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vocabulary of WW1

World War 1 A war in Europe in the 1910s caused by a rise in nationalism, economic rivalries, imperialism, the alliance system, and militarism. The U.S. joined in 1917.
Zimmerman Telegram A secret message from Germany to Mexico offering to return U.S. territories to Mexico in exchange for their help in the war.
Lusitania A British passenger ship that was attacked by a German submarine killing over 1,000 passengers including 128 Americans.
Sussex Pledge After sinking the Sussex, a French ferry boat, President Wilson threatened Germany and Germany pledged to not sink any more ocean liners.
Submarine Warfare In 1917 Germany unrestricted this kind of fighting and, as a result, President Wilson asked Congress to declare war.
SelectiveServiceAct Authorized the United States federal government to raise a national army for service in World War I through a draft.
Schenck v. US. A landmark supreme court case that stated there were limits to free speech such as falsely “shouting fire in a crowded theater and causing panic”
American Expeditionary Force U.S. troops sent to Europe to defeat Germany
Alvin York Was awarded the Medal of Honor for killing 25 Germans and capturing 132 prisoners in the Battle of the Argonne Forest.
Trench Warfare New type of warfare during WWI causing fighting lines to become stationary because neither side could advance.
U-boats German Submarines
Woodrow Wilson He was granted sweeping powers by Congress to fight the war.
Fourteen Points Wilson’s plan for WWI including freedom of the seas, a reduction of armaments, the removal of trade barriers, and a League of Nations
Versailles Treaty A peace agreement at the end of WWI that was extremely harsh on Germany, requiring them to pay reparations.
Reparations the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged
League of Nations An international peacekeeping organization envisioned by President Wilson, but rejected by Congress; the U.S. never joined
Created by: parker02
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