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2)TofL (A), (G), (C)

Reason for location / Significant times in site past / Ways site changed

Why London? To show importance of his capital. To show off to as many people as possible. Next to coast so can control trade and can access Normandy.
Why there in London? Next to the river to protect against invasion , to trade and it acted as a natural defence. Inside existing Roman walls. Marshland to east, natural defence again
When was the peak activity? 1066-1097. Building of Tower, just after William's invasion. Started building in 1075-79, initially wooden defences. Gundulf put in charge
What was the biggest turning point? The development of the defences in the castle.
What did Henry III do to develop the castle defences? Defences improved in 1216-1272. Built inner curtain wall and 9 towers (e.g. Salt Tower, Wakefield Tower)
What did Edward I do to develop the castle defences? 1272 - 1307. Built outer curtain wall and 4 towers (St Thomas' Tower, Middle Tower and Byword Tower (these two make up the main entrance))
What was the medieval palace? St Thomas' Tower and Wakefield Tower. Include chapel and bed chamber. Has stained glass windows. Made for comfort in a castle
Why did these turning points happen? Monarchy still insecure - need protection - threats from France + Scotland. Built to live in (medieval tower), need to live in safety, also to protect Royal Mint (1279)
Why else were these advancements made? To show status, make it more impressive. Also to keep up with castle design - multiple curtains walls = concentric castle, most advanced castle
What is another turning point in case we need a back up? Medievlisation. During Industrial period, rebuilt some castle in medieval style by Anthony Salvin (Gothic Revivalist) (e.g. Salt Tower, Lanthorn Tower). Rebuilt on 'idealised' version, but a guess of what it looked like
Why does this turning point happen? To attract tourists. Tourism on the rise due to industrial revolution, change of use. Industrial revolution means transport and more time and money
Why else? Want T of L to show off the glorious past of the British empire. Finally, new weapons make castles obsolete as a military fortress as you can just drop a bomb on it
Is there anything more to the backup turning point? T of L becomes barracks, built by Duke of Wellington 1845 (Constable of Tower). Built in place of Grand Storehouse which burnt down
Why did Duke Wellington build this? Need place to store the big army they are making due to the development of the empire
Has T of L changed very much over time? Limited change given that it is 1000 years old. White tower most significant of these as it's basically unchanged. Also, early alterations (Henry III + Ed I) still exist
What changes were made during the Early Modern period? Used as prison(Walter Raleigh)/execution place(Anne Boleyn). Royals no longer live there as safer times, lived in palaces instead (Hampton Court)
What changes were made during the Industrial period? Medievalisation and Barracks (see G)
Created by: MattTheBoiInit
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