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Progressive Era

vocabulary of the Progressive Era

Interstate Commerce Act Prohibited railroads from charging more for short hauls than for long hauls over the same route
William Jennings Bryan Democratic nominee of president in 1896. He was also supported by the Populist Party. His "Cross of Gold" speech praised farmers and denounced bankers.
Third Parties A political party outside the traditional Republican or Democratic parties; have a significant impact on politics and provide an outlet for minorities and new ideas.
Progressive Movement Their primary goal was to correct the political and economic injustices that had resulted from America's industrialization. They felt government need reform due to corruption by big business and political machines.
Social Gospel Movement Led by Protestant clergymen, they called for social reforms such as safer working conditions, abolition of child labor, and the prohibition of alcoholic beverages.
Muckrakers Investigative journalists, writers, and social scientists who exposed the abuses of industrial society and government corruption.
Upton Sinclair He wrote The Jungle, which exposed the new industrial economy as inhumane, destructive, and uncaring.
Jane Addams a progressive social activist who started settlement houses to assist immigrants and the poor living in crowded city neighborhoods.
W.E.B DuBois A noted historian and the first African American to earn a Ph.D from Harvard University; one of the founders of the NAACP; pushed for immediate racial equality.
Seventeenth Amendment Changed the way Senators were elected, making them directly chosen by the people instead of being chosen by state legislatures.
Theodore Roosevelt Used his powers to safeguard the public interest and curb the unfair practices of business (called the Square Deal); sought a third presidential term as the nominee for the Bull Moose Party.
Square Deal A series of laws promised and signed by T. Roosevelt promoting consumer protection, limitations on the laissez-faire economy, and preservation of natural resources.
William H. Taft Elected President after Roosevelt. His administration used Dollar Diplomacy (practice of the US guaranteeing loans to the foreign countries) to further US interests in Latin America and East Asia.
Woodrow Wilson Furthered Progressive reforms with his New Freedom program. He lowered tariffs, and introduced a graduated income tax.
Federal Reserve Act Created a government agency that controls monetary policy. The Federal Reserve sets interest rates, controls the amount of money in circulation by buying government bonds, and decides how much of their money banks can lend.
National Park Service Established in 1916, it brought existing parks and monuments under federal protection. The purpose was to conserve the natural scenery, historic objects, and wildlife for the enjoyment of the american people.
Created by: parker02
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