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Soc Family

AQA A Level Sociology - The Family: Other (Done so far = marx & funct)

List the 3 main alternative situations to the nuclear family. Gay and lesbian parents, lone parent families, and foster care homes.
Summarise the Nayar. Before the 19th century, among the Nayar of S-W India it was common for a woman to have sexual relations with up to 12 men. The brother would help his sister raise her children - no link between sexual relations and childbearing.
Summarise Communes. Develpoed in the West in the 1960s, they appealed to those who wanted to escape mainstream society. Children are seen as a group responsibility rather than of natural parents.
Summaries the Kibbutz. The Kibbutz is an Israeli form of Commune where children and their parents are kept apart as much as possible and the children are bought up by 'professional parents' while the paternal parents work.
What did Murdock say were the functions of the family? Sexual (expressing sex in a socially approved manner), reproduction, socialisation (teaching children cultural aspects), and economic (contributing to and consuming from the economy).
What did Parsons say were the functions of the family? Primary socialisation of children and stabilisation of adult personality.
List the 6 key reasons for the decline in extended family life. Need for geographical mobility, higher rate of social mobility, growth in wealth, income and the welfare state, growth in meritocracy, need to avoid status conflict in ext. families and need to strengthen marital bonds.
Summarise how a need for geographical mobility led to a decline in ext. family life. The division of labour led to the workforce becoming more mobile, meaning people left relatives to enhance their careers.
Summarise how a higher rate of social mobility led to a decline in ext. family life. People being able to move up and down social classes easily means it is much more likely that kin lose things in common.
Summarise how a need to avoid status conflict led to a decline in ext. family life. Families would not want to disrupt relationships by seeming to brag or boast about their wealth, or be intimidated by being surrounded by wealthy family members.
Summarise how a need to protect stability and marital bonds led to a decline in ext. family life. Cohabiting increases the stabilisation of the adult personality, which in turn leads to less dependence on the family and the community.
Summarise how a growth in wealth and the welfare state led to a decline in ext. family life. People became less reliant on financial aid.
Summarise how a growth in meritocracy led to a decline in ext. family life. Because you earn positions through knowledge rather than contacts nowadays, reliance on kin is much less prevalent
List the 4 key criticisms of the functionalist perspective on the family. Downplays conflicts, out of date, ignores exploitation of women and ignores the darker side of family life.
What do Marxists argue about the nuclear family? That it is concerned with social control and teaching members to conform to capitalist society.
Created by: lottieball17
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