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US History Ch8-9

Civil Rights & The 1960s

Cuban Missile Crisis Soviet placement of nuclear missiles on the island and the US naval blockade brought two countries to the brink of War
Great Society LBJ's civil rights and anti-poverty agenda that was limited by the costs of the Vietnam War
Affirmative Action policies designed to increase employment and educational opportunities for minorities and women
Domino Theory View during the Cold War that if Vietnam fell to communism, other countries in S. E. Asia would also fall
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution reported attacks against US ships off the waters of N. Vietnam allowed LBJ to escalate the US involvement in Vietnam without a formal declaration of war
credibility gap during the Vietnam War, Americans began to doubt government officials about the true progress of the war after viewing & reading news reports
Tet Offensive Massive N. Vietnamese & Vietcong surprise attack on villages and cities in S. Vietnam that was defeated, but undermined US officials claims that the enemy was near defeat
Vietnamization Nixon's policy to end the war slowly by replacing US troops with trained S. Vietnamese troops
26th Amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 to ease protests over why young people were drafted for war but couldn't vote
Pentagon Papers a series of secret reports leaked to the press that detailed the American military actions in Vietnam and demonstrated that the government had misled the public
War Powers Act in 1973, Congress limited the president's power to use military force by requiring consultations and authorization to continue
segregation the separation of races that was established as legal by the Plessy v Ferguson case
Plessy v Ferguson Supreme Court case that determined "separate but equal" facilities for whites and blacks was constitutional
NAACP organization that was founded by WEB duBois to fight in the courts for equality for African Americans
Brown v Board of Education of Topeka Supreme Court case in 1954 that overturned the legality of "separate but equal" public schools, leading to integration
Integration the practice of removing racial barriers in society
Civil Disobedience non-violent policy of MLK Jr. to disobey laws considered unjust and immoral to bring about change in society
Civil Rights Act 1964 law that outlawed discrimination in all public places on the basis of sex or race
Voting Rights Act 1965 law that eliminated barriers to voting such as literacy tests or poll taxes
feminism movement of women to ensure equality with men and end gender discrimination
NOW organization dedicated to protect women's rights, such as opportunities in school, equal pay, and right to an abortion, and promote the Equal Rights Amendment
LULAC organization formed to fight discrimination in public for Latinos
UFW a labor union led by Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez to fight for better working conditions and pay for migrant farm workers
AIM movement by Native Americans with the goal of empowering them and demanding rights as citizens and tribal claims
Created by: wm0397
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