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Constitution Part 1

Citizenship, Constitution, Influences, Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

When are you legally an American citizen? You were born in the U.S. or one of its territories. (even if your parents are not citizens) One of your parents is a U.S. citizen when you are born. (does not matter where you are born) You have been naturalized .
Define naturalized. You have gone through the process of becoming a citizen.
What is the naturalization process? 1. Submit an application to U.S. Citizenship/Immigration 2. 18 yrs. old, legal resident 3. Good moral character 4. Loyalty to the U.S. Constitution 5. Ability to read, write and speak English 6. Knowledge of U.S. History/Government
How do the rights and duties of naturalized citizens differ from those of citizens by birth? They have all the same rights and duties except they cannot serve as President or Vice President.
What are some of the rights of citizens? Right to vote and to hold elected office Right to say what you think in speech/writing Right to practice your own religion Right to have a fair trial
What are some of the duties of citizens? Obey the laws Defend the nation Serve on a jury or as a witness in court Paying taxes Attending school
How does our legal system ensure a fair trial? A jury of peers listens to the case and decides guilt or innocence based on evidence rather than personal opinion.
Describe the economies of the early colonies - New England, Middle and Southern New England - small farms, lumbering, fishing and ship building Middle - farming (cattle and crop) Southern - plantations, cash crops (grown for profit such as cotton and tobacco), indentured servants and slaves.
The original 13 colonies were British colonies. T or F True
The 13 colonies were economically dependent on Britain. T or F False
By the 1770's, the American colonies were economically self-sufficient but were still dependent on the British for Military Protection
After the French & Indian War, Britain agreed to pay the war debts and allow the colonies to continue with their independence. T or F False
Describe the Quartering Act. Was an act enforced by the British on their North American colonies. It required colonists to provide adequate housing and basic necessities like food to the troops.
Who are the Loyalists? The group of American colonist that remain loyal to the king during and after the American Revolution. When the British lost the war many left the United States.
Who are the Patriots? Patriots were those colonists of the Thirteen Colonies who rejected British rule during the American Revolution and declared the United States of America as an independent nation.
Describe Thomas Paine and his publication Common Sense. One of the founding fathers of the U.S. who published a persuasive argument that Americans should become independent. Common Sense was written in a style that the common person could read.
What were the Articles of Confederation? The 1st Constitution of the United States.
Why were the Articles of Confederation replaced by the U.S. Constitution? So the U.S. could form a stronger central government
Why did the Articles of Confederation fail? No President, No court system, No power to collect taxes, No money to pay for military protection, and 9 of the 13 colonies had to approve every single law.
Who is known as the Father of the Constitution because of his important role in the document's drafting as well as its ratification (approval/acceptance)? James Madison
Who came out of retirement from private life to preside over the Constitution Convention before he went on to serve two terms as President? George Washington
Who was a highly respected delegate who encouraged cooperation and worked to negotiate differences? Ben Franklin
The Constitution has been amended __________times. 27
The first 10 Amendments are known as the Bill of Rights
Describe the Virginia Plan. Large states wanted representation based on population.
Describe the New Jersey Plan. Small states wanted equal representation no matter the size of the population.
Describe the Connecticut Plan/Compromise. Provided the states with equal representation in the Senate and representation based on population in the House of Representatives.
Describe the Three-Fifths Compromise. The delegates to the Constitutional Convention agreed to the Three Fifths Compromise, that slaves should be counted at three fifths of their real number. The Three Fifths Compromise resolved the issue of counting slaves towards population.
Describe the Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise. Congress can control trade but will leave slave trade alone for 20 years.
Describe the compromise on how to elect a President. The Electoral College - Citizens would vote for electors and the electors would elect the President.
This group supported ratification of the Constitution which consisted of a strong national government, protection against invasion, regulation of trade, and provided a stable monetary system The Federalists
This group did not want the Constitution ratified as it feared a strong national government because it wouldn't be able to meet people's needs, and the necessary and proper clause Anti- Federalists
How did the Federalists and Anti-Federalists compromise? The Anti-Federalists agreed to ratify the Constitution as long as the Federalists agreed to a Bill of Rights.
How did Greece influence the founding fathers? First democracy, citizens made the laws and early American colonies practiced direct democracy by holding town meetings.
How did Rome influence the founding fathers? Representatives (Senators) made the laws and many American colonial legislatures resembled republics.
What was the impact of the Magna Carta (The Great Charter)? Listed rights that England's King would not have the power to take away from the nobles (Right to a fair trial). Power of a monarch is limited for the first time with power shifting to the people.
What did the English Bill of Rights do? Further limited the King's power; everyone must obey the law even the King; freedom of speech and petition granted along with a fair trial guaranteed for all.
Describe the beliefs of John Locke. Representative government is most reasonable; government's purpose is to protect natural rights such as life, liberty and property.
What did Baron de Montesquieu believe? He believed in separation of powers - legislative, executive and judicial. If you divide power it makes abusing it more difficult.
What are the six goals of the Constitution? Form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty.
The founding fathers were influenced by ________________________________ when writing Articles I, II and III of the Constitution. Montesquieu
The influence of _____________________________can be seen in Amendment I. English Bill of Rights
The Declaration of Independence, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence, "That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men..." shows the influence of Greece
Amendment VI shows the influence of the Magna Carta
The Declaration of Independence section, "We hold hese truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." John Locke
Created by: Barbara Conway
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