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American Government

Landmark court cases

Abington School Diatrict v. Schempp Bible/prayer in public schools is forbidden
Bakke v. Regents of the university of CA Affirmative Action quotas questioned
Brown v. BOE, Topeka, KS desegregated public schools
Bush v. Gore recount of "hanging chads" in FL in 2000
Escobedo v. IL confession inadmissible w/o attorney, 5th Amendment
Gideon v. Wainwright right to attorney cannot be denied due to poverty
Gitlow v. NY political radicals' freedom of speech is censored, especially during wartime
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld terrorists held at Gitmo may have rights, too
Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States Business cannot be racist; interstate commerce
Korematsu v. United States relocation of Japanese-Americans; racial profiling
Lemon v. Kurtzman tax dollars for parochial schools defined
Loving v. VA interracial marriage is allowed
Mapp v. OH illegal search and seizures are forbidden
Marbury v. Madison judicial review
Miranda v. AZ accused must be told his/her rights at arrest
NAACP v. AL right of association may be kept private
Nixon v. United States President is not above the law!
Obergefell v. Hodges upheld same sex marriage
Plessey v. Ferguson upheld Jim Crow segregation
Powell v. AL Scottsboro Boys case gets retrial
Roe v. Wade abortion; the right to privacy
Scheneck v. United States "clear and present danger"/ freedom of speech
Scott v. Sanford slaves were declared property, not people
TX v. Johnson flag-burning is protected speech
Zubik v. Burwell Obamacare might interfere with religious beliefs
Created by: VKimbrell718
Popular American Government sets




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