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Revolution Review

Review for Test on American Revolution

Stamp Act Act by the British Parliament that put a tax on all written or published materials.
Sugar Act Act by Parliament that lowed the tax on sugar and molasses but included stricter enforcement of the tax
Mercantilism Economic theory that stated nations should start colonies and those colonies existed for the economic benefit of the mother country.
Tea Act Act by the British Parliament that would have given British Tea companies an unfair advantage in the tea trade.
Intolerable Acts Series of Acts passed by Parliament to punish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party
Boston Massacre The killing of several colonists by British soldiers in Boston. Led to the removal of the Townshend Acts.
Townshend Acts A series of indirect taxes on many items used by colonists, including lead, glass, and tea.
Boston Tea Party Protest by American colonists in which tea sitting on ships in Boston was thrown overboard into the harbor.
Sons of Liberty Sometimes considered "radical," this group attacked British tax collectors and agitated against British laws and control.
Paul Revere Created a portrait of the Boston Massacre that could be considered propaganda. Famous for his midnight ride to warn the colonists of a British raid.
Minutemen Militia in the New England colony that needed to be ready to fight at a moment's notice.
Patriots Colonists that supported rebellion against Britain.
Loyalists Colonists that wanted to remain part of the British Empire.
Continental Congress Gathering of representatives from the colonies that worked together to deal with the British actions and eventual war.
Battles of Lexington and Concord Known as the "Shot Hear Round the World," these were the first armed battles between the colonists and the British army.
Battle of Bunker Hill The first large battle between colonists and the British, this battle was a Pyrrhic Victory for the British.
Continental Army The full scale army for the Patriot cause.
Thomas Jefferson Member of the Continental Congress from Virginia. Primary author of the Declaration of Independence.
Richard Henry Lee Member of the Continental Congress. Official proposed the writing of the Declaration of Independence.
Declaration of Independence Document that declared independence from Britain. Unique because it gave an argument about why independence was necessary.
Natural Rights According to Declaration of Independence, rights granted to all people. They are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
John Hancock President of the Continental Congress. First to sign his name to the Declaration of Independence.
George Washington General put in charge of the Patriot war effort.
Battles of Trenton and Princeton Battles fought in December 1776. These were victories by George Washington intended to raise the morale of his troops.
Battle of Saratoga Patriot victory in northern New York State. Considered a turning point in the war since France agreed to help us afterward.
Benedict Arnold Patriot general that betrayed the Americans when he did not receive promotions that he thought he deserved.
Writs of Assistance Search warrants given to British customs officials that allowed them to search wherever they wanted for smuggled goods.
Southern Strategy British strategy that shifted the focus of the war to colonies where they believed they could build up a large Loyalist army.
Valley Forge Location of Continental Army camp during a particularly difficult winter. Army faced smallpox, starvation, and desertion.
Francis Marion Nicknamed "Swamp Fox," he carried out a guerrilla warfare assault on British forces in South Carolina.
Battle of King's Mountain Battle that saw a Patriot Militia destroy a Loyalist militia in the south. Many of the Patriot officers were easy Tennessee leaders.
Marquis de Lafayette French nobleman that chose to join Washington to fight for the Patriot cause.
Baron von Steuben Former Prussian army officer that helped to train the Continental Army
Kasmir Pulaski Polish officer that trained Patriot cavalry. Was killed at the British invasion of Savannah.
Battle of Yorktown Final major battle of the Revolutionary War. Patriots won after trapping a British army on a peninsula in Virginia.
General Cornwallis British general during the "Southern Strategy." Was forced to surrender his army at Yorktown
Treaty of Paris of 1783 Agreement that brought the Revolutionary War to an end.
Articles of Confederation Document that set up the first national government in the United States.
Land Ordinance of 1785 Organized land in the Northwest Territory into townships and sections for easier sale and to fund government and public schools.
Northwest Ordinance Laid out the steps needed for a territory to become a state. Also banned slavery from in the Northwest Territory.
Thomas Paine Author of Common Sense, a pamphlet that encouraged independence, and The Crisis, which pushed patriots to continue supporting the cause during the harsh winter at Valley Forge.
Created by: slaterc
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