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prehistoric Before history was written down; no written records. Scientists learned about the people by what they left behind.
homosapiens People with the same skull structure and physical characteristics we have today; HUMANS
Stone Age A prehistoric time when the first humans made tools by chipping away at stone in order to shape it to do a specific job.
hunter-gatherers people who live off wild game, plants, fish, fruit, and seeds
agriculture working the land to grow plants on it
irrigation direct water to fields through a system of ditches
domestication the taming and raising of wild animals. This gave people a steady supply of meat and milk.
surplus of food far more food than they need
specialization of labor people became skilled at specific jobs that helped the entire community
class group of people make about the same amount of money and hold the same social position in society.
Fertile Crescent Area where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow into the Persian Gulf.
silt fine particles of soil from the lands they passed through
cuneiform wedge shaped writing that contained over 800 signs
culture the custom beliefs and a whole way of life of a group of people
belief a system of ideas by which people live ideas in which people have confidence and trust
rituals a form of ceremony associated with a religious cultural or political procedure
global village a term that compares the world to a small village wherefast modarn communication allows news to travel quickly
anthropologist a scientist who studies people and their cultures
arhaelogist a scientist who studies past civilications by examining ancient pottery buildings and remains
artifact a object from the past of historicalinterest such as ancient tools and pottery
fossil the remains of traces ofa plant or animalsfrom an earlier age
site aplace where scientists search for signs of past human civilization
Bible a book of ancient writings sacred to Christianity and Judaism
Covenant a solemn agreement
Nomad a person who moves from place to place in search of food and water
Monothaism the worship of one all poweful god
Diaspora the scattering of jews throughout the world since ancient times
Rabbi a religious scholar or leader in the jewish faith
Snyagogue a place for worship and study in the jewish faith
polytheistic worshipping many gods
Code of Hammurabi best preserved ancient code of laws
Created by: sandy65
Popular History sets




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