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TCAP 4-Jackson, etc.

Jackson, Industrial Revolution & Westward Expansion

Jacksonian Democracy expanded democracy by eliminating the requirement that men had to own property or pay a tax in order to vote; supporters formed the Democratic party
"spoils system" the practice of giving government jobs to your supporters: "To the victors goes the spoils"
Tariff of Abominations high tariff on imported goods; protected businesses in the North, but hurt the South as it resulted in a decreased value of their cotton
States' Rights Doctrine Southern states stated the had the right to nullify (reject) any federal law they considered unconstitutional; violated the constitutional principles of separation of power and checks and balances
Nullification Crisis John C. Calhoun led South Carolina as it threatened to succeed from the Union because they felt the Tariff of Abominations was unconstitutional
Indian Removal Act authorized the removal of Native Americans who lived east of the Mississippi R. to Indian Territory (would later be state of Oklahoma) in the West
Trail of Tears the 800-mile forced march of the Cherokees to Indian Territory; 1/4 of the Cherokee died along the way
Oregon Trail The trail that took settlers to the Oregon Territory on the West coast; people moved there for land, economic opportunity, religious freedom, and a better life.
Mormons Protestant Christian religious group that moved West to avoid persecution following the murder of their leader, Joseph Smith; led by Brigham Young to Utah Territory.
Texas Revolution Southerners moved into Mexico but did not want to get rid of their slaves; decided to declare independence
Battle of the Alamo A battle at a Spanish mission named the Alamo during the Texas Revolution from Mexico where men were executed by Santa Anna; became an inspiration for others to join the fight for Texas Independence.
Davy Crockett Former TN Congressman who died at the Battle of the Alamo as he helped Texas fight Santa Anna and Mexican forces.
Sam Houston Former TN Governor who moved to Texas to lead their militia in their fight for independence from Mexico; later became President of the Republic of Texas.
Manifest Destiny obvious fate that Americans were to settle the land all the way to the Pacific Ocean in order to spread democracy
The War with Mexico also known as Mexican-American War; US forces fought for Mexican Cession; started over a border dispute in Texas
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the War with Mexico
Mexican Cession Mexico handed over land that would become the states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming. (1848)
Gadsden Purchase US paid Mexico for the southern portion of Arizona and New Mexico
Sutter's Mill place where gold was first discovered in California
49ers name of gold seekers who joined the CA Gold Rush in 1849
Industrial Revolution a period of rapid growth in using machines for manufacturing (making goods or products)
factory system brought workers and machines together under the same roof
textile mills first factories in the US; manufacturing threads, yarns, and cloth
mass production efficiently producing a large number of goods (making a lot of things fast)
Rhode Island System Sam Slater and brother John opened water-powered textile mills in Rhode Island and hired families to work in them.
Lowell System employed young, unmarried girls to work in textile factories
trade unions and strikes unions were groups that tired to improve pay and working conditions; workers went on strike, or refused to work, until their demands were meet
Robert Fulton steamboat
Samuel Morse telegraph
John Deere steel plow
Eli Whitney cotton gin & interchangeable parts
cotton gin made growing cotton more profitable & Increased the need for slaves as Southern cotton growing states expanded and increased cotton production
middle class social and economic level between rich and poor
Created by: SDMS-Swain
Popular U.S. History sets




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