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SS-Mesopotamia 18-29

7th Grade S.S. Mesopotamia Unit Flashcards 18-29

Sargon He was the king of the Akkadians who created stelas or steles which are three dimensional relief sculptures. He used the strategy of tight formations for battles with spears that were thrust from behind the soldiers with shields.
He was the first king to demand that his son inherit the throne when he died, and he made his empire, named Agade, one of the richest and most powerful cities in the world.
Hammurabi He was the king of the Babylonians who united his empire with something called the Code of Hammurabi. It was a stela with 282 laws engraved on it. It was used to preserve order between the city-states.
He named the region Babylonia under his rule with the capital city being Babylon, and built roads along with the first postal service.
Nebuchadrezzar II He was the king of the Neo-Babylonian empire and created a strong defense system against the new siege weapons created by the Assyrians. He built an inner wall and an outer wall to defend the kingdom. Both of the walls were really thick.
They were so thick that two chariots could pass each other at the top of the wall which was the thinnest part! He created the Hanging Gardens which were one of the wonders of the Ancient World.
Abraham He leader of the Hebrew people around the time of 1780 B.C.E.. He led the Jews through the Fertile Crescent into Canaan which is located in between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
He led them to Egypt when a famine struck, and was enslaved by the Egyptians for more than 400 years.
Moses He was a leader of the Hebrew people. He was raised in Pharaoh's Palace although he was a Hebrew. He led them out of Egypt and eventually finally settled with them down in Canaan.
Fertile Crescent A region that's shaped like a crescent that stretches from the Persian Gulf past the Tigris and Euphrates River and into Egypt. Here, the Babylonians, Akkadians, Assyrians, along with the Neo-Babylonians ruled at different time periods.
The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are located here along with the land of Mesopotamia. Hammurabi, Nebuchadrezzar, and Sargon are some of the leaders that ruled here. The farmland
Mesopotamia A piece of land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, where the Ubaid people first settled. The land here where the Mesopotamian civilization lived had soil enriched by the rivers.
The Mesopotamian people came down to this place from the Zagros Mountains.
Sumer One of the earliest civilizations where the first written language, cuneiform, was invented. The people who lived here created time, weight, and length systems which were used for trade. They also made statues and jewelry used for trading and worshipping.
Babylon The capital city of Babylonia. Hammurabi named it Babylon and Nebuchadrezzar protected it with two walls, both very thick, and a moat.
Canaan The leader of the Hebrews in 1780 BCE brought them into this place, before a famine struck, and forced them to move out. Later on another leader named Moses, brought them back to this place once again.
Mount Sinai In this place, the Hebrews were given a set of 10 broad laws called Ten Commandments. These were given to the leader at that time named Moses, by God himself.
Jerusalem The modern-day capital of Israel
Created by: nkornchankul
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