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Red 7 Colonies Staib

Red 7 Colonies Staib Review 2021

Which colony was the first successful English colony? Jamestown
What year was Jamestown settled? 1607
Who were the Pilgrims? A religious group who wanted to leave England.
What religion did the Pilgrims begin? Separatist because they wanted to separate from the Church of England
What colony did the Pilgrims set up? Plymouth, Massachusetts
What section of the colonies was Plymouth, Massachusetts in? New England
What colony did the Puritans set up? Massachusetts Bay Colony, Boston, Massachusetts
What did the Puritans want to do? Purify or simplify the Church of England
What was the Church of England also known as? aka The Anglican Church
What would happen to you if you didn't want to belong to the Church of England? You would be persecuted.
What does the word persecute mean? to punish
Did the Puritans allow others to practice any religion? No, only Puritans were allowed in Massachusetts Bay Colony
Back to Jamestown: Why did many settlers die the first winter? Starvation, disease, and Indian attacks
How did Jamestown ultimately survive as a colony? settlers learned how to grow tobacco
What type of crop is tobacco considered? A cash crop
Name a primary source photograph, diary entry, letter
Name a secondary source textbook, encyclopedia
What type of government did Jamestown set up? A representative government
What was the name of the government in Jamestown? The House of Burgesses
What type of government did the colony of Plymouth set up? A representative government
What was the name of the government set up in Plymouth? The Mayflower Compact
What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact? To set up a way to make laws/ decisions for the "good of the colony"
Why did people leave England to settle in Jamestown? to make money $$$$$$, find gold
Where was Jamestown located? in a warm area with fertile soil in Virginia
Who were the first to arrive in Jamestown? all men
What is the name of the governing body in England? Parliament
What cash crop helped Jamestown become successful? tobacco
How were you treated in England if you did not belong to the official church or Church of England? You were persecuted.
What might happen to you if you did not belong to the Anglican Church in England in the 1600's? Persecuted, punished, thrown in jail
Who helped the Pilgrims survive by teaching them how to plant seeds and catch fish? Squanto
Who settled Plymouth colony? The Pilgrims
Who was on the Mayflower? Men, women, and children leaving England for religious freedom - the Pilgrims who separated from the Church of England
Why was tobacco such a money making crop? It was popular and in demand throughout Europe. It became a fad/ trend to smoke.
Why was tobacco such a fad in Europe? It was introduced during the Columbian Exchange and new to the"Old World. - Europe, Africa, Asia"
Which colony was originally a Dutch colony ruled by Peter Stuyvesant, the Dutch governor? New York
Which colony was founded by Roger Williams? Rhode Island
Why did Roger Williams start the colony of Rhode Island? He was not happy with the way the Puritans were running Massachusetts Bay Colony.
What did Roger Williams believe in? Freedom of religion and separation of church (religion) and government (state)
What did the Puritans believe about religion? One should be a Puritan in order to take part in governing (voting, making any decisions/ laws) the colony.
How did many white settlers gain Indian lands? moved onto Native American lands without permission or payment
Where did the Iroquois tribe live? present-day New York State
What did most settlers in New France do to make a living? trapped and traded fur animals/ furs
A New England colony Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
A Middle colony Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New Jersey
Where the Quakers come from? England
Why did the Quakers leave England? They were being persecuted for not following the King's religion, Anglican/ Church of England.
What did the Quakers believe that truly angered the authority in England? Quakers believed that all people were equal in God's sight = poor, nobles, Kings, Queens - all alike
Where did the Quakers settle? Pennsylvania
What section of colonies is Pennsylvania in? Middle Colonies
Who founded Pennsylvania? William Penn, believed in tolerance and all equal
Was Pennsylvania a religiously tolerant colony? Yes
Was Rhode Island a religiously tolerant colony? Yes
Was Connecticut a religiously tolerant colony? Yes
Was Massachusetts Bay Colony (Boston) a religiously tolerant colony? No
Why might you consider the Puritans hypocrites or hypocritical? The Puritans left England for religious freedom but did not offer it to others in their colony.
What is a hypocrite? One who says one thing and does the opposite. The Puritans had no tolerance for others.
Many came to the colonies and agreed to work without pay for a certain length of time to pay for their passage (trip on the ship). What were these people called? Indentured servants.
