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TOG Y4 W1 Terms
Term | Definition |
Bay | a part of a sea or large lake that extends into the land |
Canal | a waterway dug through land in order for small ships or boats to pass |
Cliff | a high, steep slope or drop-off of land or rock |
Delta | a deposit of earth and sand at the mouth of a river, usually in a triangular shape |
Island | land that is surrounded by water on all sides (usually the tip of an underwater mountain) |
Mountain Range | a row of connected mountains |
Peninsula | a piece of land extending far out into a body of water; land that is surrounded by water on three sides |
Plateau | a large plain high above the surrounding ground |
Sea | a large, salty body of water |
Summit | the highest point of a mountain or hill; the top |
Archipelago | a chain or group of islands |
Arroyo | the dry bed of a stream |
Cataract | a large waterfall, or a part of a river that rushes quickly, usually because of rocks below the surface |
Estuary | a broad mouth of a river into which the tide flowas, where fresh and salt water mingle |
Fiord (fjord) | a long, narrow bay surrounded by steep cliffs |
Isthmus | a narrow strip of land, with water on two sides, that connects two larger bodies of land |
Mesa | a small, high plateau with a flat top and steep, rocky sides |
Piedmont | the area of land lying at the foot of a mountain range |
Reservoir | a place that collects and stores water, often a large lake created by damming a river |
Strait | a narrow strip of water that connects two larger bodies of water |
Tributary | a river that runs into another larger river |