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Unit 9

The Industrial Revolution

Edward Jenner Discovered small-pox vaccination
Capitalism A free market system Idea that consumers should rule the economy and take charge "invisible hand" would regulate price and wage
England Revolution first took place here because of its natural resources
Labor Unions Workers went on strike and demanded for better working conditions & lobbied for laws for a better life
Factory Work Industrialization and mechanization became common Led to harsh working conditions and child labor
Scramble for Africa Europe seek for new colonies to secure raw materials and natural resources European nations turned to africa
Protectorates Countries that were "independent" but were "protected" by another country
James Watt Invented the steam engine Was used to power machines in factories Helped people travel by land and water better Revolutionized travel in Western Europe
James Hargreaves Invented the Spinning Jenny Created so 80 threads can be spun at once Resulted in creation of textile factories Women worked out of homes
Henry Bessemer Invented the process for making steel Created to create steel from iron Produced steel cheaply and efficiently Made it possible for engineers to envision new inventions Moved the Industrial Revolution from Age of Iron to Age of Steel
Eli Whitney Invented the cotton gin Machine that separates cotton fibers from seeds Allowed for greater productivity than manually Resulted in increase of demand for land and slave labor
Louis Pasteur Discovered bacteria
Karl Marx Wrote "The Communist Manifesto" and"Das Kapital" responding to capitalism Believed government should control economy
Factory Towns Company bought houses,stores to trap workers in business Because of low wages,workers could not leave their job due to owing money
Zulu Wars The Zulu people resisted Europe colonization through series of wars
Adam Smith Wrote "The Wealth of Nations" Believed that government should take a hands off on economy and the "Invisible hand" should control prices
Colonies Areas where European settled and recreated structures Areas were no longer independent and became in possession of the mother country
Boxer Rebellion China contributed to the Boxer Rebellion because Chinese saw Christianity as a threat to their traditional culture
Spheres of Influences Areas carved out of an independent country that allows for another nation to dominate trade in the given area
Cottage Industry Homes of textile workers, to make goods by hand at home
Women's Sufferage Women began to felt unappreicated and began to fight for their right to vote
Socialism & Communism Idea that government would control economy by distributing wealth to end social classes and inequality
Middle Class A social and economic group of people between the wealthy and the poor
Hindu Nationalism Hindu identity was challenged by Christian influence
Enclosure Movement Movement where areas of land was closed off to wealthy farmers
Wealth of Nations Written by Adam Smith that had the idea of a free market system
The Communist Manifesto Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that responded to capitalism
Created by: cindyduong
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