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Unit 2

The American Revolution

salutary neglect Hands off policy of running British colonies in America.
French & Indian War War that gave the British control of North America.
Treaty of Paris 1763 France lost Canada and all lands east of the Mississippi, England gained all French land and exclusive rights to the Caribbean slave trade.
parliamentary sovereignty English officials assumed that Parliament must have the ultimate authority over all laws and taxes in the colonies.
Proclamation of 1763 Colonist could not go west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Stamp Act Law passed by Parliament to make colonists buy a stamp to place on many items such as wills & newspapers.
Townshend Act Laws passed by Parliament in 1767 that set taxes on imports to the colonies.
Intolerable Acts A series of laws set up by Parliament to punish Massachusetts for its protests against the British.
Quartering Act Force colonist to house British soldiers.
Tea Act Gave East India Company special concessions in the colonial tea business and shuts out colonial tea.
Boston Massacre Conflict between colonists & British soldiers in which four colonists were killed.
Boston Tea Party Protest against increased tea prices in which colonists dumped British tea into Boston Harbor.
Sons of Liberty & Daughters of Liberty Formed to protest British restrictions & became leaders
Committees of Correspondence A network of communication set up in Massachusetts & Virginia to inform other colonies of ways that Britain threatened colonial rights.
John Lock Philosopher who wrote about government.
Montesquieu French writer concerned with government & political liberty.
Common Sense Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that attacked the monarchy.
"No taxation without representation" Colonial slogan.
Second Continental Congress The meeting of colonial delegates that approved the Declaration of Independence.
Declaration of Independence Document that said the United States was an independent nation.
George Washington Led Virginia troops in first battle of the French & Indian War.
Marquis de Lafayette French noble who helped the Americans.
Lexington & Concord General Gage orders troops to march an seize colonial weapons, Minutemen intercept the British and engage in battle.
Valley Forge Place where Washington's army spent the winter of 1777-1778.
Saratoga Battle won by the Americans in 1777.
Yorktown Battle that gave Americans victory in the war.
Treaty of Paris 1783 Treaty that officially ended the war.
Created by: US1
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