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Unit2 Social Studies

Study Guide

migration the movement of people or animals from one place to another
immigration when a group of people enter a new country
emigration when a group of people leave their homeland to live permanently in another country
Pangea Scientific theory that the Earth began with one large land mass
push factor something that causes people to want to leave their homeland in search of some place better
pull factor opportunities in another land that cause people to want to move and live there
Osage Indians From Oklahoma, hunted in Arkansas, used guns to control trade in other tribes, scalplocks-mohawks- to tell men of certain clans apart from others, jewelry and tatoos were common
Quapaw Indians Largest tribe in Arkansas, lived near the Mississippi River, built rectangular houses, led by male members of their clans
Caddo Indians Lived in Southwestern Arkansas, used salt from saltwater in their trade, led by male members of their clans, tattoos were common
scalplocks a hair style that distinguished clans from one another, used in the Osage tribe, known today as a mohawk
tribe Native American people who belong to a specifically named group, who share the same language and religious beliefs
Christopher Columbus Looked for a new route to the Indes, responsible for Native Americans being called Indians, believed that he had found a new route to the Indes upon his death
Indian Removal Act Initiated by Andrew Jackson, forcing Native Americans east of the Mississippi River to relocate to reservations in and around present-day Oklahoma.
Ellis Island Located in New York, it was the first stop for low-class immigrants. It involved legal and medical inspections before being allowed to enter the country.
famine wide-spread starvation caused by natural disasters, such as the Irish Potato Famine
settlement An area that people have never lived in before that is suddenly the home of a group of people trying to start a new life.
most immigrants came from... Asia, Europe, South America, and Africa
Created by: lhinson
Popular History sets




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