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Beginning Vocab

Human Geography The study of why people are the way they are, where they are. This means that location determines groups of people’s behavior and lifestyles.
Homogeneous Sameness of a group
Heterogeneous Differences within a group
Demographics The characteristics of a population; age and gender are most important demographics (but it can include anything from race and religion to rappers in a population or who likes ice cream)
Demography The study of demographics in a population
Demographic Transition Changes in a population based on development
Development The process of improving material conditions and standard of living through the diffusion of knowledge and technology
MDCs More developed countries
LDCs Less developed countries
Culture The integrated system of learned behavioral patterns, which are characteristics of a group of people
Non-material Culture Ideas, values, beliefs of a culture, e. g., language, religion, ethics
Material Culture The physical items of a group of people usually determined by non-material culture, e.g., food, clothing, music, housing, places of worship
Local culture (folk culture) The homogenous static culture of isolated groups of people, e.g., the Amish
Global Culture (popular culture) Rapidly changing, heterogeneous culture; spread through globalization
Globalization The process of the world becoming interconnected through technology and infrastructure
States In geography and for the world, countries are called states, e.g., Germany and Mexico are states or world states
Diffusion The movement of something over time and through space, e.g., the flu diffuses through a population, a YouTube video goes viral
Agricultural Revolution Domestication of plants and animals; occurred 10,000 years ago (8,000 BCE). Lead to the development of cities.
Industrial Revolution 1750 to 1850; mass production; lead to the development of the modern world
Medical Revolution The diffusion of medical technology from MDCs and LDCs
One Billion 1,000 million; 1 million and 1 billion are vastly different numbers, e.g., if you say China has 1 million people, then you are one thousand times wrong
Population of the World 7.3 billion
NIR Natural increase rate; the percentage that the population increases in one year
World NIR 1.2%; the world population increases by about 90 million per year
Population of the United States 330 million
China’s Population 1.3 billion
India’s Population 1.1 Billion
Population of Tokyo, Japan World’s largest city; 30 million
Created by: Kkimbrel
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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