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Civil War Causes

Causes of the Civil War

civil war This is a war between two groups living within the same border.
sectionalism This is the devotion to the interest of one geographic region over the interests of the entire country.
popular sovereignty This is the idea that political authority belongs to the people.
Compromise of 1850 This was a proposed agreement that allowed California to enter the Union as a free state and divided the rest of the Mexican Cession into two territories where slavery would be decided by popular sovereignty.
Fugitive Slave Act This is a law that made it a crime to help runaway slaves; allowed for the arrest of escaped slaves in areas where slavery was illegal and required their return.
Uncle Tom's Cabin This was an anti-slavery novel written to show the northerners the violent reality of slavery . Drew many people to the abolitionists' cause.
Harriet Beecher Stowe This person was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Kansas Nebraska Act This law allowed voters in Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether of not to allow slavery.
Pottawatomie Massacre This was an incident in which John Brown and seven other men murdered pro-slavery people in Kansas.
Dred Scott v Sanford This Supreme Court case ruled that African Americans, free or not, were not citizens.
Abraham Lincoln This man was our sixteenth president. He was president during the Civil War.
Lincoln-Douglas Debates This was a series of debates between the Republican Abraham Lincoln and Democrat Stephen Douglas during the 1858 US Senate campaign in Illinois.
John Brown's Raid This was an incident in which abolitionist John Brown led a raid on a federal arsenal in Harper's Ferry Virginia.
American Civil War This war, also known as the War of Northern Aggression, was between the Union and the Confederate forces. 1861-1865
Jefferson Davis This man was the first and only president of the Confederate States of America.
Confederate States of America This was the country created when the South seceded from the Union.
Moderate This is someone who holds an average, or middle view. Not extreme.
Radical This is someone who is willing to go to extreme measures to accomplish political goals.
Transportation Revolution This is the rapid growth in the speed and convenience of transportaion.
Telegraph This is a machine perfected by Samuel E D Morse to send messages across long distances.
Textiles Cloth items
Steam Power Engines that are powered by steam that are mostly used in trains and boats
Mass Production The efficient production of large numbers of identical goods.
Cotton Boom A period in the South when cotton production spread
cotton gin This machine was invented by Eli Whitney in 1793 to remove seeds from short-staple cotton. It revolutionized the cotton industry.
cotton belt The region stretching from South Carolina to east Texas where most US Cotton was produced.
Created by: Sandberg
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