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Chemical Levels


pH 7.36-7.44
PaO2 80-100 mmHg, Low--> Hypoxemia
PaCO2 35-44 mmHg, High--> Late Stage Renal failure
O2 Sat 95-100%
WBC 4.0-10.8 1000/uL, >20 1000/uL --> infection --> weakness, fever
Hemoglobin 12-16 G/DL, <8--> Anemia, Cardiomyopathy, RA Osteomylotis--> Weakness, decreased endurance, faint, painful, inflammed joints...>16-->COPD Pulm Emphysma, asthma, polycythemia--> Diff Breathing
Hematocrit 37-47%, <25%-->Anemia-->Faint, dyspnea, fatigue, decrease BP, vertigo, dependent, edema...>47%-->Polycythemia-->Headaches, weakness, hearing loss, cardiac stress, nasal and gastric bleeding
Platelets 150-450 1000/uL, <20 1000/uL--> Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, DIC, Disseminated intravascular, Coagulation-->Risk of bleeding
Na 135-145 mmol/L, <120 mmol/L--> Hyponatremia--> Confusion, cramps, weakness, Neurological disorders, disturbed, digestion..>145 mmol/L-->Hypernatremia--> Confusion, CNS disfunction, seizures, Neuron & mm excit, coma, wgt loss, inc. HR, Decr. BP,Inc BUN.
K 3.5-5 mmol/L, <2.5--> Hypokalemia...>5-->Hyperkalemia
C1 101-111 mmol/L,<100--> Hypochloremia, Diabetes, Pneumonia...>111-->Hyperchloremia, anemia, pephritis, cardiac arrest
CO2 24-32 mmol/L, <24-->Metabolic Alkalosis...>32-->Metabolic Acidosis
BUN (Blood, Urea, Nitrogen) 5-25 mg/DL,10:1 BUN: Creat.--> Renal Failure
Creatinine .4-1.5 mg/DL, >4--> Renal Failure
Glucose 70-110 mg/DL, <70-->Hypoglycemia...300-500-->Hyperglycemia manageable DM...>500 uncontrolled Diabetes
pH < 7.35 SOB, Shock, Dehydration, Severe Diarrhea
pH > 7.45 Hyperventilation, Light headeness, Fever, Hypokalemic Symptoms
O2 Stats < 85-90% Same as pH depending on M/R Acidosis or M/R Alkalosis
Hypoglycemia Preciptous Tachycardia, weakness, anxiety, nervousness, tremerous, hungry
Hyperglycemia 300-500 Manageable DM-->Paresthesia, Leg cramps, Blurred vision, nausea, vomiting
Uncontrolled DM > 500, decr circulation, incr atherosclerosis, stupor, coma, death
Created by: jeffjan01
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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