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TOGY4W33 Terms

Clone 1) a cell or organism that is genetically identical to the “parent" from which it was derived; 2) an exact copy
Ethnic cleansing Elimination of unwanted minority ethnic groups from a certain society, by genocide or forced emigration. Originated during the breakup of Yugoslavia, when it was used mainly to describe the Serbs' attacks on Muslims in Bosnia and Albanians in Kosovo
Genome the total amount of genetic information contained in the DNA of an organism; the inheritable traits of an organism. The human genome is made up of about 35,000 genes
Harassment to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; persecute
Humanitarian a person actively engaged in promoting human welfare and social reforms, as a philanthropist or one devoted to the saving of human lives or to the alleviation of suffering
Millennium 1) a period of 1000 years; 2) a thousandth anniversary
Perjury the deliberate, willful giving of false, misleading, or incomplete testimony under oath
Terrorist (1) an individual, often a member of a group, who employs high-publicity unexpected violence (bombings, hijackings, kidnappings, etc.), usually against civilian targets, with the goal of intimidating or manipulating societies or governments,
Terrorist (2) typically for ideological, political, and/or religious reasons and in response to some perceived grievance. Terrorist organizations generally have backing from (but no official alignment with) sympathetic governments.
Created by: jamallwh
Popular History sets




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