea Party
Which of the following prohibited American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains? the Proclamation of 1763
What was the name of the militia captain who led the revolutionary forces in the Battle of Lexington? John Parker
Which battle is regarded as the first military victory for the Americans during the American Revolution? Battle of Concord
What was the role of the Committees of Correspondence which formed in the years before the American Revolution? The committees were created to promote communication among the colonies.
The Battle of Lexington took place as the British army was marching on its way to which of the following towns? Concord
Which of the following included duties on imports such as tea, lead, glass, and paper? Townshend Acts
Where did British General Cornwallis surrender to American forces, leading to the end of the American Revolutionary War? Yorktown, Virginia
The Patriot known as the Swamp Fox was Francis Marion
The Prussian who trained the Continental Army at Valley Forge was Baron von Steuben
The turning point of the American Revolution was the Battle of Saratoga
Following the Battle of Saratoga, this nation was the first to form an alliance with the United States. France
Created by: kvonkamp
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