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social studies chp1

Primary source pictures or descriptions of an event by someone who saw or lived through the event
Secondary source come from people who were not at the event that they write about
capital human made goods that people use to produce other goods and services including money
bill of rights the first 10 amendments to the constitution that lay out citizens basic rights
globe a round model of earth
citizenship belonging to a country, first traced to ancient greece or rome
specilization making those services or items that a country or person is good at rather then making everything
confederation government in which the states hold the most power
thematic map they show specific kinds of information such as themes or patterns
political map they show country and state boundaries
map key it shows what the symbols on a map stand for
labor a nations workforce
supply and demand determine the price in a free market economy
naturilization process in which people born in other countries can become citizens
oligarchy government in which power belongs to a small elite group of people
civic responsibility help those in need and increase the quality of life
landforms natural features on the earth
study of geography organized into themes of study
what motivates a business to set its price at the point where it will make the most money? Profit
explain the difference between a primary source and a secondary source. primary sources are from people/pictures who saw or lived through the event but secondary sources are from people who were not at the event they write about.
how do geographers define a place they use location, place, regions, movements, and human-environment interaction.
how are u.s. citizens protected by due process of law nobody can be deprived of life liberty and property without the due process of law, and all citizens get equal protection from law.
Created by: Max Green
Popular History sets




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