It took about 150 years for the British (English) to fully occupy what coast of North America with colonies? Atlantic coast or East coast
What was one major difference between the New England colonies and many of the other colonies? Most people settled in New England for religious reasons - most left England for the New England colonies for religious freedom
How did many in the southern colonies make money (what was the economy based on?) planting, farming, plantation farming
What is Parliament? English law making body/ government
What phrase did colonists use to express anger against unfair laws passed by Parliament? "No Taxation without Representation" can you explain what that meant in your own words?
What was the economic policy of Mercantilism? colonies exist to make the "mother country" wealthy
Who fought in the French and Indian War? French and Indian tribes against English and Indian tribes
Who won the French and Indian War? The English
What was a result of the French and Indian War? The French lost all land in North America after the war with the Treaty of Paris 1763.
What is a boycott? a refusal to buy or use goods/services
What group began to protest against the British government? The Sons of Liberty
Who led the Sons of Liberty? Samuel Adams
Who organized the "Boston Tea Party?" Samuel Adams
What was "Common Sense?" a pamphlet calling for separation from England
Who wrote Common Sense? Thomas Paine
What ideas are included in the Declaration of Independence? all men created equal break away from England complaints about King George III
Who was the King of England when the colonists rebelled? George III
Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson
Who helped Jefferson with some ideas for the Declaration of Independence and were known as Patriots? John Adams and Benjamin Franklin
Name one way the colonists protested against English laws. boycotts tarring and feathering tax collectors writing petitions
Name the British law that taxed lead, paper, paint, glass and tea the Townshend Acts
Name the law that closed Boston Harbor and made the Boston colonists pay for the damaged tea. - (the name the colonists gave it) The Intolerable Acts
First shots of Revolution were fired here. Lexington and Concord near Boston, Massachusetts
the turning point battle of the Revolutionary war Saratoga
The final/ last battle of the Revolution where the British surrendered Yorktown
Federalists those in favor of a strong national/ central government
Anti-Federalists those against a strong national/ central government
Who was the "president" of the Constitutional Convention? George Washington
What did the Great Compromise say? 2 Houses of Congress: Senate = 2 Senators from each state House of Representatives - # of representatives based on the population of the state
Three-Fifths Compromise was about? counting slaves in population counts of a state for representative purposes
System in the Constitution that makes sure that one branch is not more powerful than the other two. System of checks and balances
to add to the Constitution to amend
Bill of Rights first 10 Amendments to the Constitution
What is the first Amendment about? list the 5 freedoms speech, press, assembly, petition and religion
What does the 2nd Amendment say? right to bear arms/ weapons
What does the 3rd Amendment say? citizens do not have to quarter troops in homes
What are the first 10 Amendments about? protecting the rights of the people
Government gets is power from? the people
What does neutrality mean? do not take sides
What did Washington's Farewell Address warn? stay neutral, do not get involved in foreign wars
Was John Adams able to keep the country out of war? Yes
How did Jefferson double the size of the country? Louisiana Purchase
Who did Jefferson send to explore and map the new territory of Louisiana? Lewis and Clark
Who fought in the War of 1812? Us and England
What was a result of the War of 1812? US remained independent of England sense of Patriotism/ Nationalism spreads
What did the Monroe Doctrine say? European countries should stay out of the Americas.
Name one of Andrew Jackson's domestic policy issues Trail of Tears/ Indian Removal Act
Define Manifest Destiny The US was bound to expand from Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean and spread American culture.
Under which "forgotten" president did Manifest Destiny get completed/ realized? James K. Polk
What changes came about during the Industrial Revolution? change from handmade goods to machine made goods faster to make goods goods cost less and easier to get
Name the 3 Sectional leaders throughout the first half of the 1800's. Daniel Webster Henry Clay John C. Calhoun
What was the central women's rights movement issue? Women wanted the right to vote.
What is the right to vote called? suffrage
What was the goal of the abolitionist movement? to abolish or end slavery
Name two famous abolitionists. Harriet Tubman - Underground RR Harriet Beecher Stowe - Uncle Tom's Cabin author Sojourner Truth - speaker William Lloyd Garrison -"The Liberator" newspaper
What was the famous Proclamation given by Lincoln during the Civil War in 1863? The Emancipation Proclamation
What did the Emancipation Proclamation say? Now, the Civil War was about ending slavery in the USA
What issues led to the Civil War? states' rights vs federal governments power to make laws slavery tariffs
outcome of the Civil War? Union/ North won slavery is outlawed/ ended South left in ruins time to put the country back together - you will in 8th grade!
Created by: lstaib
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