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India-Visual Vocab

India-Visual Vocabulary

Kshatriyas second highest level of the caste system - rulers and warriors- made laws and settled disputes - their decisions however, could be overruled by the Brahmins
untouchables lowest level in Indian society
monsoons seasonal wind patterns that cause wet and dry seasons- effects which crops they can grow and when they can grow
peninsula A piece of land that is surrounded by water on three sides.
natural resources resources found in nature and used for trading with civilizations who didn't have access to them
Hinduism the major religion of India - still practiced today - polytheistic
sanskrit the first language of Ancient India - allowed them to keep records
Golden Age a time period of prosperity (wealth), peace, and progress (expansion and growth) during the Gupta Empire - advancements in arts, science, and literature
Brahmins highest level of the caste system and the smallest part, however, they had the most power - priests, scholars, and judges- performed religious ceremonies
Vaishyas third highest level of the caste system - made up of skilled craftsmen, farmers, and merchants- a respected part of society
Sudras fourth level of the caste system - unskilled workers - did hard work and manual labor - had no rights and mostly lived a life of poverty - the largest and poorest caste
Dalits also known as the "untouchables" - did not belong to any caste system (were below the system) - the outcasts of society - did all the work nobody else wanted to do - dealing with the dead, cleaning sewers. etc.
Rajas India was a world of warring kingdoms ... Aryan leaders; a term for princes- leaders
subcontinent A large landmass that is smaller than a continent
reincarnation the belief that a person's soul is reborn in a different form after death
karma the idea that a person's actions will determine what their next life will be when they are reborn
dharma divine law that requires people to do their duty - more is expected of the higher caste system
Buddhism Sixth century B.C, - religion that appeared in Northern India and rivaled Hinduism - Based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama
Buddha Means "Enlightened One." He is said to have renounced his worldly possessions and taught of a way to overcome suffering
Siddhartha Gautama The prince who is said to have founded Buddhism.
Indus & Ganges River The rivers where the Indus civilization settled along - provided them with resources, fertile land, trade, and transportation.
Caste System A social hierarchy of India created by the Aryans that divided Indian society into groups based on a person's birth, wealth, or occupation- there was no moving between castes during that lifetime
Aryans a Nomadic group that invaded India and took control - established Hinduism and the caste system in India with their control
missionaries people who work to spread their religious beliefs - an example of cultural diffusion
nomads people who move from place to place - the Aryans were nomads and warriors who took control of Ancient India
Mohenjo-Daro "Mound of the Dead Men" -it was one of the largest settlements of the ancient Indus Valley civilization- one of the twin cities along with Harrappa
Harrappa Settlement on the Indus River; had large city streets and walled neighborhood; advanced sewage system; economy based on Farming and trade - one of the twin cities along with Mohenjo Daro
Nirvana a state of perfect peace- achieving wisdom, ultimate reality, and reuniting with the Great World Soul
Indus River Valley Civilization an ancient civilization thriving along the Indus River in what is now Pakistan and western India. -sometimes referred to as the Harappan or Harappa-Mohenjodaro Civilization of the Indus Valley
Created by: druesmith
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