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Study Guide 1

What are Copperheads? Northern democrats who sympathized with the south during the Civil War
Order announced by President Abraham Lincoln in 8162 that freed the slaves in areas rebelling against the Union Emancipation Proclamation
What is Total War? Strategy of fighting in which an army destroys its opponent’s ability to fight by attacking civilian and economic, as well as military, targets
Union general Grant’s Civil War strategy of fighting until the South ran out of men, supplies, and will War of Attrition
What is Amnesty? An official pardon issued by the government
Laws passed in the southern states during Reconstruction that greatly limited the freedom of former slaves Black Codes
What are Carpetbaggers? Northern Republicans who moved to the South during Reconstruction
System used on the Southern farms after the Civil War in which farmers worked land owned by someone else in return for supplies and a small share of the crops Sharecroppers
What is thenCompromise of 1877? Agreement to settle the disputed presidential election of 1876
Laws that divided the former confederate states, except Tennessee Reconstruction acts.
What killed more soldiers in the civil war than battle? Diseases and infections killed more than twice the amount of people bullets did.
What is the Anaconda Plan? Was a naval blockade that was designed to slowly squeeze the life out of the South.
What were Northerners called who sympathized with the South called? They were called Copperheads.
What were the Jim Crow Laws? Laws designed to inforce segregation or separation of the races
What is the Crittenden Compromise? A plan that called for the old Missouri Compomise line to be drawn west through the remaining territories. North of the line slavery would be illegal, South of the line slavery could expand
What was the outcome of Plessy v Ferguson? The court ruled that “separate but equal” did not violate the fourteenth amendment. Upholding segregation.
Who were the South relying on to help in the Civil War? ( 2 Countries in Europe) Britain and France.
Who led the South in the Battle of Shiloh? Albert Johnston and P.G.T. Beauregard
What kind of ruler was George McClellon? (Reluctant or Brave) Reluctant
What year did Congress allow African Americans to fight in the War? 1862
What stated that any slave living in a rebelling state was free? Emancipation proclamation
What was the 54th Massachusetts infantry? The infantry many of the first african american soldiers were recruited to.
Where did the South surrender? Appomattox virginia
What is Reconstruction? Rebuilding the former confederate Tate’s and reuniting the nation
Who killed Abraham Lincoln? John Wilkes Booth
What did the 13th Amendment do? Ended Slavery.
Created by: Araianna herrick
Popular History sets




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