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Quiz 2/1

Who was John Adams? Vice President of George Washington and the 2nd president of the USA; was a Federlist
Who was Thomas Jefferson? First Secretary of State and was the 3rd president of the USA; was a Democratic-Republician
What was the French Revolution French people decided to over throw their government; towards the end, France and Britain broke out in war
What is impressment? Kidnapping of sailors and forcing them to join the other country's navy
What was the Quasi War? "Almost war" ;France attacked American shipping hoping for a treaty and a large payment
What were the Alien and Sedition acts? Aimed to keep French refugees from having power in the government
What were the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions? They said that the states can decided what is constitutional and what is not
Who won the election of 1800? Who lost? Thomas Jefferson won; John Adams lost
What was the Louisiana Purchase? The purchase of the whole Louisiana territory for $15 million from the French
Who were Lewis and Clark's Corps of Discovery? The army unit travelling with Lewis and Clark
Who was Zebulon Pike? What is named after him? Army general that explored south; Pikes Peak
What was the Embargo Act of 1807? Jefferson's attempt to stay out of the war between Britain and France by cancelling trade with both nations
What was the Non-Intercourse Act? Americans would continue to trade with other nations(other than Britain and France);whoever would stop impressing first america would continue trade with.
Who was Tecumseh? The Indian that decided to take a stand against the Americans and would not let Americans that their land
Who was William Henry Harrison? General that was supposed to protect white settlers in the Ohio Valley from Tecumseh
What was the War of 1812? Americans decided to declare war on Britain because of impressment, British forts in America, and Britain supplying indians with weapons.
What is important about the Battle of Baltimore? This was a really big war for America, America was able to hold off Britian from land and sea.
Who is Francis Scott Key? A neogatiator that was held on a British ship during the Battle of Baltimore; wrote a poem that was later turned into The Star Spangled Banner.
What is the Treaty of Ghent? A treaty that makes things go back to the way things were before the War of 1812; tie between nations
Who was Andrew Jackson? An amazing army general that went back and forth between many cities to protect America from Britain
What is the Battle of New Orleans? A battle that was led by Andrew Jackson; Britain lost miserably (over 12,000 casualities)
What is the Adams-Onis' Treaty? Spain recieved Texas to California
What was Marbury vs. Madison? Established the power of the Judicial branch
What was Gibbions vs. Ogden? Expanded federal power over interstate trade
What was McCullouch vs. Maryland? States cannot interfer with federal institutions
Created by: yankuwhi000
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