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TOGY4W32 Terms

Bookmark (computer) a user's reference to a page on the World Wide Web, usually in the form of a URL and a title or comment string.Most browsers store a list of bookmarks to allow you to quickly locate webpages you want to refer to again
Browser a program that accesses and displays files and other data available on the Internet and other networks. Entering a website's URL in the address window of a browser will bring up that website in the browser's main window
Home page 1) the opening or main page of a website, intended chiefly to greet visitors and provide information about the site or its owner; 2) the default page which loads in a user's browser, and which the user may specify
HTML Hypertext Markup Language. It is the primary language used to construct the World Wide Web
Hypertext a method of storing data through a computer program that allows a user to connect various documents (or webpages) via clickable cross-references known as “links," which are generally signified by pictures, icons, or underlined text
Network a system containing any combination of computers, printers, audio or visual display devices, or telephones interconnected by telecommunication cables or radio signals, and used to transmit or receive information
Search engine a computer program that searches documents, especially on the World Wide Web, for a specified word or phrase and gives a list of documents in which they are found
Site web site
Surf to browse or search casually through a computer network or TV channels for information or entertainment
URL Uniform Resource Locator: an Internet address (eg consisting of the access protocol (http), the domain name (, and optionally the path to a file or resource residing on that server (trade)
Communist regime a ruling governmental system controlled by Communist Party members and operated under Communist principles
Coup (“koo") (1) 1)unexpected, decisive, clever, and highly successful stroke of action;
Coup (“koo") (2) 2) abbreviation of coup d'état (“koo dey-TAH”). A coup does not involve a mass uprising. Rather, in the typical coup, a small group of politicians or generals arrests the leaders, seizes the radio and television services, and proclaims itself in power.
Coup d'état French for "stroke of the state” or “blow to the gov't
Glasnost (1) a Russian word meaning "openness," which describes the policy of Mikhail Gorbachev, premier of the former Soviet Union.
Glasnost (2) The term refers to a general loosening of the Soviet totalitarian control. It included making government dealings transparent, talking frankly about political/economic realities, and permitting criticism of government policies
Solidarity (1) 1) union or fellowship arising from common interests, experiences, or responsibilities;
Solidarity (2) 2) a labor union in Poland, independent of the gov't and of the Polish Communist party. Membership of several million in the early 1980s. Led by Lech Walesa. Played a major part in replacement of communism in Poland by a multiparty, democratic gov't
Strategic 1) pertaining to strategy; intended to leave an enemy incapable of retaliation in war; 2) essential to the conduct of a war or to a battle strategy
Created by: jamallwh
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