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TOGY4W19 Terms

Basmati a variety of rice native to India and Pakistan, notable for its delicate flavor and its long, thin grains which (unlike most rice) are not sticky when cooked
Burqa (1) (or burka) a total-body covering worn over normal household clothing by women in the stricter Islamic regimes for the purpose of modesty (or repression, depending on the commentator).
Cumin the dried seeds (whole or ground) of the cumin plant, a member of the parsley family. It has a warm, pungent, earthy taste and is perhaps the world's second-most-popular spice (after pepper). It is used chiefly in southern Asia and Central/South America
Curry (1) a word that (in various languages) means “sauce," "vegetable in sauce," or "side dish. " Curry is native to India but has now become an ill-defined worldwide genre of dishes.
Lentil (1) the small, flat, lens-shaped seed of the bushy lentil plant, a member of the legume family. Their color may range from yellow to green to red to brown to black.
Curry (2) Curried dishes always involve a masala, a spice mixture which may vary greatly depending on the region, but which often includes turmeric, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, and red pepper
Lentil (2) The plant is native to the Near East and is widely used on the Indian subcontinent as a cheap source of protein. Because of its nearly complete protein profile and many vitamins and minerals, it is considered one of the world's healthiest foods
Saffron (1) the dried “threads” of the saffron crocus flower, native to southwest Asia. It has been prized for most of history as a dye and food-coloring agent (for its deep yellow hue)
Saffron (2) , a spice (for its bitter flavor), and a medicinal herb (for its health benefits). About 60,000 flowers (a football-field's worth) are required to yield one pound of saffron, making it the world's most expensive spice
Burqa (2) It may be a single piece with a woven grille for the eyes, or the combination of loose body clothing (jilbab), plus head-covering (hijab), plus face-covering (niqab)
Sari (1) the traditional dress of Indian women. It consists of a blouse, skirt, and 18 feet of fabric wrapped around the body with one end, the pallu, left draped over one shoulder (or, less commonly, draped over the head).
Sari (2) The pallu is the most elaborately decorated part, often embellished with embroidery and sequins
Tunic a garment, generally sleeveless, which may be as simple as a sheet of cloth folded over and stitched down the sides, with holes left for head and arms. It falls from the shoulders to anywhere between the hips and the ankles
Turban a long scarf-like cloth wound around the head, common in parts of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. In the West, most turban-wearers are likely to be practicers of the Sikh religion
Caste (1) 1) India's rigid system of social classes;
Caste (2) 2) any of the hierarchical social divisions of traditional Hindu/Indian society. Each caste has required occupations along with duties and privileges, and a person can't change the caste born into.
Caste (3) Because of this system, the wealthy dominate the poor with no chance for change. The caste system was outlawed when India gained independence (1940's), but it continues to be a problem today
Independence freedom from the control, influence, or support of others
Parliament the national legislature of various countries, especially that of the United Kingdom (made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons) or of its former colonies
Poverty a state of having little or no money, or any means to support one's self
Prime minister the head of the cabinet and often also the head of government in a parliamentary system
Protest a formal objection or complaint (usually public and sometimes violent) issued by a concerned party.
Raj "rule" in Indian; it most often refers to the British Raj (British rule over India 1858-1947)
Created by: jamallwh
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