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U.S. CH 13

World War II

1.Fascism A political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and no tolerance of opposition.
2.Collective Farm, especially in communist countries (Russia and China), formed from many small holdings collected into a single unit for joint operation under government supervision.
3.Internationalism A national policy of actively trading with foreign countries to foster peace and prosperity.
4.Exploit Make full use of and derive benefit from
5.Dominate Having a commanding influence on; exercise control over
6.Benito Mussolini Fascist dictator of Italy; sought to recreate a Roman empire; allied with Hitler in Roman-Berlin Axis; invaded Ethiopia; "Il Duce"
7.Vladmir Lenin Founder of the Russian Communist Party; led the November Revolution in 1917 which established a revolutionary soviet government based on a union of workers, peasants, and soldiers.
8.Joseph Stalin Russian dictator who first helped Hitler destroy Poland before becoming victim of Nazi aggression in 1941; transformed RUS into a military power in 15 years
9.Adolf Hitler Fascist leader of Germany; started WWII under the "big lie"- belief that GER was stabbed in the back by Jews in WWI
10.Manchuria A region of NE China, historically home of the Manchus; invaded by Japan in 1931; this invasion was the first sign the League of Nations (set up after WWI) was ineffective in solving international disbutes
11.Neutrality Act of 1935 Originally designed to avoid American involvement in World War II by preventing loans to those countries taking part in the conflict; they were later modified in 1939 to allow aid to Great Britain and other Allied nations. They were four laws passed in the late 1930s that were designed to keep the US out of international incidents
12.Axis Powers created in 1940 after the Tripartite Pact was signed in Berlin Germany: Adolf Hitler Italy: Benito Mussolini Japan:
13.Appeasement Accepting demands in order to avoid conflict.
14.Blitzkrieg war conducted with great speed and force; specifically a violent surprise offensive by massed air forces and mechanized ground forces in close coordination
15. Anschulss the occupation and annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany in 1938; mostly supported by Austrians at the time
16.Munich Conference Appeasement. 1938 conference at which European leaders attempted to appease Hitler by turning over the Sudetenland to him in exchange for promise that Germany would not expand Germany's territory any further.
17.Maginot Line France's wall of defense that only faced Germany and stopped at the Ardennes, thick forest on the border of France and Germany
18.Winston Churchill courageous prime minister who led GB's lonely resistance to Hitler; involved with the secret Atlantic Conference
19.Battle of Britain an aerial battle fought in World War II in 1940 between the German Luftwaffe (air force), which carried out extensive bombing in Britain, and the British Royal Air Force, which offered successful resistance.
20.Concentration Camp a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution
21.Extermination Camp death camps and killing centers were designed and built by Nazi Germany during World War II (1939–45) to systematically kill millions of Jews, Slavs, Communists, and others whom the Nazis considered "Untermenschen"
22.Nuremberg Laws anti-Jewish statutes enacted by Germany on September 15, 1935, marking a major step in clarifying racial policy and removing Jewish influences from Aryan society
23.Wannsee Conference January 20, 1942, 15 high-ranking Nazi Party and German government officials gathered at a villa in the Berlin suburb to discuss and coordinate the implementation of what they called the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question."
24.Hemispheric Defense Zone Roosevelt declared that the entire western half of the Atlantic was part of the Western Hemisphere and therefore neutral. He then ordered the U.S. Navy to patrol the western Atlantic and reveal the location of German submarines to the British
25.Strategic Materials any sort of raw material that is important to an individual's or organization's strategic plan and supply chain management.
26.Revise reconsider and alter
27.America First Committee A committee organized by isolationists before WWII, who wished to spare American lives. They wanted to protect America before we went to war in another country. Charles A. Lindbergh was its most effective speaker.
28.Lend-Lease Act Approve by Congress in March 1941; The act allowed America to sell, lend or lease arms or other supplies to nations considered "vital to the defense of the United States."
29.Atlantic Charter 1941-Pledge signed by US president FDR and British prime minister Winston Churchill not to acquire new territory as a result of WWII and to work for peace after the war
Created by: Mrs.LydiaKirk
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