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Ancient Greece

Global Studies 9

Homer greek writer of epic poems
The Iliad one of 2 famous greek poems written by Homer
Polis a greek city-state
Acropolis upper fortified part of a greek city-state
Monarchy a government in which power is in the hands of a single person
Aristocracy a government in which power is in the hands of a hereditary ruling class of nobility
Oligarchy a government in which power is in the hands of a few people-especially one in which rule is based upon wealth
Phalanx a military formation of foot soldiers armed with spears and shields
Sparta greek city-state that built a military state
Helots slaves
Athens greek city-state known for advancing new ideas in education, the arts, and government
Democracy a government ruled by the people
Tyrants a cruel and unfair ruler that has complete power over a country
Legislature law making body
Polytheistic belief in many Gods
The Persian Wars wars between Greece and the Persian empire
Darius Persian king who unsuccessfully attempted to defeat the greeks
The Delian League alliance of 140 greek city states, Athens was the leader
Pericles leader of Athens during its Golden Age
Direct democracy a form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives
Stipend fixed salary to men who held public office
Jury panel of citizens with the authority to make judgement on a trial
Ostracism banish or send away a public figure
The Funeral Oration speech given by Pericles expressing democratic ideals
The Peloponnesian War war between Athens and Sparta
The Peloponnesian League alliance formed by Sparta and other enemies of Athens
Philosophers greek thinkers, "lovers of wisdom"
Sophists group of philosophers who questioned people's ideas about justice and other traditional values
Rhetoric the art of skillful speaking
Socrates greek philosopher, encouraged greeks to question themselves and their moral character
Plato greek philosopher and student of Socrates, wrote The Republic
The Republic work written by Plato in which he envisions a perfectly governed society
Aristotle greek philosopher who questioned the nature of the world
The Parthenon temple which is the most famous example of greek architecture
Macedonia rugged, mountainous frontier land just north of the Aegean Sea
Philip II king of Macedonia and father of Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great tutored by Aristotle, this lover of learning, and fearsome warrior built a massive empire
Cultural Diffusion the spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another.
Hellenistic Culture a blending of Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian cultures that would flourish for centuries
Herodotus Greek historian
Assimilation process by which a person or a group's language and/or culture come to resemble those of another group.
Hippocrates Greek physician known as father of medicine
Heliocentric Model idea that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun
Euclid Greek mathematician known for his contributions to geometry
Agora a public open space used for assemblies and markets.
Agoge training school for Spartan warriors
Created by: gmottola
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