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How did Lincoln & Johnson differ in their policies during Reconstruction? Lincoln was less sympathetic toward the south. Many thought Johnson's plan was to easy on the south.
Northerners who supported the Republicans moved south during Reconstruction to profit from hardships of the south were called carpet baggers
How did the Jim Crow Laws affect life for African Americans? African Americans' rights were restricted.
What was the main method the Ku Klux Klan used to restore white control in the south? Used terror and violence to restore white dominance.
What refers to the building of the country after the Civil War? reconstruction
What were the goals of reconstruction? African American men has the right to vote.
What are the laws that denied blacks the right to vote or take part in jury trial? black codes
The Freedmen's Bureau was a federal agency set up in 1865 to provide food, schools, and medical care to freed slaves in the south. True
What is the practicing of renting land from a landowner and paying rent with a portion of the crop produced on that land? sharecropping
What did the passage of the 14th & 15th amendments mean for African Americans? African Americans were free citizens, and the men could vote.
What is the 13th Amendment? abolished slavery
What is the separation of blacks & whites called? segregation
Why did Congress disagree with President Johnson's Reconstruction plan? They thought it was too easy on the south.
What were some of the hardships that southerners experienced after the Civil War? Military occupation a worthless currency, devastated farms & cities.
2 examples of an effect of the Reconstruction Acts? African American men had the right to vote.
Created by: hbaldwin849
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