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Chapter 6 US History

The Road To Revolution (all 4 sections)

King George lll A British Monarch, wanted to enforce the Promclamation and also keep peace with Britain's Native Americans allies.
Quartering Act This was a cost-saving measure that required the colonists to quarter,or house, British soldiers and provide them with supplies. General Thomas Gage, commander of these forces, put most of the troops in New York.
Revenue Keeping troops in the colonies would raise that debt even higher. Britain needed more revenue, or income, to meet its expenses. So it attempted to have the colonies pay part of the war debt. It also wanted them to contribute toward the costs of frontier d
Sugar Act This law placed a tax on sugar, molasses, and other products shipped to the colonies. It also called for strict enforcement of the act and harsh punishment of smugglers.
Stamp Act This law required all legal and commercial documents to carry an official stamp showing that a tax had been paid. All diplomas, contracts, and wills had to carry a stamp.
Patrick Henry a member of Virginia’s House of Burgesses, called for resistance to the tax.
Boycott A boycott is refusal to buy.
Sons Of Liberty Many Sons of Liberty were lawyers, merchants, and craftspeople—the colonists most affected by the Stamp Act. These groups staged protests against the act.
Crispus Attacks Crispus Attucks, a sailor of African American and Native American ancestry, was an early hero of America’s struggle for freedom.
Townshend Acts The first of the Townshend Acts suspended New York’s assembly until New Yorker's agreed to provide housing for the troops.
Samuel Adams a leader of the Boston Sons of Liberty. Adams urged colonists to continue to resist British controls.
Boston Massarce A fight broke out, and the soldiers began firing. Attucks and four laborers were killed. The Sons of Liberty called the shooting the Boston Massacre. They said that Attucks and the four others had given their lives for freedom.
John Adams , a lawyer and cousin of Samuel Adams, defended them in court. Adams was criticized for taking the case.
Committee of Correspondence These groups exchanged letters on colonial affairs. Before long, committees throughout Massachusetts were corresponding with one another and with committees in other colonies.
Boston Tea Party On the evening of December 16, 1773, a group of men disguised as Native Americans boarded three tea ships docked in Boston Harbor. One of the men, George Hewes, a Boston shoemaker, later recalled the events.
Militia The militia was a force of armed civilians pledged to defend their community.
Minuteman About one-third of the Lexington militia were Minutemen, trained to be “ready to act at a minute’s warning.” Everyone had heard the news—the British were coming!
Intolerable Acts In 1774, Parliament passed a series of laws to punish the Massachusetts colony and to serve as a warning to other colonies. The British called these laws the Coercive Acts, but they were so harsh that the colonists called them the Intolerable Acts.
First ContinentalCongress At this meeting, called the First Continental Congress, delegates voted to ban all trade with Britain until the Intolerable Acts were repealed. They also called on each colony to begin training troops. Georgia agreed to be a part of the actions.
Paul Revere a Boston silversmith, and a second messenger, William Dawes, were charged with spreading the news about British troop movements.
Lexington and Concord d were the first battles of the Revolutionary War. As Ralph Waldo Emerson later wrote, colonial troops had fired the “shot heard ’round the world.” Americans would now have to choose sides and back up their political opinions by force of arms.
Loyalists Those who supported the British were called Loyalists.
Patriots Those who sided with the rebels were Patriots.
Ethan Allen Ethan Allen led this band of backwoodsmen known as the Green Mountain Boys.
Second Continental Congress on May 10, the Second Continental Congress began meeting in Philadelphia. Delegates included John and Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Patrick Henry
Continental Army They agreed to form the Continental Army. Washington, who was from Virginia, was chosen as its commanding general. He had served as a colonial officer with the British during the French and Indian War.
Benedict Arnold He was an officer who had played a role in the victory at Fort Ticonderoga.
Declaration of Independence They did, however, appoint a committee to draft a Declaration of Independence. The committee included Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, and Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson The group chose Jefferson to compose the Declaration. Two reasons for selecting Jefferson were that he was an excellent writer and that he came from Virginia.
Created by: Emily9251
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