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Great Depres. Vocab

Federal Reserve federal government's central bank that sets interest rates. enforces accounting/lending rules, and loans money to local banks
Relief the first part of FDR's economic plan- help people with their immediate needs, such as hunger and homelessness and jobs
Buying on Margin to buy a stock or product by paying only a small part of the purchases price and borrowing the remember
Prosperity an economic condition in which you (or the nation) are experiencing good times
Hardship an economic condition in which you (or the nation) are experiencing bad times
Hoovervilles 1930's name for a shantytown. Named after President Hoover; who was blamed for not working to stop the Great Depression
Dust Bowl the area of an environmental disaster - the topsoil of Midwestern farms blew away- many farmers to abandon their land
Consumer a person who purchases and uses a particular product or resourcce
Okies People from Oklahoma fleeing west to escape the Dust Bowl in search of work and food; slang name for these migrants
Over-speculation When too many people make risky investments based on rising prices rather than the real value of the asset; the result is a boom-and-bust cycle in that market (e.g. the stock market)
Reform The third part of FDR's economic plan- it focused on regulating entire industries such as banking and securities trading (stocks) to prevent another Great Depression
Defaulted To fail to meet financial obligations/not able to pay a debt
Overproduction To make more of something than is necessary or more than can be used
Tariff A tax on imported goods used to protect domestic producers and raise revenue ($$)
Recovery The second part of FDR's economic plan - impose restrictions on wages and prices to bring the economy under its control to end the Depression
Great Depression A devastating economic turndown that began with the Stock Market Crash of 1928
Created by: GingAC02
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